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*Niall's POV*

I was deep in my slumber. I didn't even know if it's already tomorrow or still yesterday. Last night I had a dream. A dream where everything in my life is happy always. No ones gone, no one died. Everything just seems happy. And now that the drean is over, it's obvious that I'm awake. I just don't want to open my eyes yet.

"Psst...wake sleepy head. It's time for school," I opened my eyes, I found Tessa was laying besides me. Tessa smiled at me. I smiled back.

I lift my body with full strength & a lazy groan. If I don't go to school today, when will I ever meet Fani & explained to her what happen?

I walk towards the bathroom & look to the mirror. I have eyebags. They're not obvious though.

"Stop playing around. Go clean yourself would you?" Tessa suddenly behind me, sitting on the side of the bathtub.

I pushed the curtains to the side so that I can let myself in. Then, I pushed the curtains back to closed my naked body. Once I'm in the shower, memories of me & Tessa suddenly came back. I smiled at the memories where me & Tessa used to shower together every morning when mother is not home.

"I can see you smiling, what are you thinking?" Suddenly Tessa interupted my sweet thoughts of memories.

"Nothing...just our memories," I said, replying her back.

"What kind of...memories?" Tessa asked, purposely teasing me.

"Well...when we were in the-" My conversation with Tessa were interupted my a knock on my bathroom door.

"Niall?" It was mother.

"Yeah?" I answered her back. I thought she already gone to work.

"I leaved your breakfast in the oven okay? Incase you didn't know where & incase you didn't want you breakfast to be cold, you can pre-heat it using the microwave," Mother said, explaining how to pre-heat my breakfast.

"Okay," I answered her again.

"Pre-heat it at only 5 minutes okay? 5," Mother said. She think I didn't know?

"Okay, mom, I get it!" I said, sarcastically. She didn't answer me back. So, I think she's gone.

"So, where were-" My talk was interupted with a knock again."Yeah mother?" I already knew it was her.

"Who you talking to just now Niall?" Mother asked. She heard my whole conversation with Tessa just now? Can she hear Tessa? Of course not.

"Emm...no one mother. I was just...I was just singing a song," I lied. She didn't reply me back. So, I think she completely gone. Good.

I'm done showering. I pushed my curtains to the side. "So, Tessa-" I looked around the bathroom. Tessa was nowhere in sight. I was dissapointed at first but when I think about it, I already used to it.


I arrived at school. Same as always. Nothing's change. I mean, I'm only abscent for one day. What would one whole day can change in this school?

I walked through the hallway & straight to my locker. This is it. The moment of truth. To see Fani being mad at me. I saw her. There she is, putting books & things in her locker. It's not Tessa's locker anymore. It's her's now.

Fani looks so beautiful from afar. With her black brownish hair tucking behind her ear on the other side & the way she flick it off her shoulder. I smiled just by looking at her. That's how I see Tessa. The way I see Fani is the same how I see Tessa. But, I would never smiled infront of Fani. I don't want her too look at me differently. Not yet.

I walk towards my locker with a sour face. Fani hasn't notice me yet. So, I opened my locker door &

"Where were you last night?" It started. But, in a soft way. Her tone was like she doesn't want to get mad at me.

"Emm...nowhere?" I lied. Why did I fucking lie? Just now I was just about to told her the truth & now you freaking lied to her? Damn it Niall!

"If nowhere then why you stood me up 2 days ago?" Fani said. I knew it. I knew that she would think that I stood her up.

I slam the locker door & look her in the eyes with a sharp look. "Look Fani I-"

"Oh My god!" Fani cut me off. She held out her hand & chuck it on my head. "Your head, it's....it's blue. What happen?" Fani asked with much concern in her tone voice.

"Look...I...I didn't stood you up okay?" I said stuttering. This is so not me. I never stutter to anyone before, except Fani. She sometimes makes me weak to my knees. And yes, EGO me just admit that. "Two days ago when I leaved you there at math class, I drove so fast on the road that I hit a tree & ended up in the hospital and-"

"Why did you leaved me at that time?" Fani suddenly cut off my explaination & look down on the floor. I didn't say anything. "Emm...you know what? Don't answer that. Forget it. Forget everything that had happen two days ago & today & restart the whole thing okay?" Fani said again. I just nod & walk to class with her.

It turns out not bad today. Eventhough I didn't even apologise to her, but my explaination is consider as an apology & she accept it. And maybe you never know what's gonna happen next? Let's just expect the unexpected

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