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*Fani's POV*

Day one has occurred since Niall has been in a coma. In day one, I didn't eat much, I have troubled sleeping, I didn't even listen to what the teachers said in class and Eric started to suspect something. Even just for a day, I felt worst than I thought I would be. Every second, every minute I was thinking about Niall. I was just to worried about him till' I got a headache. I don't know what am I gonna do. All I can do is just hope for the best and hope that Niall will wake up soon from his temporary coma. If it is temporary....


Day two and I can't get into the hospital because of Mrs...I mean Maura won't let me see Niall. I was just worried about him why can't she just let me see him? I can proof to her that I'm not the kind of girl that she thinks I am. I may not be Tessa but I can be the girl that Maura likes and that Niall loves. I can be that girl. Maura just won't give me a chance to proof it.

In those two days I have to sneek in to the hospital and avoid meeting Maura in some places. The first day I went in to Niall's room, Maura kicked me out. I didn't even got the chance to hold Niall's hand. All I can do is just beg to her so that I can see Niall. But she won't let me. No matter what I do, she just won't let me. She said that I would make things worst if I see Niall in this condition. Then will I? When he wake up? I didn't even know when will Niall wakes up!

In just one way, and that is I need to sneek in to Niall's room and avoid meeting Maura. So, I sat in those blue chairs and waited for Maura to go out from Niall's room. It was a long time to wait but for Niall, I would wait forever.

When finally, I saw Niall's door been swung opened and I saw Maura walking out from the room. So, I took a newspaper and pretend I was reading until I saw Maura's figure dissappeared from the crowded hallway.

I stood myself up and walk slowly towards Niall's room. I looked behind my shoulder multiple times just to make sure that Maura won't appear here again. I swung opened the door until I finally heard the annoying and anxious beeping noise. It's the same everytime I get in here. It shows no change about Niall's condition. I just want it to stop! But...I can't.

I sat down on the chair besides Niall's bed and took his hand and layed my cheeks on top of his hand. I kissed it multiple times and tears started to stream down my face.

"Niall...wake up. I'm miserable without you. If you love me...do something. Opened your eyes and smile at me." I said almost a whisper. "It's been two days you haven't wake up. And I can't live without you by my side. Wake up babe...please...for me."


*Niall's POV*

Since the day I've been shot, I don't remember what happened next. All I can remember was seeing Fani looking down at me, running with a worried expression on her face saying everything's gonna be okay repeatedly. I knew everything will be okay but at the same time I worried. What's gonna happen next? Am I gonna die or am I gonna survive?

I can hear everything. Literally. But same as last year. Two months coma, I can hear everything but I just can't opened my eyes. I heard Fani talked to mother but she just ignored her. I tried to defend Fani but I'm useless. And then they went out. So I was left alone in this hospital room, listening to the beeping sound for the third time now. I really hate hospitals! First of all, it has bad food. All of the foods here taste like medicine. And second of all, it reminded me of Tessa and our big accident. Ugh! I promised myself not to remember that again but I just can't! If Fani knows about this, she would be heartbroken.


I don't how long have I been here and it seems like I always hears mother's voice but not Fani. I only heard her voice once and that time, she was begging to mother so that she would stay here with me. But being the protective and evil mother she is, mother kicked her out. No matter what Fani said, mother won't let her stay with me. I tried to move once and the beeping sound beeps faster but there was no use either cause mother called the nurse and the nurse gave me an injection so I slept. I don't know what happen next. I just want this to stop and stupid me just won't wake up!

"Niall...wake up. I'm miserable without you. If you love me...do something. Opened your eyes and smile at me." Suddenly I heard a familiar voice. "It's been two days you haven't wake up. And I can't live without you by my side. Wake up babe...please...for me." It's Fani! Oh God! How I miss you so much babe! I can't believe you're here with me! I just wanted to kiss-.....

She can't hear me isn't she? There's no use if your brain speaks but your mouth doesn't move.

Wait a minute...does she said it's been two days I haven't woke up? How deep is my wound? Why am I so weak?! Why can't I just get up and take Fani in my arms and never let go of her again? Why is it so hard for me?

"Niall...." Fani suddenly called my name, and I can feel something stroking my cheeks softly. It's her hand. Oh how soft and smooth is her skin touching my skin.

Yeah babe?

"Am I a bad influence in your life?" Fani suddenly asked me that question.

No. No you're not. You are the best thing that ever happen in my life! You make me happy!

"Maura said that I am. And that I was the one who got you in here." Fani said, slumberly.

Mother said that to you? It's not your fault baby! Don't blame this to yourself. It was me. If I haven't struggled with that greasy,.creepy man I wouldn't be in here.

"She was right....I'm sorry." I can hear her sniffing.

No. Don't cry.

Fuck I wish I can touch her and just hug her without letting her go! Why can't I just wake up?! Wake up Niall! Wake up!

"Niall?" Fani called me again. "Niall stop!" Fani insist me. "Nurse! Nurse help! Somebody!"

I can't stop myself. I'm shaking vigorously. I can't help myself. I just need to wake up. Come on Niall! You can do it!

"Niall? Honey?! What happen?!" Suddenly I heard mother's voice came in.

I can feel the nurses and doctors were injecting something into me and saying something very very fast that I can't understand a word they were saying.

"What did you do?!" Mother asked Fani harshly.

"I-I didn't do anything. I just-" Fani stutter.

"Don't say a word. I'm tired of you keep disturbing my son!"

Stop saying like that to her mother! Stop! JUST STOP!

I heard the beeping sound beeps faster and my body was shaking non stop. I just don't understand why I still can't open my eyes?!

Suddenly, the beeping sound stops beeping and all I can here is the beeping sound is not a beep anymore...but a long beep with just one constant sound.

Then, everything just fades...........

{Sorry if this is a boring chapter. It gets better. I promise you! Keep reading and voting please! I'll spell check this tomorrow cause I'm sleepy and my eyes are getting heavy! Sorry! But at least you understands right?} 

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