Chapter 20

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Grayson's P.O.V.

I didn't know she was a virgin. I feel like shit. I should've told her I wasn't. It just never came up. I waited for the right time to do it but that was just because that's how I am. If I would've know she was a virgin I would've waited so much longer. She probably regrets it and hates me so much now. Fuck.

I messed it up big time. She's too good for me. She always has been. Why do I do this? I don't know what to say. How do I fix this? I honestly am lost. I don't know what to do. I'm going to talk with Ethan maybe he can help.

Oh wait. You just beat the fuck out of him. Yeah.. He's probably not in a real chatty mood for me right now. Fuck.

Jemma's P.O.V.

I walk back to Grayson's room. We need to talk. I feel bad. It's not his fault. It happened. Its done. I can't change anything and you know what? I wouldn't change anything. I lost my virginity to someone I love. With all my heart. And he loves me too. I wouldn't change it at all. He needs to know that.

I walk on the room, he's laying on his bed with his hands behind his head (rhymes) staring at the ceiling. As I walk on he shoots up. His eyes are red and puffy as of he were crying. No. God Jemma, stop fucking things up. Go make it right.

"Gray!" I lightly run over to him and get super close as I wipe away a few tears. "Stop crying. Why are you crying. Stop." I say super upset.

"I'm.. I'm sorry Jem. I feel like a piece of shit. I should've told you. It was at a party, I was almost 15 and it just happened. I didn't know what I was doing. She was 17. I didn't know her name." He began sobbing. "It was terrible. I lost it and I can never get it back. I never told anyone about that. She wasn't a virgin. Obviously. Ugh. Fuck." He sniffed. "I'm so sorry. I'm a piece of shit."

"Grayson stop!" I shouted louder than I expected. He looked at me startled. "Grayson, don't you understand by now that I fucking love you?! So much. Its okay. I was upset at first but over nothing. I don't regret one second of it. It was amazing." I tilted his head up so his eyes met mine. "I love you." I said before crashing my lips into his. This is how we make up. I do not mind at all. It helps.

We pulled away. He smiled.

"So you don't hate me?" He asked smiling.

I giggled. "Oh Grayson, I hate you so fucking much." I said sarcastically before reconnecting our lips. I'm so glad this is over. He makes me happy. I am happy. This is good.

Ethan P.O.V.

I listened through the door. Is that wrong? Maybe. But I need to know what's going on. They've locked themselves in there all day.


I heard them talk about Grayson losing his virginity and her regretting or not regretting something they did.

Did they have sex!? Oh my god! She's 16! Why would he do that! She keeps saying she loves him, she loves him so much but he doesn't deserve her.

I tired to let Cami get my mind off of Jemma because, well, Cami is hot as fuck but not even she worked. I'm in love with Jem. Like, actually, truly, in love. And I can't have her because she's busy being played with by Grayson. This is the worst feeling ever. Fuck. I'm so mad and upset and jealous and fuck. God!

I text Cami and ask for her address. I'm going to go hang out with her. I can't stand watching Jemma and Grayson together. Maybe Cami will help. I don't know. Fuck, I'm pissed.

(Short. Shitty chap. But its okay. It will be a while before the POV switches again. It will be Jemma for a long time. But yeah. Drama right? Lmao)

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