Chapter 30

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(Read 29 first^ *Recommended* Start song immediately.)

He quickly jerked the keys to the apartment out of his pants pocket and rushed to shove it into the lock handle. He violently twisted the handle and pushed open the door with eager force. His head whipped back in my direction. I had my hands in tight fists, straight down by my sides. My bottom lip, harshly clasped between my teeth. Watching him was making me more and more desperate. He quickly gripped my wrist and pulled me fiercely, into the apartment. He kicked the door shut with out looking back towards it. His eyes, focused on me.

I snuck out of his grasp on my wrist and slowly stepped backwards. I lifted my hand up and taunted him to come towards me by curling my index finger back and forth, with my other digits, clamped into a fist. He smirked darkly and tilted his head down but keeping eye contact. He looked incredibly sexy. I kicked my shoes off as I walked backwards and he did too as he stepped closer. We kicked off our shoes as I walked back and he walked forward.

He slowly stalked forward. The lustful smirk on his lips showed he was enjoying this. Just before he got to me I back into the couch. I was out of space and he knew it. He took one last stride towards me and was inches away. He bowed his head down in an attempt to kiss me. I sharply turned away and stepped out of his direction. I started quickly making my way towards the hall and towards our room. As I reached the door I could feel he was closing in. Just before I could open the door, his large hands squeezed my hip and violently turned me around to face him. He collided his lips with mine and pushed me back up against the door. He pinned me against it so hard and tightly I couldn't move. He gripped both of my hands in his left and lifted it and slammed it to the door above my head. His right hand crept up my side. Lightly skimming my shirt up my torso. He pulled back and disconnected everything to where he wasn't touching me at all. I opened my eyes, not even noticing my eyes were closed until I opened them, and looked at him, sexually frustrated and confused. All of a sudden he pushed the door open. In a flash he lifted my up, I wrapped my legs around his torso. He turned towards his bed before he lightly threw me on it. He turned back and shut and locked the door.

He wasted no time before tearing of his shirt, walking towards his dresser. He grabbed the same box as before on opened it. He carried it back towards the bed and pulled one out. He set the box in the table beside his bed. I quickly looked towards it out of curiosity.


Not surprised. I knew that wasn't normal.

I looked back at him to see a dark smirk. My cheeks flushed. He hovered low over me and brought his lips to my ear.

"Are you ready." He lowly whispered against my ear.

His seductively deep voice made me quiver. I gulped then nodded as I looked into his eyes. My body, paralyzed underneath him. He sat up, and stood off of the bed. He walked to the foot of the bed and grabbed my ankles. He jerked his arms back, pulling me completely to the bottom of the bed quickly. He shoved the condom in his pants pocket. He harshly unbuttoned my jeans and ripped them off my legs.

He stared at me mischievously. I was left in my red panties I had chose just to be prepared for this. I'm glad I did. He licked his lips and hummed.

"Damn, mommy." He mumbled.

I wanted to do something instead of letting him do all the work and be so dominant. I sat up and slowly peeled off my shirt. Leaving me in my matching red lace bra. I discarded my shirt and met my eyes back with his. They were wide and dark. He stared for a second before coming down to my ear and whispering against my neck.

"The things I'm going to do to you." He growled.

He attached his lips to my neck and held me in place with his right hand behind my head. His left hand slowly crept up underneath my bra and he lightly squeezed my breast. I tangled my right hand into his hair and used my left for support against the bed, holding me up. He nibbled at the skin on my neck, I moaned in response to the pain and pleasure. My grip in his hair tightened. He sucked harshly at the spot under my ear by my jaw and I couldn't take it anymore. I pulled his head back hard by his hair in an attempt to stop him. He loudly groaned as he screwed his eyes shut tighter and bit his lip.

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