MOVIE >scene71> - A Dorm. A Delinquent. A Girl.

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Before Rihanna said a word about what she saw.

Before she uttered anything out loud.

She began to slowly put together the picture in front of her.

Why Violet preferred loneliness. Why she didn't do well in her studies. Why she didn't mind being bullied. Why she was glad to have enrolled into F.A.I.T.H. Why she was angry all the time. Why she hated anyone touching her. It was all there, in front of Rihanna, hiding behind one secret.

"Oh my god–" Rihanna repeated, even more breathless. "Violet–your–your ear."

Realizing what had happened, Violet sprang to her feet, pushing Rihanna off of her at the same time. She quickly stepped farther away, putting distance between the two of them. "What the hell are you talking about?"

Violet knew... Rihanna is now aware of what existed behind her darkest thoughts.

She knew...yet she denied it.

"But–but your ear..." Rihanna's heart pounded hard and fast in her chest, and she suddenly felt more whole than ever.

Violet shook her head violently. "I don't know what you're talking about. You're crazy."

Rihanna's heart kept on pounding, and her stomach gave a flip as she recalled the image she had seen. "Your ear–it's not there." Rihanna breathed.

Rihanna felt so sick that she could have hurled right there and then. Violet's torn face, however, made her realize that every move she was making, every expression that appeared on Rihanna's face, meant everything to Violet.

"Nothing–" Violet's voice broke. "There is nothing wrong with my ear." Her breathing was struggled as she shook her head and denied, tears threatening to spill out of her eyes. "You're just seeing things." She took a few steps closer to Rihanna. "You're imagining it." Her face was torn, fearful. She didn't know whether to run and never appear in the Academy again, or put her hope on the new girl in front of her. "Please, at least pretend like it."

Rihanna was in shock, now more of how she reacted toward Violet than what she saw a minute ago. "I won't say anything. I promise."

Relief overtaking Violet, she sat back down on her bed and covered her face with her hands. No matter how much she tried pulling herself together, she couldn't stop sobbing.

So that's how it'll look like, a face that see's my ugly missing piece for the first time...

"I'm sorry." Rihanna quietly said, feeling awkward now.

Violet only sniffled and grabbed tissues from Katerina's bed side table.

"Tell me..." Rihanna asked. "Tell me why its still like this. You're more than privileged to have gotten it fixed a long time ago. Your parents would have–"

"They don't know." Violet interrupted. "No body knows but you."

"Why? How could they possibly not know? They would have found out the moment you were born."

Violet laughed, even though she didn't want to. "Well, that's the thing. I was an orphan. Knowing what an ugly thing I was from all the other kids that had a lot to say about it, I made sure when I was adopted that no one else will ever know. Though I have rich parents now, who could clearly pay for a surgery that can relieve me from this, I can't bring myself to let them know. I had to be such a bitch to them at the beginning just so they could give me my space, no matter how much I actually enjoyed being with them."

"If they still loved you even when you acted like that towards them, they would have understood you."

Violet smirked, "No, they wouldn't have. This flaw is probably why I was thrown in an adoption home in the first place. My too cool of a birth mom would have seen me as a sick little thing. It was written all over your face too, what it looks like to someone for the first time; its disgusting."

"Sorry. I–"

"Don't worry. I understand. You're still standing here; which is a good sign. Anyway," she got up and smoothed out the wrinkles from her clothes. "You should probably go and start your puzzle, or Mandy will have a cow."

Rihanna stood to her feet, calculating.

Violet pointed to her face. "I'm going to freshen up."

Rihanna was barely listening. She simply nodded and made her way to the door.

"Oh, and Rihanna?"

She turned around.

"Um, thanks, you know, for everything."

Rihanna smiled, but the smile didn't reach her eyes.

It can be my new year resolution...


Guys. I have a crush on someone. 

And I know he won't/can't return it. 

But that's okay. Its why they call it a crush anyway, right?

I'll let you know who he is at some point. 


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