Chapter 41

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Okay. Breath Sidney. Wooooo. Okay, story time..


Ethan's P.O.V.

I was just as uncomfortable as Jem once the party started getting crowded. I was ready to go. I regret coming. Nate was being a total dick and trying to make moves on Jemma right in front of me as if I didn't even exist. It pissed me off.

The music was loud and there were way too many people here. I leaned towards Jemma's ear so she could hear me.

"I'm going to get my stuff and we'll go." I shuffled into her ear. I pulled back and she just nodded.

"Stay here." I said but I'm pretty sure she didn't hear me by how she didn't respond at all.

I pushed through the dense amount of people towards the kitchen. I grabbed my phone off of the table in the back corner that was charging under a jacket, so no one would steal it. I turned it off to save battery and put it in my pocket.

I turned around to a random girl begging me to play spin the bottle. I tried to say no and just walk away but she was insisting and wouldn't let me leave.

"I said no!" I shouted a bit louder than expected.

But, hey, it worked. She looked a little scared but then nodded and walked away.

As I walk past the bathroom k realize I kind of have to go to the bathroom.

I knock on the door and there's no answer so I walk in. I pee, then wash my hands. I look at myself and fit hairs that are out of place. My blue streak looks good.

I walk out to see people looking at me angrily.

"What?!" I say kind of aggravated.

"You took forever!" A girl says with her legs crossed.

"Whatever." I brush it off and walk away.

I go back to where I was with Jem before I went to get my phone. I looked around and couldn't see her anywhere. I kind of got worried that she was here alone, not knowing anyone. Hell, I didn't know anyone. Wait. Where's Nate?

I clenched my jaw and started looking for her. I pushed through all the people, not caring if I was being rude. I see an empty hallway, that leads upstairs. Maybe she went upstairs.

I walk towards the hallways and the music was instantly quieter. The hall was kinda dark and it made me walk slower. I walked towards the stairs and saw two people. One on top of the other looking like they were about to get it on right then and there on the stairs so I started to walk away.

I stopped and turned my head back when I heard soft cries.

Someone's in trouble.

I ran back and grab the guy by the back of his white shirt and lift him off of the girl. I throw him to the ground and turn to see if the girl is okay.

There was blood dripping on the stairs and she was still crying. I friend around to see the guy slowly getting up. I quickly turned back to look at the girl and I stepped closer.

Her shirt was stretched up above her chest, revealing her bra. He shorts were unzipped and pulled slightly opened. She wasn't moving and had stopped crying.

I turned back around to the guy and was in shock.

"Nate?!" I yelled.

"Fuck you Ethan. You're such a girl hog." He said lunging towards me.

I punched him as hard as o could with my right, directly to his cheek. He flew to the side and smacked against the wall and immediately slid down, I'm assuming knocked out. I looked st him for a few seconds to make sure he wouldn't move and then once I was sure he wouldn't I turned back the the girl.

I stepped closer and immediately pulled down her shirt to cover her.

This shirt was dark blue... Her shorts were black with rips... She was wearing black converse. No it can't be.

I lifted her head gently and slowly off of the stair. Oh my god.

Sadness, anger, fear, hate, love, all washed through me.

I turned back to the unconscious Nate, not believing he would do something like this.

I ran and jumped on top of his limp body as tears spilled out of my eyes. I grabbed the neck of his shirt and pulled him up to me. I repeatedly smashed my fist into his face until my hand hurt too much to continue.

I finally stop and catch my breath. He was awake but not moving. Just groaning lightly.

I ran back to Jem, now sobbing to myself. I wiped my blurry visioned eyes. I pulled my phone out if my pocket and turned it on.

While I was impatiently waiting for it to turn on I panicked. I pulled her shirts on correctly and zipped and buttoned them. I pulled the hem of shirt over her shorts and pushed the hair out of her face. Tears were still settled on her cheeks.

I can't believe this happened.

My phone turned on and I quickly dialed 911 and told them the address and to bring an ambulance. Once I got off the phone with 911 I called Grayson and quickly rushed him as much information as I could. It was hard to understand what I was saying because I was breathing heavily and crying but he said he was on his way.

The cops and ambulance got here and I explained what happens.

"Sir, did you do this to him?" He said pointing to Nate, who had a neck brace on and they were pushing him into the ambulance, unconscious.

"Um yeah.." I said anxiously.

"Did he hurt you at all?" He said in a stern voice.

"No. Sir, he was raping my girlfriend!" I screamed not giving a shit.

"Sir, calm down. You do realize, this man is in critical condition now, and I understand that, " he leaned closer and whispered, "I would've done the same thing and that was right," he leaned back and spoke up, "but you're probably going to face attempted murder charges and I'm going to have to take you into custody for further investigation."

"What the fuck! Are you kidding me?!" I shouted.

"Sir, calm down." He cleared his throat and took out his cuffs. "Please out your hands behind your back."

I did as told even though I was pissed like no other.

"You have the right to remain silent, anything you say, can, and will be used against you in the court of law. You have the right to an internee. If you can not afford an one, one will be provided for you. Do you understand these rights as they have been read to you?" He said in a monotone voice, clamping the cuffs around my wrists and walking me towards the cruiser.

"Yes sir." I mumbled as he set my in the back seat.

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