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*Fani's POV*

It's time for PE. I love PE actually. I don't know why people hate it so much. PE is fun, active & healthy. When I said that to people, they laughed at me & said that I'm weird. I don't know why people are like that.

Anyway, Jenny & I were on our way to the basketball court where PE was held there. We both were talking about boys. Boys to food, food to music & music to weird stuff & before we even realised we laughed our socks off about something that doesn't makes sense at all.

Then, I saw Jake sitting alone in class,on a book shelf, looking outside the window. Why is he alone? It's time for PE.

I knocked the class door softly.

"Hey." I greet him with a smile & walk into the class & towards him. Jake smiled at me & looked back outside the window.

"Why are you sitting alone here? It's time for PE." I asked. Jake looked at me.

"Hey Fani, I'll see you there kay?" Jenny said to me before Jake said something. I nod.

"So? Why?" I asked Jake again.

"Well, first I hate PE. Second, I hate PE & third, I hate PE." Jake said. I laughed.

"Jake come on. It'll be fun. Please. Trust me, it will be fun." I smiled. I held out my hand so that Jake will come with me. Instead of following me, he held my hand & pulled me. Now I'm the one who's following him. I think I blushed a little. I can feel my cheeks warmth & goosebumps all over my face.

We're at the basketball court. I'm searching for Jenny. I see her but she's with this jock. Why is she always like this? Well...not always. I only know her for only two days.

Jake & I were laughing about something until we both saw Niall standing infront, not far from us staring at both of us. I tried to smile but all I can do is only stared at him & stood here besides Jake. I looked at  Jake & he looked to the ground & rubbed the back of his neck.

Niall looked at me with sharp eyes & ogled me with one arrogant look away. Why is he like this? Can he just stop with his ego attitude & just be normal for a day. Is that so hard?

Jake squeezed my hand when he saw Niall walked away from us. I was surprised when I realised that he still holds my hand. I pulled harshly from him & Jake apologised.

"Err...That's okay. Emm...anyway..." I said awkwardly.

"Do you know Niall?" I asked breaking the awkward situation.

"Yeah. Used to. He was my bestfriend." Jake said.

"Was?" I asked confusely.

"Yeah, was. He completely changed after the death of his girlfriend, Tessa. I don't blame him or anything. I mean...I'll maybe  be the same like him if I love a girl so deep like Niall." Jake said  scratching the back of his head.

"Why aren't you guys said hello to each other just now?" I asked. Oh God why I ask to much question?

"Well...I...I don't know. I just want to give him some space so that he can be alone comfortably." Jake said & I just nod, understanding.


We've finished playing basketball. It was okay I guess cause I played basketball with bunch of bimbo girls who scared of a bouncy ball & Jake is almost the same as me, just that he played with bunch of bimbo jocks, nerds & geeks. Jake told me everything about what happen when he played. It was so funny I can't breath. I never laughed so hard in my intire life before.

"Fani!" When all of a sudden Mr. Stan called my name.

"Yeah coach?" I walked towards him.

"Can you call Niall out for me? I need to  talk to him." What?! Mr. Stan you gotta be kidding me. Why me?

Instead of protesting, I just nod. Just now I saw Niall was walking towards the boys locker room so I think his maybe in there. Chill'ax, there's nk boys in there. They're all busy doing their stupid things.

I walked into the boys locker room. Oh My God! What stench is that? It' so freaking smelly & stinky. The stench, I can't handle it. It smells like rotten egg mixed up with smelly gym socks. Oh Gosh!

When I was searching for Niall, I heard a mans voice talking. It surely is Niall. There's no one in here other than Niall. So, I followed the voice until I saw Niall sitting alone on the red steel bench, talking to himself. I was hiding besides the locker not far from Niall.

"I love you too." Niall said. What was he talking about? Who was he talked to? Should I be worried?

I took a deep breath, pretend I didn't hear anything & knocked the locker softly.

"Niall?" I said, walking towards him.

"Fani." His eyes widen when he saw me & stood up from the steel bench.

"Err...Mr. Stan asked me to call you. He wants to talk to you about something." I said looking at him then down on the floor.

"Emm...about what?" Niall asked. I shrugged & walk away from him. Oh God...this is sooo awkward.

"Err...F-Fani" Niall called my name.

"Mmm?" I turned around.

"You didn't hear anything. Do you?" Niall asked. Should I be honest or should I just walk away from him & avoid him the rest of the day? Nope. Non of them. I should just lie. I can already imagine how furious he will be if I say that I did hear everything. SHIT!

"Hear what?" I pretend to be confuse.

Niall shooked his head.

"Nothing." & we both walk outside.

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