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*Fani's POV*

I was at home, feeling excited for tonight. Oh shit! Not this again. I don't want to fall inlove with Niall. No. Not today & not ever. I want to be love but not with Niall. But, my heart just can't say no & I thought my brain said yes I can but, no. My brain also said that I'm inlove with Niall. Oh Gosh! If Jake knows about this he will......

Wait. Why am I afraid of what Jake feels? His just my friend. He can't control me. No, I'm not friendzoning him. This is the truth. Jake is just my friend & that's all. Anyway, I just don't understand why myself won't admit that I'm inlove with Niall while my heart & brain can? I don't understand myself.

Eric is working. So, his not home yet. He'll be home on midnight. I'm glad. Cause if Niall met Eric, Eric would asked one million one questions. Eric just that protective & I love him for that. Hmmm...Let's see, Niall would arrive at about 1 hour more & I'll go make myself pretty.

I stopped half of my walk up the stairs when I realised something. Did I just said that I'll go make myself pretty? Why? Because of Niall? What!? No! What is wrong with me!? Stop it Fani or you'll go crazy!

Ugh. I'll just wear simple. A t-shirt & a jean shorts. Not that short. Just above knee short. Me & Niall will study in the kitchen or in my bedroom. Depends on him. His the guest. I have to treat him right.

Okay. All set. Now just one more thing missing....Niall.

Suddenly I heard someone knocking in the door. Oh Gosh! It's Niall! Oh No! I'm not ready for this. What if he judge me on what I'm wearing? What if he thinks that I'm over-dressed? What if he thinks I'm a mess? Oh No!

The knock getting louder & louder & interupting my thoughts about Niall. God, please help me.

I twist the door knob & took a deep breath. Okay...I'm ready for this. The door opens.

"Hey.....Ni-Eric!" Oh My God! Why is Eric so early? Why is he here? And thank God I didn't call him Niall or else I would be dead.

"Eer...hey? Why are so surprise to see me?" Eric asked squinting & forrowing his eyes.

"C-cause I thought that you home late. That's why. Yeah." I almost stutter.

"Well...I was home early is because I want to see my favorite sister. I don't want her to be left alone here in this big house. You must be so alone." Eric said. What does he think I am? A 7 year old?

"Haha...Funny. Actually...err...I-I have friends coming over. I mean...a friend." I told Eric.

"Oh really? That's okay. Only if it's a guy! That's not okay!" uh Oh! Damn you Eric.

"Ugh...what? But his my first friend at school. Besides, I already invited him over." I said, not afraid of Eric's impression.

"Fine. I let you this time. But, if he gets here, I'll investigate him like CSI investigate their criminals." Eric oh Eric, no wonder he doesn't have girlfriends.

"You're exageratting." I said to him, then climb up the stairs waiting in my bed, looking out the window for Niall.

I sigh when I was looking out the window. What if he doesn't show up? How can I show up to him tomorrow? Am I gonna get mad at him if he stood me up? My hope is high. I really hope he comes.

I sigh again. I jumped up on my bed & lay my back on my comfy pillow. I looked at my watch. Half an hour have past. Where is Niall? What if it's true? What if he changed his mind & he will never come here? How embarassing! How am I gonna react about this tomorrow to Niall? Am I gonna be angry at him? Ugh. I don't know.

I put my hand on my forhead, staring at my white ceiling & sigh. I can't stop sighing. I can't stop thinking about today. I looked at my watch again, it's already midnight. Who am I kidding? He won't come & he never will! I'm fooling myself. I covered my face with both my hands & screamed. I just.....Eeeggh!!!

Maybe sleeping & dreaming make me forget about this. Yeah, that's a good idea Fani. Let's go to sleep.

I lay my head on my pillow. I'm trying to sleep, but my mind just won't stop talking. Maybe tomorrow will be better. Tomorrow, I'll go straight to Niall & be mad at him & go furious. Yeah. Just ask him, why would he gives me hopes about him? He made me feel this way. Just go stompping your feet towards him & just go furious! Go Fani!

My mind is done talking to itself & my sight turns into from light to darkness until I realised that I'm already in deep sleep waiting for my dream. Tomorrow will be okay.

I hope.

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