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*Fani's POV*

I was walking towards the car with my brother Eric. When I was about to opened the car door, suddenly Eric was the one who opened it for me.

"Emm...Thanks?" I said, not sure to thank him or not. He never opened a car door for me. He never makes sweet things to me. So this time I was like whatever.

"Anything for my girl." Eric said, then closed the car door. Eric then got in the car, then closed the car door. He puts the car key in the ignition, then the car starts.

"Why are you being nice to me?" I asked Eric curiously.

"I have to be nice to you. This is your first date ever & you need some special treat." Eric said to me. Special treat? First date? This is not my first date & this is not a date. How could he said that to me? I'm offended.

I looked to the window & crossed both of my arms to my chest. I was sulking. I don't want to talk to him. How could he said that to me? Now I feel like a loser.

"Hey, girl. Okay okay, fine...I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that. I was joking okay sweetheart?" Eric apologising while he rubs my head. Now his messing up my hair.

"You should not messing with my hair! And stop calling me girl or sweetheart. It's so....not you." I said to him.

"I'll take that as apology accepted." Eric smiled.


We both finally arrived at Niall's house. I was nervous. My breath was shivering & it became heavier & heavier as I opened the car door.

"Fani," Eric called me before I go further. "Everything will okay. Good luck." Eric said wishing me luck. Thanks Eric. I really needed that. I looked at Eric & smiled signaling that I'm telling him, saying thank you.

I stand on the sidewalk where Niall's house is facing me. I imagined where I knocked on Niall's door & he comes out then hugged me. Oh my God! Why did I just imagined that?! The more I over think, the more I got nervous. Oh No! You know what, I need to go. No study for tonight.

Wait! It's already night time. Where am I gonna go? Theres no bus in this time of the night! I looked at my watch & it's already 7:10 p.m. Oh No! I'm late.

I crossed the street to get to Niall's & finally, I'm infront of Niall's brown door. I was hesitating to knock on his door. Knock or not? Knock or not? Okay okay...Knock!

I finally made a decision to knock on Niall's door. When my fist approaching on Niall's door to knock, I heard from behind the door that someone is twisting the doorknob. It then opened. I gasp. It was Niall!

"You're late." Niall said. Niall then pulled my hand so I can get inside. "Why are you wearing a shirt? It's cold out there." Niall said again to me. Why does he care what I'm wearing?

"It's-It's okay. I'm not that cold." I said to him while rubbing both of my arms.

"Follow me. I'll make you some hot chocolate." Niall telling me to come with him.

I followed him to the kitchen. Niall go straight to the kettel & made me some hot chocolate. I don't know why my nervous feeling is gone. It's gone completely. Now that I'm okay, now I can approach Niall comfortably.

"You live alone here?" I asked Niall while my back resting on the kitchen counter while both of my palm are also resting on the kitchen counter.

"No. I live here with my mom." Niall shook his head. "Let's get to work." Niall said handing me the hot chocolate he made for me. "Where would you wanna study?" Niall continued & asked me.

I shrugged. I don't care where we study. As long as we are comfortable & can concetrate, so that's okay.

"Well...we just study here then. It's close to the fridge. I can reach for food easier." I laughed at his respond.


I was getting my books out while I wait for Niall to get his books upstairs. It sat on the brown, cotton chair. It was very comfortable. I look around the kitchen, there I saw, on the kitchen island a picture was being frame with a brown wood.

I stood up from my chair, curious about who was in the picture. When I approached it, I took the photo for a better look. In there, I saw Niall, a lady, maybe that's his mother & a girl. Her face was hidden with both of her hands cover up her whole face. Niall was holding her tightly on her waist. Maybe....maybe this is his girlfriend who died? Yeah...maybe.

"So, are we ready?" Niall suddenly arrived.

"Emm...Niall. Who's this girl besides you in this picture?" I asked Niall, handing the picture to him.

"Oh, emm...that's...that's Tessa. My girlfriend." Niall said to me. A smile exist on his face when he looked at that picture. "This...this is me & her a week before she died." Nial continued & I was just standind here, besides Niall awkwardly with silence. Niall clapped his hand once. "Okay, let's go doing what we have to do." Niall said. I was alittle bit surprised that he was okay. Maybe...he finally moved on? I don't know.

For half an hour me & Niall studied math. He tutor me, I tutor him. It's kindda easy actually. Niall was being serious at times, but sometimes he threw dust erasers at me just for fun. And I playfully hit him on the shoulder & he just smiles.

Then at times, Niall was resting his head on his pale arms & looked at me. I pretend that I didn't see that he looked at me. My hair saved me from Niall clear look. Then, he rest on his arm again & looked at me. I saw that he looked at me, but not so clear cause my hair saved me from his sharp look again. Niall then moved his other arm & tuck my hair behind my ear. I stopped writing, dropped my pen & looked him. At the same time, he lift his head up & look at me sharp in the eye too. Now my nervous feeling came back again.

"What are you doing Niall?" I asked him nervously, gulping my saliva. Niall just smirked.

"Do I love you?" Niall asked. My heart pounded really really fast. Why does he asked this kind of questions now?!

"Do I like you?" Niall asked again. I was nervous. I tried to back away but I can't cause Niall's hand holding me to strong. I'm to weak to move.

"Can I kiss you?" Niall asked again this stupid question! He then lean closer & closer to me. The more he leans closer, the more my heart skips a beat faster & faster.

I closed my eyes shut. Ready for my first kiss with Niall. I don't know what to do. I never kissed a guy before. I'm still clean. I'm still a virgin. But, what if this kiss will lead up to something more? Oh No!

I was waiting for Niall's lips to touched mine but it never did. When I opened my eyes, Niall was looking at me with his ocean blue eyes. We both still close to each other like only 2 inches away.

"I need to go to the bathroom." Niall said & got up.

Once again, he lived me alone, sitting with confused & mixed feelings between flattered & angry. Which is it Fani? Are you mad at Niall for keeo doing this to you in just one day or are happy cause you both almost kissed? Which one is it Fani? Are you literally inlove with Niall now? Or not yet?

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