MOVIE >scene43> - A Dorm. A Delinquent. A Girl.

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Rihanna stared at the headmistress, caught in a terrorized expression at last, but this time, the headmistress seemed to be understanding.

"No matter what you hear about the program, it's only rumors. Actually, it is as decent as the actual classes you are taking now. Just a bit different. People that don't know it, won't describe it in its full portrait."

It took Rihanna a second to understand what had just happened. Faith, or whatever the program is called, is something that's bad.

"Why? Why do I have to enroll in there? Can't I at the very least stay in my regular classes until you do whatever it is you're doing?"

She looked at her crisply. "I apologize, but my suspicions are quite high. Or else I wouldn't have gone through the trouble of placing you in F.A.I.T.H."

Rihanna stared at her in disbelief, "I'm–I'm already enrolled?"

She nodded. "Yes. Your grade president will take care of the rest of the matter for you. As of now, I will ask you to follow through without causing a ruckus. If you are innocent of my suspicions, then you will have no objection or worries concerning this issue until it is resolved. Otherwise, if you feel like you have something to hide, come forward with it now and we can end this quite easily."

Rihanna couldn't believe what was happening. She couldn't believe how fast it took to untie some of the knots.

After settling things with the headmistress, whose name she figured at last was Dr. Dormer, she made her way toward the dormitory feeling completely drenched out of her energy. So much happened–so much that she was't able to lift a smile on her lips no matter how hard she tried.

What were Dr. Dormer's suspicions? Where did they start? Where did they end? What's this faith program that she was supposed to start attending at the start of next week? Why is it different? Why did it seem to be hated? Why was she chosen to enroll in it for the time being?

What the hell was going on?

She almost fell on the stairway from the level of thinking she was doing. Add to that the lack of sleep and it was a given why she was sick to the stomach with anxiety.

With her head resting against the stairs railing, she opened her eyes, which had momentarily closed from exhaustion, and saw Joshua standing in the Assembly room, head leaning against the wall behind him, tipped upward with his eyes closed.

He looked exhausted as well.

She slowly descended the stairs and walked over to him. "Joshua?"

He opened his eyes and looked at her. Then looked away.

She looked down at the suitcase near his legs. "Where are you going?"

"You know," He stated, looking over at her. "I never asked you what your name was."


"Rihanna, I know."

She blinked rapidly at him, confused.

He smiled. "You were the first to stand up to him. In a backwards sort of way, but you still did it."

She smiled in return. "I wish I could do more for you, I really hope you know that."

"You almost did. I can't believe you were going to let go of one of the most amazing electives because of me. I mean business class? That's like a dream come true for anyone. Even for me."

She pursed her lips.

He put a hand on her shoulder. "You know, I'm actually poor. I enrolled into this school because my dad had connections with a rich family. I wished one day I could be someone my father relies on fully, without the need to kiss up to those rich assholes like a personal maid. Its why I fought this long."

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