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*Fani's POV*

Oh My God! It's already late. Eric would kill me. Oh God please safe me.

That's not important. I can't stop thinking about that Niall guy. At school he was vicious, angry & mad but, just now at the lake, he was weak, sad & he looks so vulnerable. He looks so defenseless. It's like he needs a girl to love her just like his girlfriend loved him. I can't believe I asked him about his girlfriend whereas I already knew that his girlfriend is dead. How stupid am I? Now I know his weakness. It's not like I'm gonna hurt him or anything but, this type of guy always has a weakness. ALWAYS.

What the hell am I thinking?! What's wrong with my mind? I only been here for like only a day & I already start thinking about him? C'mon Fani wake up wake up!

Anyway, I was walking towards my front door & open the door slowy so that the squeaky sound my door always made will never Eric to hear. I walk towards the stairs slowly & up I go.

"Ehem. Where have you been little kid?" Damn it Eric!

"What? I was just from the petrol station." I explain.

"At 1:30 in the morning?" Eric crosses his arms.

"It was raining cats & dogs so I have to find shelter. I'm riding a red mini vespa not a car. duuuh" I said.

"Okay." Eric said.

"That's it?" I asked.

"What?" Eric asked confusly.

"You're not gonna punish me or ground me or anything?" I asked. I know I'm not suppose to asked that kind of question but seriously, that's it?

"Owh. C'mon it's not a big deal. I understand your situation. Besides, I've been there before." Eric said with a snooby face.

"And that is why you're the coolest bro on earth." I said clicking my fingers.

"I know little sister. I know." & with that, he vanishes in the kitchen.

I was in my room, feeling tired & sleepy & worst, I have to wake up at 7 a.m. in the morning. DANG IT!

I was getting ready for sleeping. Changed my clothes, brush my teeth, washed my face & done. I've dozed off & hope for tomorrow is gonna be better.


I arrived at school. Still waiting for something to happen. Maybe. So, I walked towards the school building, & I now i'm walking in a hall full of weird, bimbo, gothic teenagers as always. Nothing's different here. Just same old same old.

I walk towards my unpainted & boring locker. I'm to lazy too decorate my locker. Maybe next time.

I was putting books & some things in my locker where I saw Niall walking towards me. Well...not towards me but towards his locker. Well...that is awkward.

Oh My God Oh My God. His walking this way. What am I gonna do? Oh My God my hair looks terrible today & my face is not that flawless today.

What the hell? Why am I feeling nervous. It's not like his anyone important or anything. Come on Fani. Girl up! & relax, chill. Be cool. Wait...no. Don't be cool. Just be casual. Be yourself. Wait...No. Myself is to awkward. Ugh.

I was pretending that I'm busy putting something in my locker until Niall opened his locker. I'm still act like i'm busy while I was peaking a little to look at Niall. His face is so sour. Not even a smirk. I never seen him smile before.

Well...Yeah of course. I only been to school here for like only two days. Duuuh.

"Well hello to you too blondy." I said crossing my arms to my chest.

He looked at me with that snobby eyes of him & walked away from me. Oh. My. God. I feel very offended. What the hell? After all I've done for him yesterday & he treating me this way like nothing happened yesterday. Is this how he thanked me?

"What? That's it blondy? Is this how you treat me after what happen yesterday?" I said loudly.

Niall stopped & turned his body to look at me.

"Firstly, my name is NOT Blondy!" He said getting closer & closer towards me.

"Secondly, I don't remember a thing about yesterday & I won't remember it & if I do, I just pretend that your not that important to & in fact, you aren't! Stop talking to me & I don't want to see your face again even if we're in the same class. GOT IT?!" Niall explained.

Oh God. I don't know what my feelings right now. Should I feel scared or should I feel offended by his explaination? I'm confuse. Why is he like this? Yesterday he was so vulnerable & now, today, he looks so mad, angry & dangerous.

Maybe this is all my fault. I shouldn't have asked him about his girlfriend last night whereas I already knew that his girlfriend died. How stupid am I? I don't have any inttention. I just wanna be his friend. I wanna know why he is like this? Why he so inlove with her?

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