Chapter 39

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"Let's go do something. I'm bored." I sigh.

"Okay, what do you wanna do?" Ethan asks turning off the TV.

"We should do a beach day with friends or something. I miss people." I say looking off into the distance thinking about all of my old friends, Ethan and Grayson's friends.

I just miss being around other people. Not that Ethan is boring I just wanna see them.

"Well, don't get mad, but I think we should invite Grayson..." He said looking worried.

"Yeah, we should. It will never stop being awkward in the house or be okay again until we get back to normal. The reason it's awkward is because were letting it. Invite him. Tell him to bring whoever he wants." I smile.

"Wow.." He smiles shaking his head lightly and looking at his lap. "You know, you're amazing." He looked up at me.

"Shut up." I say playfully. "I just wanna have fun before school starts back up!" I groan.

"Ew, yeah. You have "real" school." He says in a 'gross' voice. "Wait! Oh my God Jem! What am I going to do while you're at school all day?" He said panicked.

I laughed. "Eth, calm down okay. It won't be the end of the world. Consider it a blessing." I roll my eyes.

"First, I love when you call me nicknames.. Like Eth, babe... or baby, or something cute.. I like it." He shyly smiled. "And second, you're the blessing. It will be the end of the world."

"Okay sugar pie blossom berry butt." I scrunched up my nose and Eskimo kissed him.

"What the fuck." He busted out laughing.

"You said call you something cute- And isn't that just adorable." I said in a baby voice, pinching his cheek.

"You're so fucking cute." He said deeply before connecting our lips and moving up to where he was over me, pushing me back down on the couch.

I laid down flat and he hovered over me. His right hand was rested on my cheek and his left was brushing my hair away from my forehead. I held both of my hands on his cheeks. It was such a random moment of love it made me smile into the kiss.

"Ach-hem." We broke apart to see Grayson standing there staring at us.

"Oh, hey." Ethan said moving off of me and sitting back up normally.

I sat up and fixed my shirt.

"Um.. I was uh, just gonna tell you guys that I'm leaving to a go on a d- um.." He couched clearing his throat. He looked nervous. "I'm going out for a couple hours and if I don't come home then I might be dead." He lightly chuckled.

"What why?" Ethan said confused.

"Because I don't really know her tha-, I mean, nothing never mind." He nervously laughed.

He turned towards the kitchen and started walking out.

"Wait!" Ethan stopped him, getting off the couch and approaching him. "Uh, we were wondering if we could just have a fun day together.. Like uh just us," he said motioning to Grayson, himself, then me, "and friends." He paused. "But you can invite who ever you want! We just wanna have fun." He smiled hoping he would say yes.

Grayson didn't say anything for a second then smirked. "Yeah okay, what are we doing?"

"Uh. Beach." Ethan said confused to Grayson's reaction.


Me and Ethan were laying on a large towel spread out on the sand with the cliff at our back, in the shade provided by the cliff. Alex was here and he said he had a girl on her way. We haven't heard from Grayson since he left to get something before we came.

Ethan's phone rung and buzzed.

"Shit." He grumbled rolling over and grabbing it.

He swiped the answer button.

"Hello?" ... "Oh, okay cool see ya soon." ... "Alright, bye."

"Grayson?" I said lifting an eyebrow.

"Yeah, he's almost here."


A red Volkswagen Beetle rolls up down the beach at the side of the cliff. A tall, tan, dark haired girl gets out in a loose, long, and thin, swimsuit cover shirt, that is pink and see through. Underneath she's wearing an all black, simple but sexy bathing suit. She has a pair of big sunglasses pushing her hair out if her face as the breeze blows, and she's drinking a Arrowhead water.

As she gets closer I recognize her from somewhere but I don't know where. Alex jumps up and brushes the sand off of his shorts and runs over towards her and grabs her in a hug then spins them around.

"I missed you!" He said happily.

"I missed you too Alex!" She said just as excited.

I fucking know that voice from somewhere.

They walked over to us and we stood up to greet her.

"Hi, I'm Ethan, Alex's secret lover." He said loudly, holding out his hand for her to shake. We all laughed and Ethan winked jokingly to Alex.

"I'm Jemma.... I'm sorry but I know you from somewhere don't I?" I said trying to not sound awkward. I also shook her hand.

Alex and Ethan raised eyebrows at me but I focused on the girl.

"Um. Yeah, I don't know where from but you look familiar to me too." She paused thinking. "Well I'm Hailley." She laughed.

"Hailley!" That's it. "You were the nice flight attendant, oh my gosh, small world!" I exclaimed.

"Yes! I recognized you two." She said pointing at me and Ethan. "You guys were the cutest couple I've ever seen, awe."

I cringed. This is hard to explain.

Ethan looked at me and gave me a cringe smile.

"Uh.. Well that's complicated, that wasn't him, that was uh.. His brother. Grayson. He should be here soon." I said scratching my wrists.

"Oh I'm so sorry! See, I didn't know you were his twin, I'm sorry I couldn't tell a difference." She nervously laughed.

"Ifs fine. I'm used to it." Ethan said forcing a smile.

Well shit. Awkward.

It stayed uncomfortably silent for a few seconds until a loud obnoxious honk snapped our attention away.

A car I've never seen before pilled up with loud music banging.

Oh its an Uber.

Grayson steps out of the side furthest from us. He gives us a cheesy smile and waves. He then walks around the front of the car and instead of walking straight, towards us, he turns and makes his way back towards the car. He stops at the back door and opens it.

I'm confused. I didn't know he was bringing someone. Who is it!?

I couldn't see through Grayson for a few seconds while the girl got out. Her long almost black hair blew in the breeze. It seemed she dropped something and Grayson bent down to pick it up.

I couldn't believe my eyes. That fucking bitch.

(I worte this before i saw the cringe video today and i said cringe in it. Im ethan o guys, next couple chaps some shittt is about to go the fuck down. Get ready.)

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