MOVIE >scene112> - A Dorm. A Delinquent. A Girl.

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Today was Violet's last day in the F.A.I.T.H. program. The headmistress had issued her removal and re-enrollment into the regular classes. Katerina had baked a farewell cake and the classroom was decorated with congratulation ribbons. Even though Violet didn't want to leave F.A.I.T.H., she wanted to be normal more.

And now, the members number dropped from nine to eight.

The party was going well until Vivian walked into the room. No uniform. Black stalkings. White dress. Black silk scarf. Hair pulled back tightly in a high ponytail.

She walked in with her black boots, and stopped in front of Devon. Without pause, she lifted up her leg and stomped her boot on top of his desk.

"Wow, it really is you." She said. "So honored to meet you in person. That music video you made, Crying for a Monster, it's dope. I really liked how you let that girl move around you." She winked. "I bet you I can do better though."

Devon winked back. "You could have tried not wearing leggings." He said, eyeing her legs.

"Vivian Crane. You do not attend class unless you have the proper uniform on." Mandy insisted. "And put your foot down."

She was trying to be as strict as she had been with Fayth when she had first enrolled, only she had no idea what a terrible person Vivian was and how far her impoliteness will go.

Still looking at Devon, Vivian said. "Sorry, couldn't hear what you said. What?"

"I said you do not attend class without proper uniform. And I suggest you get your foot off Devon's desk."

Vivian smiled at Devon. "Is her voice always this low? I can't hear–"

Lexis stood up and walked over to Vivian. He then wrapped his arm around her waist, lifted her up and smashed her body inside a desk. "This is your new seat. Sit there."

"Did you get jealous because I was flirting with someone else?"

He smiled and leaned in close to her ear. "I don't like cheap girls."

This upset Vivian, however, she didn't reply to Lexis. Instead, she pointed at Mandy. "Don't ever fucking tell me what to do. I'll wear whatever the hell I want, I put my foot where ever I want, and hell, go and fucking kick me out of this hellhole for all I care."

"Stop." Lexis demanded.

She wouldn't listen. "And who the fuck put you in charge? Look at you, you're what, twenty? Give me a fucking break. The most you could with your life–"

"Luke Crane."

Everyone fell silent and looked over at Fayth.

"If you call Vivian's father, he wouldn't care what his daughter does. As long as it doesn't reach the news, then it doesn't matter to him. She knows that. That's why she's the way she is. But," Fayth never had a more serious expression, and it made everyone speechless. "Luke is the youngest of the Crane family, and he's the most....authoritative person in Vivian's life. If you want to talk to a guardian about something, just call him. I can give you his number."

Vivian's jaw was on the floor. She stared at Fayth shocked, hurt, betrayed.

Fayth, still apparently remorseless, looked over at Vivian. "Go change."

Five seconds later, the desk Vivian was sitting in was flipped over and she was walking out of the door.

"Th–Thank you." Mandy said, confused, as everyone else was.

Fayth tucked her hair behind her ear and smiled shyly. "No problem, sorry, she's a good friend of mine and she goes nuts sometimes."

Fayth knew this meant war between her and Vivian, but she also knew her secret wasn't going to get out of the box anytime soon.

When class ended, on the other hand, is when things went down hill.

Everyone left, cheering their day's end and making plans for tomorrow since it was the weekend.

Fayth was still packing when Kurt spoke.


She looked up. They were the only two left in the room. She had been so lost in thought that she hand't noticed until he had said her name.


"There is something that I was wondering about."

"What is it?" Fayth asked, resuming to put her things in her bag.

"Well, you remember that bracelet that I once found, then chased you to give back?"


"Was it in any way special to you?"

She shook her head. "Nope."

"Who gave it to you?"

"I'm pretty sure I bought it a few years back..." She wasn't sure where he was going with this.

Kurt looked at her amused. "Really?"

She nodded. "Yes. Why?"

His eyes searched hers. "Rihanna, who are you really?"

Fayth froze. She looked up at Kurt and while smiling, she said. "Rihanna...? Is that a trick question?"

He leaned in, and with a serious expression, he said. "You know what I mean."

"You know what Kurt. Let's do this. Who are you?" She quickly diverted the subject. "How come you act mute? How come you only talk to me?" Fayth suddenly wished he didn't.

"A secret for a secret." He said.

"I would, I really would love to know why you're mute with everyone else. But what can I t say, I don't have a secret to exchange."

He looked down at the floor, then after making whatever decision he had come up with in his head, he looked back at Fayth. "How could someone who can afford a Bvlgari Emerald bracelet easily say, 'it's not a big of a deal, even if I lost it I wouldn't have minded.' Poor people don't think like that. Only those who are filthy rich are that stupid."

Fayth's eyes were wide open when she realized that yes, the bracelet had been somewhat expensive. The last thing she expected was for Kurt to use the unthought of words she had once said against her now.

"And currently, you're the best friend of the vice president's daughter, who she only listens to regardless of her ill-tempered personality." He tucked her hair behind her ear for her, a mischievous smile making its way on his lips. "Exactly who are you Rihanna Gessner?"

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