Chapter 49

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I wake up to ice cold water on my face.

This bitch..

"ETHAN!" I yelled.

I just hear a roar of laughter from two boys.

"Oh, you mother fuckers. I'm going to cut your dicks off." I spat.

Don't wake me up.

"Woah. Calm down crazy." Ethan laughed.

I wiped my face off on the blanket and got out of the bed.

"Its like living with 2 annoying ass brothers. I swear." I scoffed but smiled because it was funny.

"Note to self: Don't wake Jem up." Ethan laughed.

"Yeah. Make that an important note." I giggled walking into the bathroom.

Gray just chuckled and walked out of the room. Ethan followed me into the bathroom.

I stood in front of the mirror, looking at my drenched appearance. I sighed and grabbed a towel to dry my self.

"Sorry if you're mad babe, we were just playing." Ethan said cautiously.

"Its fine. Can you tell me where we're going today though?" I smiled winningly, trying to get him to tell.

"Well I might as well. We're going to Disney World." He smiled widely.

"What the fuck? Are you kidding?!" I squealed.

"Nope." He smiled. "And we got all the VIP shit so we can go to the lines first and do any and every thing." He shrugged pretending it wasn't a big deal.

I bit my lip to contain a scream. "Oh my God. I can't believe this. I've never been there. This is crazy. Thank you so much!" I wrapped him in a wet hug.

"Jem!" He yelled realizing I was getting him soaked.

"Oh sorry." I laughed letting go.

"Well, now I have to go change my shirt." He laughed. "Get ready and we'll leave as soon as possible."

I squealed and giggled with excitement.

I'm spoiled I swear.


I got dressed in the black skirt I wore mini golfing, it was very Disney World looking. I also put on a white, tight crop top with spaghetti straps. And of course, my black converse.

I took the time to straighten my hair and do my makeup. I wore blush and mascara, as usual and a headband with a white rose on it. I looked cute as shit. I'm proud.

I giggled at my conceited thoughts and walked out of the bathroom, grabbing my phone.

My skirt has a small zip up pocket that I can fit my, new, phone in and zip shut so I can ride rides and not worry about it falling out.

I walk down the hall towards the kitchen. Ethan was sitting in a normal outfit, wearing black pants and a white shirt. We match oh my. And Grayson in blue jeans and a black shirt.

I step into the kitchen to see both of their attentions, snap to me. Grayson has a small smile that he hides by looking away as Ethan's jaw drops.

"Hey gorgeous." He smiled.

"Shut up. Let's go." I giggle.

We each grab a cold bottle of water from the fridge before we make our way out.


"What do you want to do first?" Grayson asked as we walked in.

Grayson was standing to my right and Ethan on my left.

"I don't know. I've never been here. You guys choose."


We rode about 10 rides and two of them, we rode multiple times in a row.

"I need a break!" I said out of breath.

They chuckled. "Alright. Let's shop or something." Ethan suggested.

"Yes. I have money." I laughed.

We walked towards a gift shop and I saw an iPhone case that was a lot of roses, with Micky Mouse's head in the middle. Of course, it's Disney World. But it was really cute so I bought it. It was $25 dollars. I have $500 with me. And, I have a lot of money, from my mother passing, that I haven't had a reason to spend anywhere, besides small amounts so today I decided to spend a little. I have over $800,000 in a bank. Which is plenty to have to get me set up in life before I get my own job. I still don't know what I want to do. Maybe I could work at Disney. I also bought a cute set of earrings that has 9 pairs and they all would match what i was wearing today, for $15, and a blue teddy bear that was really adorable, for $29.99. I named him Max.

Ethan got a phone case too, but it was black and said "Disney World" in big red letters across it.

Grayson also bought a set of earrings, but he swears it was for the two pairs that looked guyish. We teased him for it but eventually stopped. He just rolled his eyes and laughed.

We were done shopping and I was getting hungry. It was about 10am and we didn't eat breakfast before we came, which was probably a bad idea because everything here is expensive.

"Let's get some Starbucks first, bitches." I laughed because I sound so weird when I cuss sometimes.

"I'll get it." Ethan said as we stopped at a table that was outside of the Starbucks place. "Gray, the normal?"

Grayson nodded.

"What about you Jem?" Ethan asked.

"Hot chocolate, without the cherry." I smiled.

"With out the cherry?" He asked confused.

"I also drink my pop with out ice. Anything else you want to know? Now go!" I laughed.

He smiled and giggled at my response.

He walked into the crowded Starbucks place and I realized this was going to take a while.

I starting playing with the charms on my bracelet, admiring each one and the memory that came with it.

"This was a very thoughtful gift Grayson. Thank you." I smiled.

He blushed. "Did you uh.. Did you like the ring too?" He said not making eye contact.

I froze remembering what the ring said. I looked down at my thumb and starting spinning the ring around the base.

"Yeah. I love it." I mumbled.

He smiled.

"You know, I'm still in love with you, right?" He said quietly.

I looked over at him, eyes wide, not being able to find words.

"U-uh- I.. Um." I stuttered.

"I know that you don't love me like that, and you and Ethan are happy. But I'll wait." He paused. "I'll always be waiting for you. You're the love of my life. I can't just get used to you not being mine. I want you to be happy. If Ethan makes you happy then that's great. I want you both to be happy. Even if that means you're happy together. But I'll respect my boundaries and won't do anything. I just need you to know that I still love you. No matter what."

I started into his eyes, realizing he meant every word. I started to tear up. How could I do this? What have I done?

"Grayson. I-"

"One hot chocolate, no cherry, and a a pumpkin spice latte, for the white girl I have for a brother." Ethan laughed.

He handed us our drinks and took a sip of his own. I looked down at my drink and started to drink.

What the fuck? Come on life. Give me a break. Mom, help me.

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