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*Niall's POV*

I was having some very intimate moment with Fani that I never ever expected to happen when all of a sudden, Fani told me to stop.

"Niall,stop!" Fani pushed my body from her pale body. "There's somebody knocking on the door." Fani said to me.

"Just ignore it." I said to Fani, getting back to wear my lips meets her body.

"Niall? Are you home? Open the door!" I was shocked & almost panicking when I heard that voice.

It was......mother.

My lips were unconnected from Fani's soft neck when I heard mother's voice outside the door. I looked at Fani, her face was at the time relax cause she doesn't know who's behind the door, except me.

If mother saw Fani, it's either she will literally faint, cry or she will never let me see Fani again.

"Wait here." I said to Fani & she just nods.

I walk out of the kitchen & walked towards the the door. Mother still knocking on the door, calling my name multiple times, asking if I'm home or not.

I turned the doorknob around & saw mother was standing infront of me.

"Niall! Where were you? I called you & you didn't even pick up your phone." Mother said trying to be angry but her soft tone made her not so angry.

"Sorry, mother....I was...emmm...I was cleaning the house remember? I was busy." I tried not to stutter.

Mother walked into the house. I tried to stop her but how can I? This is her house. Why should I not let her in her own house?

"You home early today." I scratched the back of my head. "To early."

"Well, me as a mother, has this guilty feeling inside me. I don't have the heart to let my baby clean this big house alone. So, I wanna help. And now I can see that the house is squeaky clean here, I can rest." Mother said, hanging her bag on the hook.

"I have my girl to help me remember?" I closed my mouth shut with both of my hands. Oh shit! Stupid stupid Niall! You have to say that would you?

"Ooooh, I almost forgot. Where is your girl you've been telling me about? I wanna meet her." Mother clapped her hands excitedly.

"Emmm...well...she...." I stuttered & I followed mother to the kitchen.

Oh No! Mother not the kitchen!

When we both were in the kitchen, I was relieved cause Fani wasn't in here. Where could she be? Where could she hide?

Mother turned her head from left to right. Trying to search for my Fani.

"Where is she?" Mother asked still holding the groceries.

When the time I was trying to reply what mother asked, a voice cut me off.

"I'm here." It was Fani.

I turned my body & stood literally infront of Fani. I don't want mother to be shocked because of Fani sharing the same face as Tessa. I don't want mother to faint or worst! Getting a heart attack!

"Fani...." I whispered to Fani.

"No, I got this." Fani whispered back to me. Okay, yes, she is ready. But Fani doesn't understand the whole situation that I'm having in the first place I saw her.

I don't mind she's meeting mother. What I care about is that mother will confuse Fani as Tessa. I don't want Fani to know about this situation yet. No. I'm not ready. Fani's not ready yet.

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