MOVIE >scene125> - A Dorm. A Delinquent. A Girl.

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The next day was Sunday, and Fayth escaped for a little piece of mind. Vincent had been requesting that she sees her therapist this week. She kept postponing it since everything in her life lately had been overwhelming and she wasn't ready to speak of it yet. But her therapist agreed to see her on a weekend, so she made time to let her mind finally get fully filtered.

In the hotel room, Fayth and Janine played a fiery game of classic Jenga. The competition was high and they had built the blocks till most of them were standing on twos now.

"So how was your week?" Janine asked.

Fayth carefully pulled a block out of the side, her muscles were tight as she feared the collapse. "Same old, same old." She responded.

Why, she continuously asked herself, had she done what she did.

And in all honesty, she wasn't sure yet. She wasn't sure if Lexis knew who she was. She wasn't sure what she would do if that was the case. She knew she would deny it. She knew she could pull many excuses when needed, reassuring him that she wasn't even nearby the Academy during the incident. She knew she could do that much.

But, regardless of all her confident thoughts, she was just not ready to face him yet.

Until she was completely calm and collected about not having any reaction toward the kiss from yesterday, she would rather pull on a smile, and act as if she had no idea what he was talking about if he brought it up.

And that was her mindset for now. If Janine wants to talk, they can, but not about Lexis.

"Kurt is interesting." She added, giving Janine something to work with.

"How so?"

"Well, he's a mute guy that never speaks to anyone. Its why he was put in F.A.I.T.H. He chose to speak to me out of all people."

Janine's eyebrows furrowed, showing interest. "What were his first words to you?"

Fayth sighed, not wanting to say it, but feeling she had already fell for her own turnabout. "He asked me why I ignore Lexis."

"Why do you ignore Lexis?" Janine asked, she very slowly pulled a block out, leaving one other one in the middle.

"What's interesting is that he's figuring out that I'm not who I say I am."

"How?" Janine noticed Fayth's dodging the previous question.

"It was partly my fault. I took an expensive bracelet that's mine inconsiderably, and didn't care if it was lost."

"Mmm." Janine looked up at Fayth. "Do you have two boys fighting over you?"

Fayth snickered. "Of course not. Lexis is...."

Fayth closed her eyes. She had to think about the kiss. She had to think all about it, and make sure she understood quite well why she did it.

To get away.

She realized she needed to filter this out more on her own. Her seeing Janine was a mistake.

"Lexis lives in his own world. Kurt is just one of those people that want to find out everything. Or at least, it feels like that."

"Did he ever share with you why he puts himself forward as mute?"

Fayth nodded. "He witnessed someone being murdered a year and a half ago at a house that his dad sold to someone famous. The person that killed the guy took ahold of him and basically threatened his life. He hadn't spoken a word since."

Janine straightened up and looked at Fayth, her eyebrows furrowed again.

"And he only speaks"

Fayth nodded.

Janine's head tilted to the side, her eyes not moving away from Fayth's.

"What?" Fayth asked.

He only speaks to her... why would he–

"Were you there that day? Were you with him? The day he witnessed that murder? It would certainly explain why he spoke to you, and only you."

Fayth was surprised by the sudden question. "What? No, why would I? I've never met him before."

"Are you sure? You don't remember him at all?"

Fayth shook her head. "No. F.A.I.T.H. is the very first place I've seen him in."

The tower of blocks shook from the lousy base and tumbled down in one go.  

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