Chapter 28

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He quickly turned around and flung the fridge door open. He frantically looked for something.

"Grayson," I chuckled, "I'm fine, I'll eat I promise."

He looked at me concerned. "O-okay.."


Ethan stayed in his room for the rest of the night. I'm so tired of drama with him already. But I'm not going to let it bring me down.

We finished eating the pizza Grayson ordered. It wasn't large, but it was bigger than a 'two-person' pizza, but we still finished it. Grayson is a 16 year old guy, and me, well I'm starving. Not to mention I can also eat like a 16 year old guy on a normal day to day basis.

"Do you wanna get out of here? Just get away from the stress. Like yesterday?" Grayson said smiling.

"Yeah sure. Where do you wanna go?" I said excited.

"Let's do something fun." He said with a mischievous smile.


"Are we allowed to be here?" I said concerned.

"Um. No. I don't think so." He grinned.

"Then what are we doing here?" I said worried.

"Living! Let's go!" He grabbed my hand.

We climbed the chain link fence. I sat on the plastic tube on top while Grayson jumped down. I jumped down into his arms, wrapping around mg waist, catching me.

"Thanks." I breathed.

He laughed. "Hurry let's go."

We ran up behind the sign.

"Which letter?" He chuckled.

I looked up to the huge, lit letters, contrasted against the dark black skies.

"This is really cool. I don't even care if we get caught. This is amazing." I smiled.

I grabbed his hand. We climbed the "H" because it looked the cleanest and had the biggest seating place. We got up to it and sat on the cold metal. The stars were beautiful and the moon was full.

"How romantic!" Grayson said in a girly voice.

"Shut up." I slapped his shoulder. "You chose this place."

We dangled our legs off the edge of the sign and looked out. The breeze combined with the cold metal we were sitting on made me cold. I scooted closer to Grayson and leaned into his chest. He wrapped his arm sound me and rested his head on top of mine. He was so warm it was very cozy.

"We should do this at sunset sometime. It would be so beautiful." I breathed. I smiled and looked around.

"I promise we will." He kissed the top of my head.

I love this Grayson. I understand couples fight. And especially after what's happened recently, we're going to fight.. but its literally all worth it and more for a moment like this.

A strong breeze came and blew my hair all crazy and made me shiver. Grayson slid his arm under my legs and pulled me up to sit on his lap. He wrapped his arms around my waist and I laid my head on his shoulder.

"I love you." I paused. "I don't say it enough. I make mistakes but I never mean them. You know I love you. Or at least I hope you do. I couldn't ask for anyone better. You're so perfect it's crazy. I honestly love you with all of my heart. Thank you for choosing me when I don't deserve you." I smiled and rotated to where I was sitting across his lap and put my head up to his chest. I curled up in a little Jemma ball and just took in his warmth.

"I know you love me." He looked at me and smiled when we made eye contact. I shyly looked away. "And God, I hope you know I love you Jem. You're amazing and I can't take you for granted, ever." After a few seconds he continued. His voice was different now. More, upset...

"You don't like you?" He said sadly.

"No. Ethan is a jerk. Everything that's ever happened with him was a complete and utter mistake. I regret every millisecond of it and would never do it again. I don't ever want to hurt you. I don't want to do anything wrong. I just want to be with you and not fuck it up. I love you like crazy, you need to know that." I said swallowing the lump in my throat.

He has every reason to leave me. To say goodbye and never come back. But he's forgiving me when I don't deserve it.

After a couple more seconds of silence he spoke. "I understand that Jemma. I believe you. I know you're telling the truth. I'm sorry for bringing it up. I love you too." He said before pecking my lips.

It was a short, quick kiss but it made me smile so hard. I want another kiss, I thought.

I rotated on his lap to where I was sitting face to face with him. I looked in his eyes and he looked so handsome. So amazing in the night. His features just, brought to life by moonlight. Breath taking. His eyes shined as his gaze met mine. I lifted my hand and ran it threw his hair. He closed his eyes while I did that. I lifted his head with my hand and kissed him unexpectedly. He immediately kissed back. He wrapped his arms around me and leaned forward. I moved my body around against him.

"Don't move like that." He breathed into my lips.

His voice was so attractive at the moment I couldn't even think.

He kissed me again and I moved around again with out noticing.

He pulled away. "Stop." He pleaded whispering, out of breath. I brush my fingers threw his hair and tug softly. He leans his head back and bites his lip.

Oh my god. Vagina waterfall.

"Grayson." I said rushed.

He opened his eyes and looked at me. "Yeah?" He said quietly.

"We need to go." I said. "Now." I bit my lip.


"Anywhere let's go." I hurriedly started climbing down the ladder.

I'm craving him so much right now. Now that I know what its like, how am I going to stop? Grayson is amazing and I want him.

I'm not sure where we're going to go. Don't really want to go home where Ethan is but, fuck Ethan. He can deal with it if he has to.

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