Chapter 11

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Ethan's P.O.V.

Jemma's mom died a few days ago and I felt really bad for her. Grayson didn't know what to do so I went to the mall and bought a giant white teddy bear. I also stopped on the way home and got a rose. I came home and gave it to Grayson while he was leaving. He said Jem was upset so he was going to talk to her. No shit she's upset you fucking idiot. Anyway, I gave him the bear and flower and told him to give it to her, it would make her feel better. He said thanks and hugged me and left.

I really like Jem to be honest. She is so beautiful. I know she likes Grayson and I shouldn't mess with that. But I feel like Gray isn't giving her what she deserves.

They came home and she had the bear with her. I hope she likes it. They went back to his room and shut the door. Shit. I should just let her know how I feel before she gets closer and closer to Gray. Maybe. I don't want to ruin anything. I just want her to be happy. But I want her to be happy with me. Ugh. This is so stressful.

Grayson's P.O.V.

I love Jemma so much. I feel so bad for everything that's happened to her. Its terrible, and she doesn't deserve it. I want to make her happy again. I want to take her on a date with me and the guys so we can just have a good time. Maybe we can go to the movies. I don't know. I just want to make her happy. I'm tired but I'm going to get up and make her breakfast. She deserves it.

Well fuck, Ethan's cooking breakfast. What the hell? He never cooks breakfast. He's making bacon,eggs, toast, blueberry waffles. This is not normal.

Ethan's P.O.V.

I was making a big breakfast and I heard Grayson walking down the hallway.

"Hey bro!" I said smiling.

"What the fuck are you making breakfast for?" He said chuckling, pointing at all the food I was making.

"I don't know man, I'm just in a good mood and I was bored." Lie.

I wanted to make Jemma a good breakfast. I just want to make her smile. Oh my god, that beautiful smile.
Jemma's P.O.V.

I wake up and Grayson is gone. I roll out of bed and smell.. Bacon! I walked into the bathroom and cleaned up my ratchet ass face. Dried mascara was settled on the bags under my eyes. I grabbed a hand towel and got it moist and wiped off the excess make up. I used Grayson's comb and tried to tame my hair before I washed the rest of my face and walked out. I was in the same outfit I wore yesterday. I fell asleep in it so. And I didn't have any clothes with me so I went to Grayson's closet and grabbed some stuff. He wouldn't mind. I threw on my favorite thing to wear of his, the white T-shirt, and some gray joggers.

I finally make my way to the kitchen where the amazing smells are triggering my senses.

Holy shit Grayson. He made bacon, eggs, toast, waffles, and there's orange juice too. This is the best. The table was already set so there wasn't much for me to do.

I snuck up behind Grayson and covered his eyes. He giggled then turned around and grabbed e by my waist and picked me up. I screeched in playfulness. He set me down and we laughed.

"Where's Eth?" I asked.

Grayson's P.O.V.

I don't know why but when Jem said "Eth" it got to me. Like, she calls him by a nickname now? That's for us. I felt my face get hot.

"He went to the bathroom." I said with an angry tone.

"Woah, what's wrong Grayson?" She said putting her hands on my arms.

Now she's calling me by my first name. What the hell. What about Gray.

"Nothing." I said with a straight face, looking away and walking towards the table.

I just tried to shake it off, its not that big of a deal. I'm just jealous I guess. Ethan always gets the girl I like. And I don't want Jemma to be his. If he liked her, he would automatically get her. He is so much better than me and everyone knows it.

Jemma P.O.V.

I'm not sure what just happened but I guess I'll just forget about it.

Ethan walked out of the bathroom, over towards the sink to grab a paper towel to dry his hands. He looked at me and smiled. Ethan is a really good friend. I like him, he's my buddy.

He came and sat down next to me and Grayson was across from me. I looked up and Grayson.

"Hey thank you by the way." I said smiling, referring to breakfast.

He looked puzzled for a second and then said, "Oh yeah. No problem."

Ethan P.O.V.

What the fuck! He just took credit for what I've been working on for 2 hours for her. He's a liar and he doesn't deserve someone as perfect at Jemma. I just looked down at my plate and started eating. On the inside I'm pissed. But I don't want to say anything. Ill just act normal. Its no big deal.

We ate breakfast and then I took everyone's plates and put them in to sink. I cleaned up the table while Grayson and Jemma went back to his room. God. I'm so jealous. I want her to be mine, not his. She probably would be if she knew the truth about Grayson and all of his fucking secrets.

(A lot of POVs lol. Its about to get good, I hope. I guess, idk. Haha)

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