MOVIE >scene97> - A Dorm. A Delinquent. A Girl.

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"Help." Rihanna called out with desperation. However, her voice was nearly ten decibels loud–the weakest it ever been. "Help!" She breathed again.


She can feel her body wasting into a ball of fire that was slowly taking her under. Hope in having someone notice her and come to her rescue gave her enough energy to call a little louder now.

"Please, help!"

Her voice was too weak. Wasted behind non-existence energy and heat exhaustion. She refused to give up nonetheless and did the one thing that she knew her body would react to uncontrollably.


She dug her chin into her severely sunburnt shoulder, and immediately.... a deafening scream of pain bellowed from her lips. She had never felt more regret equalled with hope in her entire existence.

Lexis turned around, his eyes carefully searching the roof. The last thing he'd consider is someone else being here at this time of day. Questioning the sudden shriek of anguish, he roamed around to find the source. The voice that sounded strangely familiar. A voice barely recognizable, one that feared to be heard by him.

He walked to the girl tied down by the sun.

Her hair color told him who she was as soon as he had laid eyes on her. She sat there, life evaporating from her skin under the high heat. He can see her pain, and he felt a strange emotion as he watched her sit in it.

With slow steps, he made his way until he was standing in front of her.

Her head was bowed and her hair fell around her face like a curtain. Her skin, or at least what he saw from it, was burnt. To the point where he can almost smell the living cells in the epidermis frying.


He knelt down so he was partially leveled with her. It seemed like she was slowly loosing consciousness. This could mean two things: she still had no idea he was there and she was on the verge of being drunk with pain.

Lexis slipped two fingers under her chin and lifted her face up to face him. Her eyes were opening and closing in a very slow and heavy pace.

As soon as he touched her skin, she began to scream murder.

Sunburnt. Second degree.

He put his arms around her–reaching for the rope. For a moment, he thought she'd regained all consciousness as she opened her eyes and lifted her head up to look at him, her face an inch away from his. 

But she dropped her head forward again, resting it against his chest, and he quickly resumed untying the rope.

She began losing consciousness again, and he momentarily wondered for how long she'd been sitting there without anyone knowing. After removing the rope, he quickly picked her up in his arms. Her head wobbled everywhere, with no self control whatsoever. And as soon he touched her again, she began to scream with anguish and pain.

The walk to the infirmary was fast, and thankfully not far. Moments later, he had her on the bed while the nurse moved around the room fetching equipment.

Lexis turned to leave, suddenly caught in question with his actions.

"Why?" She asked.

He turned around and looked down at her. She had lost consciousness, but was now back, staring at him with heavy eyelids... with a breathless voice.

He looked down at her lips, then back into her eyes. "I think about you more than I dislike you...and for some reason, I don't loath that as much as I should."

She was drunk on pain.

She won't remember. 

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