Chapter 10

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I was cuddled up to Grayson I the car on the way to his place... well, our place I guess. Its so crazy. Its not that I'm not happy about it, I'm just so stressed out about everything. My favorite person in the world just died, I haven't talked to my best friend in a while, my grades.. Holy shit. Let's just put it like this, if you were reading my report card, you would sound like you were stuttering on the word f-f-f-fuck. But school doesn't really matter now. I'll just have to fix it next year. Everything was pretty shitty. Except Grayson. He was the only thing in this world that was making me happy. Holy shit am I thankful for him too.

We pulled up to.. well, let's just call it 'home' I guess, and walked through the big doors towards the elevator. After a bit of a struggle, we finally shoved the bear through the elevator doors.

We got to the apartment and settled in. I didn't have anything with me besides the bear, rose, and my phone. I just walked back to Grayson's room and plopped on the bed. I was weary from crying so much. Grayson asked me if I was hungry but I just shook my head. I stopped eating a while ago. I'm fat anyway. It won't hurt to skip a meal or two.

Grayson came in and laid beside me on his soft bed. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me close. He put his chin between my head and my shoulder. His touch was so warm. His skin was so soft. He smelled amazing. Oh my God. This was perfect. Just laying here made me so happy.

"What are you thinking about." Grayson whispered into my ear.

"How happy you make me." I said shifting around to look at him, smiling.

"Hey.." He trailed off looking upset.

"What?" I said confused.

"About earlier... What I said.."

"What are you talking about?" I said still confused.

"When I said.. I love you, I-.."

"Grayson." I interrupted him. "I love you too. So so much." I said before crashing my lips into his.

He rolled onto his back pulling me up on top of him. I remembered the day she died.. The day she met Grayson. What we were doing when she died. Mid kiss I pulled away and started to cry. I feel like such a fucking baby. I love Grayson. Its so embarrassing. Ugh. Stop feeling. It hurts.

"Babe!" Grayson said putting his palms to my face pulling the hair away. "Princess what do you need." He said moving to sit up.

"Shit." I said trying to wipe away the tears. "Everything about you is so perfect and here I am crying like a big baby. Ugh. I'm sorry. I should be appreciating you, and everything you're doing for me but here I am." I said throwing my hands up then dropping them in my lap. I looked down and started to fumble with my hands.

"Jemma. Don't you dare feel guilty about anything. I'm here for you. If you need to cry, then fucking cry your eyes out. I'm right here and I'll hold you and wipe away the tears. You're not in this alone. I love you, and I will do anything to make you happy. I never want you to be sad about anything ever. But I am right here, and oh my God Jem, I love you so much." He said pulling me into a hug. "I'm never leaving. Don't feel bad for crying. I understand. I'm here for you. I love you so much. Anything you need at all, I will do. Just, please.. Try to take in all the good memories of you mom. She loved you. She still loves you. It will be okay." He said then kissed my forehead.

"Grayson, you're so amazing." I fell into a slow passionate kiss. I love him so much. I don't deserve this boy. He is perfect.

We cuddled for the rest of the night and talked about random things. Then after a few hours, I noticed he drifted of due to the soft snore. Jesus Christ that was so cute. I kissed his soft lips before I drifted off into a nice, comfortable sleep.

I'm so thankful for him.

(This is short. Ugh. I didn't know what to do. I know its still kinda boring but don't worry. Good shit coming soon. 😏😉)

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