MOVIE >scene165> - A Dorm. A Delinquent. A Girl.

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Fayth gasped and her body shook in one set of petrified waves.

"Why did you do it?" Lexis asked, his voice emotionless.

Fayth shook her head in small weak tremors. "I didn't do it!" She insisted.

Mandy's phone rang again. "Hello?" She answered.

"Is everything alright? What happened?"

"Well–uh, I don't know how to say this, but currently Lexis Ellis, a student in the program, is talking to her."

Lexis Ellis? Vincent wondered what his interest in someone like 'Rihanna Gessner' conveyed.

"I'm sorry to ask this, but can you put the phone on speaker again please. I'd like to hear what he's saying to her."


Everyone else stared at them, confused more than shocked. They didn't understand what Lexis was trying to do. They didn't understand what it was that Fayth was trying to deny.

"Why are you lying?" Lexis pushed, his eyes staring into her depth. "You know what you did."

"I didn't–I didn't."

"But you did. Don't you remember?"

Fayth shut her eyes as the memory began to replay from the start. "It was in the park–" She breathed.

The phone's ringing.

We need to go soon.

What do you think about...

Let's do the merchandise...

We can let the oil company take care...

The phone's ringing...

I'm sure the stock market...

It's okay. I have time...

Go ahead and tell the secretary...

Fayth clasped her hands on her ears and gritted her teeth. Another defeating scream threatened to escape her lips.

Lexis took both of her hands away. "Why did you do it?"

No answer. Her eyes were still shut, rewatching the horror in her head. The screams were on the tip of her tongue, ready to take part of her again.

Lexis, while observing her first outburst, had noticed something crucial. While screaming, denying whatever it is she had done–or didn't do, she continuously tried to hide her left hand behind her.

He wrapped his fingers around her left wrist and brought it in between them. "Look."

She didn't want to open her eyes.

"Look right now or I'll go with you to that park."

Her eyes opened wide, and when she looked at her hand, she gasped again. "No no no no no..."

Lexis slowly took off the ring she wore on her ringer. The deep white scar looked the same as he'd seen it in the kitchen once.

"NO!" She began to scream again.

Sharp, ear piercing screams.

Lexis' cold eyes didn't leave hers. He stared at her as if he was swallowing the truth for the first time, invading her most private thoughts. Her most painful memories.

He took her face in his hands. Tears began to fall as she saw the truth of what had happened. It was a break or make moment. A moment that he understood little about but knew how to bring humanity back into. He began to kiss her, deciding she had enough. It was first a peck, enough of a feeling to bring her back. But the peck seemed to have lasted longer than what even he'd planned.

Slowly, he can see, feel her senses coming back. As soon as he did, he pulled away, his hands still holding onto her cheeks.

She opened her eyes and looked at him, blinking with recognition.

"Are you okay?" He breathed, his eyes full of emotion she'd never seen before on him.

She stared back into his eyes. He stood there in front of her, watching her watch him. Watching her see him for the first time.

"What's going on? What happened?" She took a step back and looked around, searching for her last thought.

Sitting. I was sitting down...

But how was she standing here now, looking at Lexis?

She looked at the others. They were all standing there staring at her. All silent. All wore eyes that were judgmental, opened wide with fear. Aside from Alvin, who stared at her like he was watching a movie, his mouth full of the long turkey sub he held.

"What happened?" She breathed, this time terrified of herself.

Lexis kept quiet. He was now back to before. His eyes reflecting his heart, dark and empty.

Fayth turned and looked at Mandy. "Did–did I do something wrong?"

Mandy stared back at her, her eyes soft with sadness as she silently sighed.

Fayth looked down, hugging her body with her hands. What's going on? What happened?

And that's when she saw the glass. She stared at it. Looked at everyone. Then looked away. "I–I have to go."

"Can I please speak to her?" Vincent said.

Fayth froze. She looked at Mandy's phone.

"Sure." Mandy took it off speaker and handed it to Fayth.


"Slowly walk out of the classroom, go downstairs, and walk out of the Academy. I'm waiting outside for you."

"But I'm fine." Fayth said, making her way to the greenhouse in the F.A.I.T.H. wing.

"I should have never let you in that school. I should have kept you at home, near me, with me, at all times. I should have never agreed to let you out of my sight."

"I love you." Fayth answered back. "I'm going to go now. I'll stay with Charles."

Fayth hung up, and made her way back to Mandy, after giving her the phone, she avoided everyone's eyes and made her way to the door.

Everything was hazy. She couldn't feel anything. She couldn't feel her feet walking, or the sounds–gossip around her. Every single matter became blurry. Like a feather passing. It was only when she opened the door, and saw Charles in front of her, that she let herself out of her control.

And he caught her before her limp body fell to the floor.

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