Chapter 16

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I just couldn't help it. I kissed him.

I don't know what I was feeling or thinking. I was just doing.

He picked me up and set me on the counter as we continued to kiss. We were both heavily breathing through our nose, in a desperate attempt to catch our breath. I wrapped my arm around his bare back and pulled him towards me. He was warm, and soft, and toned.

He brought his hand up behind my head and held me close as well. I wrapped my legs around his back decreasing the space between us even more. We couldn't get any closer if we were Siamese twins.

He smelled amazing. I wasn't thinking clearly. It was just happening. It was wrong but, it didn't feel like it was..

"Ah khem.." Someone cleared their throat.

I quickly pull away and released Ethan completely, as I looked behind him, while he turned around to see who was there.

"Hey....guys..." Cami said, awkwardly.

I wiped my mouth and jumped down off the counter. Ethan ran his fingers through his hair before resting his hand on the back of his neck. Angling his head down but still looking up at Cami.

"Ummm........" I spoke. It was followed by an awkward silence.

I'm dating Grayson! What was I thinking. This is wrong. And Cami and Ethan were going to be a thing! Oh my god. What am I doing, I'm destroying everything.

Ethan was going to get over me! Look what I did. Fuck!

I hear footsteps coming down the hallway. Oh shit..

Grayson peeked past the corner and came into the kitchen. We all looked at each other, not really knowing what to do.

"Good morning babe." He said walking over to me, hugging me from the side and planting a kiss on my cheek.

Ethan looked mad, or confused or something and turned around and started cooking again.

Cami opened her grocery bags and started putting them in the fridge.

"I got your favorites.." She said showing me a giant jar of pickles.

"Oh, uh.. Thanks." I said with a small smile.


"Why's everyone so quiet?" Grayson asked chuckling. "Is there something on my face?"

I laughed. "No there's nothing on your face. There's just nothing to talk about."

He nodded. "Well," he clapped his hands, "what's for breakfast?" He said smiling.

Ethan turned his head to look at him and then looked back at what he was doing. Ignoring him.

"Um, bacon and eggs, and waffles I think... right?" I said asking Ethan.

He just shook his head up and down.

Well shit.


After the most uncomfortable, awkward breakfast ever we all went to do whatever. Cami sat down on the couch and turned on some Drake and Josh. Ethan went to his room. And me and Grayson went back to his room.

I don't know if Cami is mad. I know she would probably like Ethan. I'll talk to her about it later. I can't lose my best friend.

I definitely need to talk to Ethan. But I don't know what the fuck to say. I kissed him and I'm dating his brother and, ugh. I don't know. All I know is it can never happen again. And I need to tell Grayson. I have to.

We go back to his room at the end of the hall. He opens the door and smiles as he waves his arm, signaling for me to go in. I giggle and walk in. We sit down on his bed that he actually made. I sigh.

"Whats wrong babe?" He said furrowing his eyebrows frowning.

"I need to talk to you about uh, something that just.. happened.." I said. My heart was beating out of my chest.

I love Grayson so fucking much. I'm so worried about what's going to happen. I can't keep doing this shit to him. I'm fucking up his life.

"Ok. Go." He said playfully, and smiling. He sat closer to me. I had my legs crossed and he sat to my left, wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

I looked up into his beautiful eyes. I felt mine start to water. "I kissed him Gray."


After about 15 seconds he looked at me confused.

"Um.. Who?' He said and he sounded upset.

I tried as hard as I could to swallow the painful lump in my troat you get when youre trying not to cry. "Ethan." I breathed.

He assessed what I just said.

"Why?" Was all he said as he looked at me with a blank expression.

"I don't know." I said starting to cry. "I-I just did. I wasn't thinking. It was because when he kissed me the other day at the theater it felt... Good. And he was cooking and I burnt myself on accident and he was helping me and he had his arm around my back and I just did it." I said trying as hard as I could to not cry too much. I hate crying.

"Do you love him?" He said, his eyes looked watery. He had scooted away from me a small bit while I was telling him what happened.

"No! No. Not at all. I love you! So much, and it was just something so stupid and I regret it so much and I feel extremely guilty for doing it because I never want to hurt you ever. You mean everything to me and I love you so much. I shouldn't have done it and I'm so sorry." I said really quickly again.

I was trying to look him in the eyes but he wouldn't look at me. He shook his head and got off the bed and stood up.

I looked up at him. He looked at me.

"What kind of kiss was it?" He said. Still in the monotone voice with a blank expression.

"Like a, 30 second, make out session." I said, being completely honest but I felt so ashamed.

He squinted his eyes and then looked away. He walked into his bathroom and shut the door.

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