MOVIE >scene8> - A Dorm. A Delinquent. A Girl.

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Waking up the next morning was a drag for Rihanna. As she blinked her eyes at the white ceiling, she momentarily wished she was back home. Back where Vincent was. Back where she had her own bathroom and a bedroom that she didn't share with anyone else.

She straightened up and dangled her feet off the bed. As she slowly wiped the sleep off her eyes, the memory of what had happened yesterday dawned on her.

She sprang to her feet, her heart pounding with disbelief and embarrassment. "Oh god!" She breathed into the palm of her hand. She turned her wide eyes to the closed curtain and froze in shock.

Did it happen? Did I stupidly showcase what I shouldn't have?

She turned the other way, breathing in and out with heavy disbelief and humiliation. How on earth was she going to face Jessie now? Or even the other person... What was his name again? She grunted and sat back on the bed, hugging her knees and covering her face with her knees.

She tried to remember what exactly she had said, but her thoughts were clouded and she wasn't exactly recalling the right words. It was important though. She had to remember. She needed to know the pot's size to get the perfect lid for it, otherwise they're going to think she's a lunatic.

Even though she raked her brain for the words, all she could go back to was the person, whoever he was, and the way he looked. His features, they were very familiar. Familiar and dead. Yet, they were alive with something else. She couldn't exactly understand what it was, but it terrified her to death. She knew what kind of person he was. She knew what was hidden behind that mask. She could see what others don't. She could see it, understand it and–given what happened to her yesterday–feel it.

"Rihanna?" Jessie's voice came from across the room. It was very awake, which meant he'd been up for quite awhile now. "Are you awake?"

Rihanna kept quiet. Frozen in her spot like she was caught doing something horrible. Sharing a dorm with Jessie was a worse idea than she had thought, clearly, he even lets his friends sleep over. Not only that, but him, he had him as a friend. She didn't want to see that guy ever again. In fact, she'd willingly drop out of the Academy if it meant its the only that she won't encounter him again.

He wasn't good for her. Or her health. She knew that much very well.

And anyway, she couldn't let him see her either. Not after what happened.

Quietly, she grabbed a set of clothing and tiptoed her way to the bathroom, which, she realized for the first time, was on her side of the room. Does that mean that Jessie had to walk in and out from her side every time he wanted to shower?

She shut her eyes and suppressed an angry sigh.

After walking in and silently closing the bathroom door behind her, she turned the lock with slow motion, then turned and let out a sigh of relief.

For now, she could act like she's taking a shower.

She quickly put the shower head on and proceeded to take off her clothing. The thought of having to be naked fifteen feet away from a guy who'd seen her humiliate herself was unbearable. She shook the thought out of her head as she stood under the warm water.

After finishing, she quickly dried herself off and pulled her clothes on.

Deciding not to get out yet, in case he was still waiting, she grabbed the blow dryer and let the loud sound of it mute her own thoughts. All the while, she stared at her eyes. The brown color of them was too dark today. Usually they were very light, almost a hazel color.

She looked at the reflection her mood with dissatisfaction.

The blow dryer swiftly touched the right side of her head and she cursed in pain. Touching it with her fingers now, her scalp was swollen. Very swollen. And surprisingly, as if she had reminded herself of it, pain started echoing through her skull.

She put the hairdryer down and decided to just get on with her day. She was going to have to face Jessie at some point, and might as well do it before school started so nothing was too awkward. She grabbed her eyeliner and smeared it around her eyes, as perfectly as Rihanna would do it.

She opened the bathroom door and walked to the edge of the curtain. Remembering something, she walked back to the bathroom and scanned it to make sure she hadn't left anything behind. She looked at the floor where her underwear lay and silently cursed at herself for being careless.

After cleaning up the bathroom, she walked back to the curtain again and took a deep breath.

Seventy five percent of her was sure Jessie was long gone. She had been in the bathroom for forty five minutes. Not to mention the time she used to clean it afterwards too. And so she more so got herself ready for his absence then his presence.

She pulled the curtain five feet aside, and there he sat on his desk, folders in front of him.

Jessie turned around and looked at Rihanna for the first time since last night. The funny feeling in his stomach came full blast and he stood up hoping to clear it. It didn't go away. In fact, it rose up and fluttered in his chest too.

"Good morning." He said to her.

The knot inside Rihanna's stomach almost made her sick. She hated it. Hated that Jessie made her feel that way. This wasn't supposed to happen. Vincent had warned her. He said: The closer you get to a person the more you are entitled to give them your trust. To let them in. To show them who you really are. So no matter what you do, don't form feelings for a single person there.

Jessie gritted his teeth. Whatever it is that was going on with him, he wasn't going to let it take over his body. He wasn't going to let it walk a single step forward. It has to end now. He was a guy. She was a girl. They shared the same room and the whole entire Academy expected him to do the right thing.

Lowering his voice to a business like tone, he fixed his expression and said. "Yesterday, what happened exactly?"

Rihanna swallowed the lump that formed in her throat. She looked at her feet and pursed her lips.

"Did Lexis do something to you? Did you encounter him yesterday before we've met? Did he mistreat you?"

Rihanna glanced at the door, feeling bombarded with questions she was anxious to get away from. It was about seven feet away, the door. If she can walk to it, she'd be out of here in a flash.

But all she felt at the moment were her heavy legs, and his piercing stare.

"Do you have something against me?" He suddenly asked. He couldn't hold it in anymore. Why was she ignoring him? "Did I do something to you without knowing?"

She didn't know why she was giving him the silent treatment. She didn't hate him, that's for sure. But something about him made her feel when she looked at him. That made her want to avoid him at all costs. To her, it was safer to not talk. To not look at his face. To not feel that flutter in her stomach.

Avoiding his curious gaze, she tucked her chin and closed the distance between her and the door with quick steps. Quickly she opened it and shut it behind her, feeling like she could finally breathe again, she sighed and ran.

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