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*Fani's POV*

"So, when will you pack up?" Niall suddenly asked me, holding my hand, swung it back and forth.

"After school, maybe?" I shrugged.

"Promise me it's only for a week?" Niall pouted.

I laughed. "Niall, it's only for a week and a week only. I'm not going anywhere."

"I know. But it's London."

"Don't worry. We have a whole two weeks holiday remember? For another whole week, you can have me as long as you want to." I said to Niall, tipping my toes to kissed him on the cheek.

"Can't you believe that only a few months more we'll finally graduate?" Niall asked me excitedly, changing the subject.

I gasped. "I always forget that I'm going to go to college next year. How time flies so fast." I smiled, looking down on the floor and look back to face Niall and Niall was already looking at me, smiling.

As we walked into the crowded hallways, I can see that nobody even cares that me and Niall are holding hands anymore. Usually, they will give us this uneasy glare and most of them are girls. They all seems kind of jealous whenever I walk closely with Niall. But, now it's not anymore. And I am thankful for that. They seemed not to care about us dating anymore.

As we walk our ways in the hallway, I heard someone screaming out my name repeatedly. It was Jenny. Why is she calling my name all of the sudden? I think we both haven't talk for a very long time and now she suddenly appeares like nothing happen? Is this what you call being a friend?

"Oh. My. God. Fani. You won't believe what I just heard?" Jenny widen her arms in the air.

I'm not interested in gossiping over something useless. It's a waste of time and we don't even know if it's true or not and some people just tell us stories, accusing someone about something they didn't or may do. That's not nice. And Yes. Call me boring but, I just hated it.

"Holly. You know her right?" I nod, pretending that I was interested in this so called story. "Literally everybody in the entire school knew her as the popular girl who works as a model and travels alot right?" I didn't say anything. I just let Jenny continues to herself. "Okay you're ready?" Jenny stopped. I looked at Niall and Niall prentending that he wasn't listening by looking at his phone. "The truth is, Holly....works at StarBucks!"

Okay....so? I didn't even care that much actually cause I don't even notice her. I only see her like one or two times and that's it. She's not that important so why should I care about this useless stories about her?

"Fani? You look casual." Jenny hung her handbag on her arms.

"I don't really care actually?" I shrugged.

"Seriously? This is big. Niall? You know about this right?" Jenny suddenly talks to Niall.

"Umm...maybe?" Niall shrugged,looking at me.

"What? You knew and you didn't tell me?" I playfully slap Niall to the stomach.

"Why should I tell you? It's not that important and besides, I don't like her anyway." Niall shrugged again.

"Well...umm...okay then. I'll be gone now. Bye!" Jenny waved me a goodbye and gave Niall a smile. Thank God she didn't flirt with Niall. Or else I would go nuts.

We were both at our locker and I was putting my things in my bag for our next class. When all of the sudden, an arm wrapped on one side of my waist. I knew it was Niall. He turned my body around and hugged my waist with both of his hands. I laid both of my hand on his chest and look him in the eye.

"Niall, we need to go to class." I said to Niall, giggling.

"How about we just spend some times here alone? Besides, nobody is here anyway. And you'll be gone for a whole week so I don't want to waste my time with you in class with boring teachers teaching us stuffs. I want it here. With you." Niall slid down his hands in the back of my jeans pocket. And squeezed my bum.

I gasped when he did that and I blushed. "I love it when you blush. It really turns me on and you look cute and pretty when you blush." Niall smiled at me.

"Niall, stop. People will see us." I whispered.

"Not when we're alone. I really want you so bad." Niall slid his lips to my neck. I laughed when he kissed it, it was so ticklish and it gave me goosebumps all over my body.

"Niall, stop! It's tickly." I laughed even harder.

"Babe, you smell so good. I can imagine you and I both on bed and-"

"Niall." I stopped Niall from continuing his sentence. It was hot, but at the same time embarassing. I don't want my face to look like a red tomato!

Niall lift up his head and his lips was only inches away to kissing mine. "You really are a naughty boy when it comes to something like this, huh?" I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"You can't even imagine how I can make you feel so go-"

"Miss Fani?" A voice of an elderly man called out my name, cutting Niall off once again.

Me and Niall seperate our bodies from each other and we both felt so embarassed because of how the old man look at us. I never seen him here, at school before in this school, maybe he just a clerk here.

"Umm...yes?" I said to the old man, playing with my fingers awkwardly, and looked at Niall who's now, rubbing at the nape of his neck.

"Your brother called the office and told us that you need to pack your things and go home now. Umm...his waiting outside if I'm not mistaken." The old man explained.

"W-why? What's wrong? It's still early though." I looked at my watch and the old man, then at Niall. Niall was confused too.

"Well, he said it was an emergency and you have to go now." The old man said and then left us both with a deep confused feeling.

"What do you think is the emergency?" Nialls asked me, laying his shoulder on the locker, while watching me pack up my things.

"I don't know. But what I know is that it really is an emergency." I finished packing my things. "I'll call you and I promise you that it's only for a whole week. I'll be back as soon as I'm done." I explained to Niall, leaned forward to kiss his cheek but instead, Niall turned around and kissed me on my lips.

"Promise me?" Niall furrowed his eyebrows. He seemed like he wasn't sure.

"I promise." I said to Niall and walked towards the exit. I waved Niall a goodbye and I finally went out.

When I was walking towards the school driveway, I already saw Eric, walking back and forth, biting his nails. He has the same habit as me when his nervous. What is it? What makes him so nervous? What happen? It there something wrong?

When Eric saw me, he stopped biting his nails and looked at me with a worried expression.

"Eric? What happened?" I asked Eric, starting to get worried.

"Dad." That's all he can say.

"Dad? What's wrong with dad?" I was scared.

"He had a heart attack this morning. We need to go to London now!" Eric said, gesturing me to go in to his car.

Dad? Heart attack? Just a few months ago, he was healthy, happy, and his face looks plump. He doesn't even look pale. Not even once. My dad has never even had a disease before and now he has a heart attack? How? How can he? And now I'm worried. I hope his okay.

And look at me now, with Eric. Driving our way to the airport. Maybe Eric already packed my clothes for me. Or maybe not? There's no much time. I need to see my dad now. He was a happy go lucky man. I don't understand how he can get a heart attack. Poor him.

"Is dad gonna be okay?" I asked Eric, who is now focusing on the road cause he drives to fast.

"I-I don't know." Eric shrugged.

{Sorry for the late update. Busy with school. hehe. And sorry if this is short. Cause, last minute edits. haha}

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