Chapter 34

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(This chapter is like really freaking long. Sorry.)

We packed all of our bags and I'm so excited to meet the rest of his family. He's happy too because his sister is home right now and he really missed her. We're not going to tell them that were living together because they would ask why, and probably disapprove, and it would just be too much drama and we can avoid it.

This is really all of a sudden and unexpected but I love it. Its spontaneous and I love things like that. I'm nervous to meet them because there's always that fear that they won't like you but Gray makes me feel confident.

I walk into our room and see our bags sitting in the corner of the room by the door and Grayson laying down on the bed with his phone in his hands. I hand him the bowl of macaroni and cheese I just made for us. I made a little extra and left it in the pan on the stove for Ethan. A boys gotta eat right? And I should really stop being a bitch to everyone.

I slid down beside him and start to eat my macaroni. He turns and looks at me while I eat.

"What do you want?" I said after swallowing a mouthful.

He chuckled. "Its so funny to watch you eat." He laughed. "You stuck your tongue out when you're about to take a bite."

I furrowed my eyebrows then laughed. "I do not!" I slapped his shoulder.

I went to take another bite and paused when I realized I was sticking my tongue out. I dropped my fork to my bowl and looked over at him. He was holding his laugh into his cheeks until I gave him a glare and he bursted out laughing.

I out the bowl down on the bedside table and crossed my arms over my chest and pouted. He wiped the laughing tears away from his eyes and looked at me.

"Awe. You're s'cute." He said scrunching his nose up and pecking me on the lips.

"Shut up!" I said trying not to laugh.

He finished his bowl and leaned over me to set it on the table. Before he could roll off of me I pulled him down. All of his weight landed on me but I didn't mind. He just weighs like a million pounds because of his muscle but I'm used to his weight being pushed on top of me. *wink*

He grabbed my shoulders and rolled me over to his side of the bed where I was on top of him now.

I slowly leaned down and gave him a soft peck and quickly jumped off and laid beside him.

"Awwww." He complained.

"Come on, we have to get up early tomorrow. Go to sleep." I giggled.

He huffed. "Okay.." He joked.

He rolled towards me and wrapped his arm around me. I snuggled back into his chest and just took in the moment. He's so big and buff and warm and cozy. Its so comfortable. I don't even remember what it feels like to sleep alone. And I don't want to.


"Good morning!" Grayson shouted, waking me up.

He's never awake before me so this is weird. Oh yeah that's right. Were going to jersey today.

"Jesus fuck." I groaned. "What time is it?"

"4:55 a.m. on the dot!" He sounded quite perky. I guess he's excited.

"Okay, okay, give me a minute." I cooed.

He laughed and walked back out of the room, down the hall.

I got up and lazily walked to the bathroom.

I looked into the mirror at myself. "Its too early for this shit." I mumbled.

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