MOVIE >scene184> - A Dorm. A Delinquent. A Girl.

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"I got the best doctor around for her, and working with him slowly, we were able to rebuild her previous mental condition and take it to a better state. With rehab and medication, Fayth was slowly changing to be a normal person. She laughed more, hugged me more, loved me more. She became a person with pleasant feelings outweighing horrible ones. I couldn't believe my eyes seeing the kind of person she had become. I was terrified at times that it was all a ruse, and if not, I'm always afraid that something will happen that will make her relapse.

"I think this year will be her most sensitive one. That's why I feel so much regret for letting her pity me when she was going through all this pain. She still hasn't completely overcome her past, and I don't want to let her do it alone. I sent her to the Academy so she can become friends with good people. So she can live a normal teenager's life. It was part of her rehabilitation. To become the person she wishes to be, opposite to the person she was.

"She wanted to finish school as well, but knew the moment the news about the car crash would reach certain people, life would become much harder on her. Everyone would figure out what had happened – that she was the cause of her parents death. Since that might traumatize her even more, drive her out of her recollected sanity, I bought a fake identity and gave her a second chance at life. For her to stay away from the influence, the riches, and the judgmental opinions of those who will want to know what happened that day. For her to finish school and not have to worry about 'Fayth Armstrong, a devil's hero, killer of her own parents'. That news article headline wasn't going to help her get any better.

"I didn't know that she would go through so much anguish at the Academy as well. Even as a sweet and quiet person, she still went through hypercritical and negative treatment. It seems like I'm doing everything so wrong."

Lexis sat there, his expression sullen. Feeling disturbed and in disbelief from what he just heard. He couldn't comprehend the fact that this was Rihanna– Fayth Armstrong. His heart throbbed. He had a tremendous urge to hit something, so that it would take him away from the sudden surge of emotions he was feeling. He didn't like the feelings that he was now quarreling internally against. They made his heart hurt. Made him long for something that wasn't there.

He shut his eyes tight and tried to breathe in...

Breathe out.

Breathe in...

He looked up at Director Vincent. "Is this why she's taking the medication now? Because she might end her life?" He breathed out. 

Vincent fully noticed Lexis' reaction to Fayth's past, and was now completely sure that the young man held much more than just personal feelings for Fayth. He was, in fact, at the very least in love with her. And Vincent found this pleasing. As if a weight had been lifted from his shoulders. He wasn't alone in this anymore. He can share his burdens with someone else. 

"If she loses control of herself again, to the point where she might remember her past while feeling a kind of torment similar to the one she felt before, the two combined might drive her to the edge again and make her have a go at a suicide attempt. That's only if she wasn't taking her medication. Which she is. I'm only afraid of the overdose. I want her to stop taking those pills at some point, but the doctor said-"

"That if she started taking these pills as often as she felt she needed them and not as prescribed, it might make her addicted to them like an addict is addicted to heroin? And the withdrawal symptoms might be tremendous?"

Vincent stared at Lexis.

"I already told you. Her and I have a lot of things in common."

"Why are you so interested in Fayth?" Vincent asked point blank, knowing why but not understanding the motive of this visit anymore.

"I don't think anyone could ever understand the relationship her and I have. As subtle and as tangled as it may seem, we're exactly what we both need. I'm going to help her get to where I am. It's not great, but its better than where she is right now. Maybe after she gets to where I am, we'll both figure out a way to become better together."

Lexis looked down at his hands, remembering the first time he met her at school. "I now understand fully why she was terrified of me when she first enrolled into the Academy. I reminded her so much of her past self. A person she was trying to forget, run away from. And right now, I might not know what kind of feelings she's going through because of the incident with Jessie, but I know that numbing herself with those pills is dangerous. I'm going to have to stop her from doing that."

Lexis stood up, his mission laid out clearly in front of him. "I'm going to ask you not to let her know anything about my visit. I will act as if I don't know a thing about her true identity. And I will ask you not to invite her anywhere. Her rehab is going to start with me. I will ask her to accompany me this winter break and I will get her to stop using those pills, I can promise you that."

Vincent stood up as well, a smile on his face. He can finally see hope in Fayth's future. He can see it in the determination in Lexis' eyes. "Then, please do take care of my daughter. I will entrust her to you from this point forward."

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