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*Fani's POV*

I was sitting here, confused, mixed with a flattering feeling in my heart & butterflies in my stomach. I don't know how to react to just what happened just now. What the hell happened just now? What's wrong with Niall? How could he did that kind of thing to me? How am I gonna react to that? I am so freaking confused!

I stopped my thoughts from thinking to far & went back to reality. I packed my things & stood up from the chair & went outside. When the time I walked outside, someone pulled me.

It was Niall.

Niall was pulling my hand till' my face almost hit his. Our nose almost touhed. But it didn't. His hand are wrapping around my waist. My breath are getting heavy. I can feel Niall's warm breath on my face. I can smell, alittle bit of mint on him.

Both of my hands finally move & I used my strenght to move my face & my body far away from Niall.

"Wh-what are you doing?" I asked Niall nervously.

Niall looked down & giggled. He then let go of me & walk away. What? What is wrong with him? What's the deal with this?

"Aren't you coming?" Niall asked me.

"Wh-where?" I asked. I was standing there feeling embarassed for what had Niall just done to me. Why am I getting weaker when he did this to me? Why am I so vulnerable when I'm with him? Why?

"Aren't you gonna eat?" Niall asked again.

"Oh. Emm...yeah, yes." I said stuttering then, scratching my head. "What are you gonna eat?" I asked Niall, walking besides him.

"Whatever crap is in there." Niall said walking towards the cafeteria door with both of his hands in his jeans.

Oh God, he looks so hot! Shit! Stop it Fani!

Jenny's not here. Jake's not here. So who am I gonna seat with? With Niall? Pffft...not a chance. I ain't gonna seat with him. No.

I walked behind Niall. I watched him,  choosing what food to eat. But, finally, he chose to eat an apple. Well, for me, 2 tuna sandwhich, a green apple, 1 chocolate milk & for dessert, a yogurt flavored strawberry. My favorite.

I was searching for a place to seat. Don't care where it is, just as long as I can seat to eat my lunch. Finally I found a place to seat with. It's at the corner just below the stairs. I'm an average girl, so I just seat there, alone & eat. When I was just about to go there, Niall pulled my jacket hood, until we both finally arrived at, somehow a private seat. He pushed me on the shoulder so that I will seat with him.

"Can you stop doing that?" I asked him harshly.

"Can you stop blushing?" Niall fight back. Shit! Am I blushing? Is that obvious? I didn't even knew that I blushed.

"Am not!" I said like a 5 year old girl.

"You too!" Niall faught me back & smirk. He had a bite on his apple & look at me eating. He smiled again.

"What?" I asked with my mouth full of tuna sandwhich.

"You're cute when you're eating." Niall said teasing me. What does he want from me?

"No way. Besides, this is the first time you saw me eating."

"How would you know that this isn't the first time?" My heart pounded when he said that. I don't know how to respond. So, I just eat with silence.

"Tonight, we're gonna study at my place." Niall said suddenly, breaking the silence between us. "No excuse. I'll text you my adress & you're gonna come. If not, you'll get something bad from me." I literally choked on my chocolate milk. Is this an invite or a forceful suggestion?

Niall then just walked away from me without saying anything. I just sat here, alone with my mixed feelings again. What the hell today? Why is today so weird? Alot has happen to me for the last 4 days. So much.


It's almost seven & I have to get ready to go to Niall's place. I am nervous & at the same time excited. What am I gonna wear? Wait...this happened to me before. But this time, I was the one who have to go. Not Niall. Okay, make sure that you're wearing something nice & pretty but, simple. Less is more. I hope I'm not wearing something to exagerate. I mean...we're only gonna study. Not more than that. Or maybe.......No! No! Stop thinking about something "else". Remember, just study. Not more.

I wore a simple denim shirt & a black skinny jeans with my red Tom wedges. Simple right? Oh & an orange headband on my wavy black hair. I went downstairs & I saw Eric was waiting for me infront of the stairs. He was texting someone.

"Texting with you girlfriend I suppose?" I said to Eric teasingly.Eric looked up at me & his smiles widen.

"Wow! Wear are you going tonight with this type of style? A fancy dinner?" Eric asked me with his eyebrow lift up high.

"What? Am I exagarating? Oh No! I need to change!" I went upstairs back & Eric stopped me.

"Fani, Fani. Relax, I'm only joking. You look simple but, pretty." Eric said, holding my hand, escorting me downstairs. I just smiled at his compliments. Tonight is really important for me. Maybe tonight I'll make a move so that Niall will know that I'm flirting with him. Today's generation, girls usually makes the first move cause boys are too slow.

Okay. I'm ready.

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