MOVIE >scene95> - A Dorm. A Delinquent. A Girl.

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Life in the Academy wasn't getting any better for Rihanna, in fact, it was completely the opposite. The intolerable treatment they treated her with was vulgar and merciless, and never took rest. To make matters worse, it was directed at her from those of high status and those who had just made it into the industry.

Not only did others take advantage of her, they mocked her while doing so. She was perfectly the imperfect person they can all, literally all, compare themselves to.

Not expecting the day to be any better, Summer got her hands on her as soon as Rihanna was done with classes. She was looking forward to be in the privacy of her dorm, where she hoped she'd finally see Jessie, a hope that now runs dry the moment she walks into the dorm and sees the emptiness he'd left behind.

He no longer cared for her.

He no longer had an interest in keeping her company in F.A.I.T.H., or anywhere else. She was simply a nobody to him now too.

All because of these stupid tattoos.

In a split moment, Rihanna was tied up and carried away with a bag on her head. She knew it was Summer behind this. Therefore, she no longer fought for her freedom, and instead welcomed everything that came her way with silence, fear and uncertainty.

She was now much too self-conscious and insecure to fight the questionable devil. She was too exhausted to argue with anyone. Let them hit her, spill glue, even throw knives if they'd like. She no longer had it in her to feel for anything anymore.

"Pull off her shirt." Summer demanded.

However, this was unexpected.

Rihanna froze with fear.

Two girls quickly began tugging at her shirt. She immediately began opposing their behavior and violently fidgeted in hopes they'll find it hard to resume. She couldn't let the tattoos be exposed, not to a monster like Summer. She'll break her little by little and elongate the torture till Rihanna is a million pieces of nothing.

Jessie's right, these tattoos are a big mistake. I've not only crossed the line, but they are literarily the only weapon they could use against me at this point. 

And yet, no matter how much she pushed and squirmed, one of the girls still managed to pull off the shirt's sleeves up, letting her shirt crumble around her neck. With one last tug, it was pulled off of her head.

And then she sat there in her tank top, powerless.

"Pull that off too." Summer added, pointing at Rihanna's black tank top.

"What are you doing?!" Rihanna finally protested out loud. "Don't you even dare."

The next words that escaped her lips were true feelings that were made of desperate longing. She began to scream Jessie's name, so loud that Summer ordered the big guy to punch Rihanna's mouth shut.

"Tie her to the pole." Summer instructed.

The high afternoon sun was even hotter up here. Rihanna felt a trickle of sweat line her forehead as the big guy carried her over to the pole and began tying her there. moments later, Rihanna was looking up at Summer, squinting while the sun poured its rays down on them. Thankfully, it seemed like they still hadn't noticed her tattoos.

"Do you have a clue of what the weather is like today?" Summer asked. Not waiting for Rihanna's answer, she said. "Ninety eight degrees. You can basically fry an egg on here." She tapped her foot, indicating the concrete floor of the roof.

Rihanna wanted to shield her eyes for the heavy hot sun waves, but could only move her head far enough to shield one side of her face.

"Take her shoes off." Summer demanded.

The big guy slipped Rihanna's flats off with ease, exposing her bare feet. With cold blood, Summer stepped on Rihanna's left foot, pressing the sole of it against the extremely hot concrete.

Rihanna let out a short cry of pain.

"You feel that? Imagine your face against it. No, imagine the heat ten times worse." Summer pressed Rihanna's other foot against the ground. Both of Summer's shoes were now on top of Rihanna's feet and the scolding heat of the concrete from under had Rihanna squirm in her place, her eyes shut while moans of pain escaped her lips. Tears began to fall from her eyes as she deeply wished she could drop out of the Academy already.

Summer took ahold of what looked like a watering can.

"I'm going to ask you one question, and don't you dare lie." Summer said.

Here they go again. Charles. It was all Charles' fault. Everyone has been wondering about our relationship ever since he enrolled.

"Answer the question with honesty, we untie you and you leave this hot sun. Answer incorrectly and," she toasted the water can she held in the air, "I will butter you up for the sun rays. Ever tried to sit in melted butted in this kind of heat? You'll be literally fried."

Rihanna's shocked expression conveyed her feelings toward Summer's plans.

"Good. Now..." Summer said, "What is going on between you and Lexis?"

"W-What?" All trail of thoughts disappeared from Rihanna's head.

This wasn't about Charles?

"Wrong answer." Summer tipped the watering can and a stream spilled on Rihanna's chest. However, Summer was kind enough only to let a small trickle fall. "Try again."

"I really don't know what you're talking about!"

"Again, wrong answer." Another trickle hit Rihanna, this time on the cheek and neck. "Did you know each other from before?"

"WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!" Rihanna this time screamed, wondering what the hell was going on. "I hate him. He hates me. That's what's going on."

"Alright." Summer seemed content with what Rihanna was saying. Lexis paying close attention to a person is the sort of thing that never happens, unless that person means a significant thing to him. Today, she found out from Charles that Lexis had his hands full of Rihanna, and Summer momentarily remembered the sight of Rihanna leaving the kitchen which Lexis had been inside of. That triggered her alarm. Was there a secret relationship going on that no one knew about? "Now we're getting somewhere. Why do you hate him?"

Rihanna quickly thought of a cover story. "Because he's mean to other people. And he was the reason that my friend Joshua had to leave the Academy. He threw knives at me for god sake!"

Summer nodded slowly, considering Rihanna's excuse. "That answers that part. Why does he hate you?"

I'll never tell you that.

"Because I'm poor. Why else?"

Summer studied Rihanna's expression, wondering if the strange girl said the truth or not. She doubted something in her tone but everything she said made sense nonetheless.

She nodded and decided it was enough for her. As long as the two weren't involved romantically, then everything is fine. She only needed her parents to redo the arranged engagement again. Things will become much more settled then.

Lexis will be hers.

She still disliked the glare in the little brat's eyes. So it was only fair that she poured the entire content of the pot on Rihanna's bare skin.

Rihanna, who was now dripping with it while tied to the pole, sat there frozen with a shocked expression.

"I still think you need a tan."

They left.

Her alone.

To feel pain only rain can save her from. 

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