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*Fani's POV*

I couldn't stop crying because of Niall! What happened to him? Why does he do that? What makes him like that? I'm all sloppy and tired and stressed about all this! Maura just won't stop blaming me for this. This is not the right time to blame someone else, this is the time that we pray and hope for the best for Niall! I just want her to shut up but I'm not in the mood to fight. If I talk back at her, it would make things worst. I don't want her to hate me even more. I just want her to accept me as Fani who her son is inlove with. Just that one thing. Is that so hard to accept? What makes her not accepting me? Maybe I am a bad influence in Niall's life. Look what I made him. I was the one who got him in to this situation.

"Do you even listening?" Suddenly Maura interupted my thoughts with her harsh question.

"Huh? Um...Can you repeat that?" I asked politely to her.

When the time she was about to speak, the doctor came out of the room where the nurses put Niall into a new room. I emidiately walked towards the doctor without even care about Maura.

"How was Niall doctor?" I asked the question that was suppose Maura should asked.

"It was truly a miracle thing." The doctor smiled. "The wound on his stomach was severely deep and he lost alot of blood. But for some reason, he was strong and fight this battle to stay alive." The doctor nods.

"Wh-what about just now? Why does he shaked like that?" Maura suddenly spoke.

"That, is another miracle thing. He forced his brain to woke up and that made the brain gave signals to the cells in his whole body to give him some kind of a electric shock and that explains the shake that he made. You have a truly strong son ma'am." The doctor put a hand on Maura's shoulder. Maura just smiled and I can see tears of happiness streaming down her almost wrinkled cheeks.

"C-can we see him?" I wanted to cry too. But...no.

The doctor just nods. "But, he's in some deep rest. So maybe, he will get delusional alittle bit caused of the buse we gave him. But don't worry, his in good condition now. He can get out of here in just couple of days." The doctor explained, then walked away.

Maura was walking right past me like I was her competition. I didn't catch up on her, I walk like usual, now I know that everything is okay, why should I rush into things? I want to see Niall so badly and I need to stay calm. I can't be greedy in every things I did.

So, me and Maura was in the new room and I was watching Niall sleeping peacefully with the transparent oxygen mask still attached on his face. He looks so beautiful even when he sleeps. I didn't walk towards Niall, I let Maura see her son first. It's all about respect. She quickly sat besides Niall and held his hand tightly. I just stood here infront of the door, watching her as she started to stroke her son's hand with her thumb.

I realise now. Niall wasn't in a coma anymore. He was sleeping. I knew that my boy can do it. Niall was strong in everything. He was my hero. I should thank him for saving me from getting into more trouble with that greasy man.

"Niall..." Maura sniffed. "I'm so happy and grateful that you are okay. I knew you could do it! You will never leave me. My son is a very strong man now." Maura stroke Niall's blonde hair.

Suddenly, Maura flinched and I saw that Niall was opening his eyes slowly. He closed his eyes shut back when be look at the bright white light then opened it again slowly and carefully this time. I can see how tired Niall is. How much buse has the doctor gave him. Niall's hair got all fluffy. I smiled when I notice that.

"Mother?" Niall stroke his mother's cheek with the back of his hand. His voice sounds so raspy and deep.

Maura nods and cried even more. "I'm here sweetheart. I'm here." Maura repeated her words.

"Wh-where's Fani?" My eyes widen when he mentioned my name.

I was going to ran towards him but Maura cut me off. "Oh honey, you don't need Fani. I'm here with you." Maura said to Niall. I was broken when she said that.

I was going to get out of there but Niall's words stopped me from doing it. "No mother! I need her now!" Niall said harshly. Eventhough, his voice sounds so raspy and weak.

"I'm-I'm here." I held up my hand like a seven year old as if Niall could see me doing it.

Maura stood up from her sit and didn't even looked at me. She just wiped her wet nose with her napkin and went outside of the room.

I sat besides the weak and delusional Niall and looked at him with my teary eyes. "Hey." I said shortly.

Niall's smile got wide and held up his hand, telling me that I should hold it. So I did. "How are you?" His voice came out like a whisper.

"Aren't I suppose to ask you that?" I asked Niall teasingly.

Niall let out a small, weak laugh. I can see bits of water vapour in his oxygen mask. "I was worried about you." Niall furrowed his eyebrows.

"Don't be. I was the one who suppose to be worried. Thank God you're okay!" I said.

"Well, guess what?" Niall said weakly.

"What?" I lift both of my eyebrows.

"I didn't have to go to rehab."

"Really?" I let out a relief sigh.

Silence was taking our conversation in a while. "I'm sorry about mother." Niall said suddenly, broking our comfortable silence.

"Huh? Don't be. I understand. I won't pressure her. I'll wait." I just shrugged.


"Niall...you should rest. You're still weak. Now go to sleep." I told Niall.

"Come sleep with me?" Even when his sick, he still a spoiled boy.

"I-I can't. What if your mother come back and see us sleeping together? She will definitely kick me out again." I said to Niall.

"Come on. Or I'm gonna be sick even more." Niall let out a fake cough over and over again.

"Niall, stop. I know you're faking." I rolled my eyes.

"What if my stomach hurts again?" Niall pouted.

"I don't know." As much as I want to sleep besides Niall, I can actually. I'm just afraid of what will Maura said.

"Please babe. Just for a day. It has been two whole days I haven't touch you."

I sigh. It was alittle bit annoying of how Niall said in his spoiled little boy's voice. So, I lift my body up from the chair and Niall slide his body to the side to give me space for me to sleep besides him.

So, I layed besides him, facing Niall's pale face. I can see his smile through his mask. Even wearing his mask, I can see his white shiny teeth. It was beautiful.

"Thank you." Niall whispered.

"For what?" My voice came out as a whisper too and my eyes are getting alittle heavy.

"For being here for me always." Niall whispered again.

"That's my job. To make you happy. I love you remember?" I said to him. My eyes are close now.

"I love you more." Niall said and we both are deep in our own world. I hope I get a better and even more sweet dreams like I dreamt about I was pregnant with our child. But this time, I hope I'll dream about me and Niall grow old together live in our old house together sitting on the porch, watching our granchildren playing football with our son and daughter.

{I know this is boring. But don't worry, it will get better hehe. Love you guys lots!! 2.1K reads??! That is bazar for me! Thank you for making You Again happen!!}

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