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*Niall's POV*

It's PE. Ugh, I hate PE. I hate doing activities at school with a bunch of lame ass, lazy, nerds & geeks. It's not that I hate doing active things, It's just that I hate doing it with that kind of people. But, I have to.

Mr. Stan our PE teacher is a very nice guy. I used to be close with him. But, now that I'm a 'new' me, i'm not that close with anymore. I barely said hi to him. He didn't even said hi to me either. He got a 'thing' with mother. But, I don't give a fuck anyway. They dated before & I don't know why I didn't do anything to stop them from dating. They broke up like two years ago.

What? Why the fuckery am I talking about this shit? Anyway, today we're gonna play basketball. I love basketball. They're my favorite sport. But, when I knew that I'm gonna play with this lame ass kids, I'm not gonna.

So, I sat at the bench where students sit, cheering for players. I watched them play. Pathetic.

"Niall, why aren't you playing?" Mr. Stan suddenly approaches me.

"I won't play with this lame ass kids." I explained.

"Come on Niall, you used to love basketball. You even played for the finals last year. What happen to ya kid?" Mr. Stan asked me. I'm getting really annoyed here.

"Have you seen Jake & that new girl Fani? They're both late for PE." Okay now I really am annoyed.

"Look Mr. Stan, don't ask me about them or anything else cause I don't give a fuck!" I snapped. Mr. Stan just stood there with wide eyes. I figured he was shocked for me to say something like that to him. I used to respect him.

Yeah. Used to.

When he asking me questions & then about Jake & Fani, he really made me pissed.

I walk away purposely hitting Mr. Stan's shoulder & walk towards the boys locker room.

"Err...Niall!" Mr. Stan called & I stopped, rolling my eyes with a heavy huff.

"How's your mother? She's good?" What the fuck is wrong with him?

I turned my body to look at him.

"She got fucked with another man." I said with no hesitation. People looking at me with wide & disgusting looks. I don't give a fuck what they think about me. I done with all this shit that happen today.

When I walk towards the locker room, I saw Fani & Jake walk through the doors, laughing together. They both stopped when they saw me. Fani looked at me with no surprise. But Jake looked at me, then look away.

I look away from them & just walk away. Why is Fani with Jake? & why is Jake with Fani whereas he already knew that Fani looks alike like Tessa? He didn't even tell me or call me. I'm really pissed at him.

I stood infront of my locker punching it, then sat on the red, steel bench. I was pissed. Why is everybody so confusing? Since Tessa died, everything is confusing for me. Everything gives me headaches. I just wanna kill myself & be with Tessa. But I can't.

I covered my face with both of my hands & let out a heavy sigh. Why am I so stressed out? Why am I so pissed that Fani is with Jake? Why? Why am I jealous?

WHAT?! No no no no no! No way am I jelaous. I don't even like her. I barely even know her. I just met her yesterday & yesterday was her first day of school here. What the fuck man?

"You okay?" I was shocked, I stood up & turns out, it was only Tessa. Why does she keeps appearing out of nowhere?

"Jeez you startled me there Tess" I said rubbing my face.

"Sorry. About yesterday, now you understand why she looks like me & why she exist in your life?" Tessa asked.

"No & I don't wanna know." I said.

"Niall! When will you just stop being so stubborn & listen to me for just once?!" Tessa said. I can tell, she pissed off of me.

"Not this time & not ever will! How many times do I have to tell you that I will fall inlove with another girl other than you. Even if that person looks alike like you." I said.

"You mean Fani?" Tessa said crossing her arms.

I nod without saying anything.

"That feeling you have inside you. You've been protesting it for like almost two days now. But your ego is to strong till' you haven't realise that this whole time you were jealous. You're pissed because of Jake didn't tell you anything about this & you're jealous cause Fani is always with Jake." Tessa said. Now she's the one who's pissing me off.

"Tessa stop! No! How many-"

"Times do you have to say that you will never love other girls other than me. I know that Niall. But, this Fani really is me. You just have to get to know her more & you will move on & finally love her the way you love me." Tessa cut me off.

She's right actually. But I don't want to admit that infront of her. I just need her to stay longer alittle bit. I know I sounded selfish. Eventhough she's just my imagination, but she really is real to me.

"Niall...I haven't much time. I need to go. This is my task. My task is to make you fall inlove with 'me' all over again. That's why Fani's here. She's here for you. I sent her here for you. You have to understand." Tessa explain. What does she means?

"What do you mean by you don't have much time?" I asked with a frown on my face.

"That's the condition. The closer you get with Fani, the closer I get to the light. Eventhough you're forcing yourself to stay away from her, she will get closer to you. The farther away you & Fani be, the closer you guys are. I want it fair for both groups." Tessa shrugged.

"So...so that means that you will not appear again after me & Fani....you know....that" I said rolling my eyes.

Tessa nods.

"I love you. You know that right?" Tessa said.

I nod. "I love you too." I respond back.

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