MOVIE >scene67> - A Dorm. A Delinquent. A Girl.

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"Play the piano again." Devon said, jumping up and down.

Piano girl shoved him. "Stop stepping all over the place. Can't you see I'm cleaning after your shoe prints now." She grunted in anger as she put the mop inside the bucket and wiped the floor again.

"Just one more time. I promise."

She sighed loudly, exhausted from his talking. She turned and faced him. "Why?"


"Because why?"

"Because you're good."

"I'm good at a lot of things."

"I saw, but the most important one: piano."



"Because why?"

He sighed. "Let me ask you this. You always hide your talent. If I didn't sneak up on you, I would have never known you were so good with all those things. Why do you hide them from other people? Talent is a good thing to show off. It gets you places."

She looked down at her shoes, suddenly quiet.

"Answer for an answer. I want to hear your piano again because like–I don't want to sound corny or anything–but it lit this little fire inside me. I think I know what I want to be now. I want to get into music. But I have to hear you again to make that fire bigger. So I could work harder to get to that place."

"You're right. That did sound corny."

"Your turn."

A long moment of silence passed. Her face held something unexplainable. Devon stared at the girl and suddenly, he realized maybe it wasn't a good idea that he asked her that question.

"Every single one of those things I'm good at, they remind me of exactly how much I'm not needed."


"Come here." Her uncle curled his forefinger back and forth.

She went over to him. "Yes, sensei."

"He's back to get ya."


Her uncle threw the phone on a set of mats. "Your dad. He's coming to get ya in a few. Get ready."

Her body floated with happiness. "Really?" She stood on tiptoes, her brain suddenly going into a stupor mode. She began walking around, trying to see what she could do, what to pack. "He's really coming for me?"

"Well, I'm not sure. He's gonna make sure you get back home. It's either him..." She looked at her uncle, her excitement evaporating. "Or someone else."

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