MOVIE >scene39> - A Dorm. A Delinquent. A Girl.

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Rihanna sucked in a deep breath and tied Pat's bandana around her eyes. Then, placing her fingers on the piano's keys, she began to play.

Ever since the elite party, she would play on the piano in the abandoned music room on a daily basis. Her fingers caressing the notes until hours and hours had passed by. The music still came out sorrowful. A miserable heart on display.

When she finished the last of her music, she took off her bandana and tied it around her wrist. Then stood up and left the room

Since the mishap with the bathroom door, Rihanna had been avoiding Jessie like he was the plague. She would spend all of her free time in the music room, and would head back to her dorm just before curfew hour was over. She would take her time, matching her speed with a turtle's as she walked on the forever long hallways.

By doing this, if Jessie hadn't fallen asleep yet, it would be about a half an hour after curfew time by the time she gets there, and Jessie, being grade president, would have fallen asleep long before, in order to wake up for the morning assembly preparations.

Today, on the other hand, was Saturday. And even though Rihanna knew that he would have gone to sleep all the same, she still feared the chance of him being awake. The memory of what happened that day still haunted her. She couldn't face him anymore.

And so she sat by the dorm door for another half an hour before she decided to go in.

The room was quiet and dark. She didn't mind it that way. Jessie, on the other hand, had gotten so used to her coming late now that, out of generosity, he had gotten a small night light and put it on her side of the room. The faint light of it didn't come to his side at all, it was just a way for Rihanna to guide her way through the darkness to her bed.

Like always, her heart gave a tiny squeeze at the sight of it, wanting her to desperately feel the warmth of his presence, but she wouldn't let it. After all, she was trying her best these days, and she didn't want it to end up being for absolutely nothing. All thanks to a night light.

She closed the door and started making her way toward her bed on tiptoes. There was a not so strong yet audible wind outside the window above Jessie's bed, welcoming the new season. Soon, rain will make it impossible for outside activities to be held and in-school activities will start piling up.

Before Rihanna had taken more than five steps forward, the room's lights flicked on and arms trapped her by the waist, holding her securely.

Jessie's voice came right afterwards. "Caught you."

Rihanna gave a tiny scream and almost jumped in fright. Jessie's warm hands held her firmly in place. As if she might run off now that he'd 'caught her'. But she couldn't run even if she wanted to. She was completely petrified. In fact, she was shaking from head to toe.

"C–caught me?" She asked, breathless at how close they were.

Be the unknown. Be the unknown. Be the unknown.

"I'm somewhat suspicious. Have you... been trying to avoid me these past few weeks?"

She could feel him, all of his body against the back of hers. And she was terrified of it. She didn't know why she was repulsed. She had no idea what exactly the feelings that were rushing through her body were. There was excitement, fear, resistance, and then there was something else that she didn't understand entirely.

He was so close, and she was terribly afraid of it.

Her heart pounded out of control. What's more, as he felt it, she heard it. It throbbed in her ears with Jessie's words.

She didn't understand. How could someone put you in a position where you cannot lie to their question what's so ever? As she thought of it, in her whole new self, that may be the only unfortunate weak point.

Her breathing, a completely uneven bungled rhythm, became the only sound in the room. She opened her mouth, letting whatever words of hidden truth to surface on their own, but before she uttered a word, something happened.

Something unbelievable.



The window near Jessie's bed slid open, and somebody appeared out of nowhere. It was dark outside, so only after that person stuck his head in the lit room, Rihanna realized who it was.

She hastily turned halfway, letting Jessie's hands fall off of her, and jagged her finger pointedly at Lexis. "How on earth did he get here?!" She practically screamed, taking a hold of Jessie's arm and hiding behind it as protection.

Shock won over fear at this point. How on Earth was he able to reach their dorm, which was approximately five floors off ground?

Was this normal?

Does he do it often?

Did he ever do it when she was asleep?

Lexis' attempts to enter the room were a bit struggled. At first, Jessie and Rihanna stood there watching him, wondering what was going on.

But then something appeared to be massively wrong.

And Jessie and Rihanna realized it at the same time.

Lexis was sick.

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