Chapter 25

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He walked through the door. He looked tired, and frustrated. He didn't notice me at first as he set his phone and the apartment keys down on the kitchen counter and let out a heavy sigh. He looked up and his gaze met mine. I'm sure it was obvious I was crying. His eyes widened as he ran over to me.

"Jem. What's wrong?" He sounded rushed and concerned.

I sniffed. "Ethan. I don't think I should talk to you anymore." I cried.

He looked hurt. He squinted and furrowed his eyebrows and looked down.

"Jem. Just tell me what happened." He urged.

He was knelt down in front of me and then he pivoted and sat to the right of me. Grayson's door was to my left, down the hall. I sighed and wiped away my tears.

"Look. I messed up. I did something I shouldn't have done and you got hurt. I hurt both of you. I keep hurting people! I'm just a tornado of a person. I mess up everything in my path. I don't know what to do anymore." I'm still quietly sobbing.

He wrapped his arm around my shoulder to comfort me but I shrugged him off. He seemed confused and hurt again.

"What are you talking about?" He said quietly.

I sighed. "Okay look. Grayson and I got up and went to my house to get my stuff and bring it here. When we got finished putting it all away about 20 minutes ago he mentioned something about you. He said he didn't know where you were and I said something about how I texted you. I guess when I said that it triggered something. He was upset about the kiss... And he.." I trailed off crying.

He rubbed his hand on my back in a circular motion. This claimed me enough to continue.

"He was angry and he said everything he felt. And he was right... I don't deserve him." I kept crying. "I'm a cheater and I feel terrible about it. I love him but I don't know what to do."

I looked into his eyes to find an answer. That's when I notice how beat up he still looks. I feel so bad. I feel extreme guilt flush over me and I start to cry so much more.

"Ethan." I say sobbing. "I'm so sorry." I hug him.

Just then a door opens.

Grayson walks out and looks at us. He stops for a second and then keeps walking.

"When you're done I want to talk to you." He sounded calm. He sounded like Grayson again. He's probably going to be mad, he come out and I'm hugging Ethan. Ugh. "Actually we all need to talk." He said looking at Ethan.

Ethan stood up and outstretched his hand. I took it and stood. I wiped my face and tried to stop crying. It was a success for the most part.

We all walked down the hall to the living room and sat. Grayson sat next to me and Ethan on the chair.

"Can I go first?" Ethan said.

We nodded.

"Jem. I'm sorry."

I looked at him confused.

"What?" Me and Gray said in unison.

"Well, it my fault. If I wasn't in the picture you and Grayson would be happy right now." He said looking at his feet. His fingers intertwined with each other, resting his elbows on his knees. "You guys shouldn't fight because of me. Grayson, she's yours." He paused. "Don't take her for granted bro. She's awesome." He smiled.

"Well..." Grayson spoke after a few seconds of comfortable silence. "I think that's all that really needed to be said with us." He smiled. They stood and bro hugged. I was happy. They're okay now. But what about Grayson and me... Is he still mad at me? Did he mean what he said?

"We good?" Ethan asked raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah man." Grayson replied smiling and nodding.

"Alright well uh.. I'm gonna go take a nap. I didn't get much sleep last night." Ethan said walking towards his room.

Grayson nodded then turned and looked at me. I feel a little confused. Worried. About what he's thinking, and going to say.

He walked over to me and sat down beside me. He instantly pulled me into a hug.

"I'm so sorry Jem." He said and it sounded like he was going to cry.

"What? Grayson.." I pushed him away and looked into his eyes and wiped his tears. Worried and concerned.

"See.." He smiled. "I yelled at you and said horrible things and the first thing you do is wipe my tears and make me smile." He say still crying but smiling. "I'm so sorry." He said pulling me back into a hug. I didn't resist and hugged him back tightly.

"I didn't mean one word of what I said. I was just hurt and jealous. And then.. I heard you and Ethan talking in the hallway. You really do love me." He pulled away to look at me. He looked into my eyes. My eyes were watering because I was happy.

"I do love you Grayson. So much." I sniffed. God, I've cried more since I met him than I did when I was a newborn baby.

"I know. And I love you."

He kissed me. I guess we've made up again. This is nice. I think all the drama is finally gone. Everything is at peace now. Everyone is happy. I know I am.

Ethan's P.O.V.

I wonder what bleach tastes like.

(Warning. The next chapter gets interesting.) 

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