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*Fani's POV*

Today was a very wonderful Friday. First, because it was Friday. Second, yesterday, I let out every burden inside me & told Niall everything how I felt when I'm with him & thank God he didn't ran away or got mad at me. I was scared that he would just leave me there at the lake. But instead, he comforted me. And last but not least, third, yesterday for the first time ever in my life, me & Niall finally kissed. What I mean was a real kiss. Not just a slight kiss or a peck but a real passionate kiss!

Yesterday was a wonderful day even if it just for a sec. Yesterday we both kissed in a really well....steamy way. I was literally out of my breath. But, I don't wanna miss my moment. I don't care if I'm out of my breath or not, as long as I didn't ruined the moment. And apparently, I didn't. After what happened, I can't even sleep last night. Our perfect kiss just can't get out of my head. It will never will.

As usual, I was putting things inside my locker. I was to focused on my locker till' I didn't even realised that someone closed both of my eyes with both of his hands.

"Hey!" I said, laughing, holding the large hands.

"Guess who's this is? If you guess it wrong you will get the consequences." It's Niall! I know it is.

"Niall! I know it's yo-" I stopped & surprised when I knew who it is. And embarassed of course.

It's not Niall. It was......Jake.

I can see Jake's face turned into a frown when I guessed the wrong person. If Niall saw me with Jake, Niall would definitely kill him or he will get furious at me. I'm scared that what if he gets into a fight again & get suspended or worst, expelled. No. I don't want neither of that to happen. And the worst thing of all is that it's all my fault if Niall got expelled & I will be hated by everyone else. Maybe even Niall.

I stopped my weird thoughts & went back to reality.

"Jake...I-I gotta go." I said to Jake, looking down on the floor, slinging my bag on my shoulder & walked away from him.

"Niall made you promised didn't he?" Jake asked me loudly.

I looked back at him & said, "Yes. And I never break my promise. I'm sorry Jake. I don't want Niall & you to get hurt. And worst, it's all cause of me. I don't want bad things to happen to you." I said clearly to Jake so that he will understand what I'm trying to tell him. "I'm sorry." I continued & back away. I don't ever want to look back. I don't want to feel guilty. I'll do what Niall told me to do. And I'm doing it now. For the sake of my love towards Niall, I will do anything for him. Call me blind or stupid but I don't care what people said to me. I know that both of me & Niall's Love is real & genuine. And yes. Literally, I would do anything for him.



It was already 12 in the afternoon. Today was a great day actually. Well...minus what happened to me & Jake just now of course. I was walking with Jenny outside the school when I saw Niall leaned his masculine back to the big tree, his hand was holding his phone & his face was so focused on the screen.

Niall then look up to search for me. Of course I knew he was searching for me. Who else would he search for other than me?


I was shocked & surprised when I saw a big plaster, stuck on his pale cheeks. I can see the wound behind it. It looked really big like it was been slid by a knife.

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