Chapter 3

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(Sorry my updates aren't very consistent but school is out in 2 weeks and they'll be much more fluent.)

I told my mom I would stay with Cami all weekend. I would.. but after spending the day with Grayson. She didn't need to know that.

We had planned to meet up later that week. I was excited to see him again. I felt lucky that he was even giving me attention. Why was I special? Even with his friends he wasn't rude, he was just pleasant to be around in every way possible.

I walked to his apartment building, which I had learned that he and his brother live alone there. I was intimidated by the fact that they were alone. No one to control them, protect them, or give them guidance. They were free to do whatever they wanted, that thought lingered in my mind for days.

As I walked up to the large front door, I suddenly became nervous. As I lifted my hand to ring the buzzer, something stopped me. I needed another minute to be ready. I stood at the top of the steps, completely frozen. I adjusted my shirt, fixed my hair, and took a deep breath. Just as my hand rose again I heard a deep yell.

“You coming in?” Grayson said leaning over a balcony half way up the building, with a laugh.

I knew it was him, although I couldn't quite see him.

“Be right up.” I replied.

I enjoyed the elevator ride up to his floor. I was easily amused by the transportation and the lit buttons. I pushed his floor number, and then every number above it. I step off to see an open door at the end of the stretched hall. For some reason I was still pretty nervous. Just something about him gave me butterflies in my stomach. I slowly walked in and peeked my head around the corners.

“Hello?” I called out.

Suddenly, a large body encased mine from behind. I turned my head not quite sure what to expect but I was surprised it was Ethan, giggling.

“Sup, Ruby? Or was it Emerald?” He teased. “Just kidding Jem, it's not like Gray hasn't been talking about you, NON STOP,” he spoke exaggeratedly for Grayson to hear his slight annoyance, “but I'm glad you're here. Maybe he'll shut up.”

I set my overnight bag down in the couch and turned my head to look for Grayson but I still didn't know where he was.

“Hold on girl… He'll be right out.” Ethan made fun of me by poking at my ribs and giggling.

I quietly laughed at Ethan's playfulness. But it did make me slightly uncomfortable that Ethan was shirtless. It's not that it was a bad sight, but the fact that it was just, out there made me feel self conscious. After a few seconds that felt like an eternity Grayson appeared with a toothbrush hanging out of the right corner of his mouth.

He was wearing a tight, black, v-neck that had made me gulp. You could see the lines of his muscles through the fabric stretched across his torso. His arm, seeming to almost rip through the short sleeves. He was wearing a dangling earring, that I had failed to notice before, that was in the shape of a wing. It accented his sculpted jaw line. A pair of black and white converse completed his dark outfit. I found it cute that we were coincidentally matching.

“Ready to go?” He said with a wide smile.

“What? Go where?”

He laughed, “Ok, let's go.”


He quickly pulled his shirt over his head which had my eyes widening to take in his body. It was hard for me to comprehend how someone at 16 could look like that.

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