MOVIE >scene134> - A Dorm. A Delinquent. A Girl.

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As grade president, it was Jessie's job to get this year's Dawn Winter Beauty Pageant (DWBP) promoted pictures ready for the Academy to vote. To his surprise, Violet was nominated to run for the competition as well. Though she was no longer a member, he wished her the best and hoped she'd make F.A.I.T.H. proud.

As he walked into the habitually empty dorm, he silently thanked Rihanna for her kind gesture in letting him use her laptop, for this competition would have been a complete disaster without it.

His own laptop, which he slept with while it was open one night, had eventually dropped to the ground and he unconsciously stepped on it the morning after, making it now support a cracked unusable screen. He had asked Rihanna if he could use hers a few weeks back, and she so kindly agreed.

He settled the flash drive on his bed and went on to retrieve the laptop. He was slightly surprised that someone like Rihanna–with a low income family–could afford such expensive technology.

She's not the type of person that would accept things from Charles... Strange.

He waited for the laptop to load, then continued to click on the Find menu. After clicking on Pictures he searched around for a file he can store the Winter Beauty Pageant pictures in.s

A file name caught his eyes. He had never been into Pictures before, and it never occurred to him that Rihanna could have pictures uploaded onto the laptop. He probably wouldn't have meddled any further, but the file name was something that intrigued him.

Memories of us for you to remember...

He wondered if he would see her family pictures. He was always curious who they were. They must be such great people to have raised someone as incredible as Rihanna, and he wished that one day he would meet them.

He opened the file and about twenty thumbnails showed up. He clicked on the first one, the second... the third... and became only more confused as he went through all the strange photos.

Why would Rihanna have someone else's pictures on her laptop? Did the laptop belong to someone else? That's strange.

Shaking away his thoughts, Jessie went back to the first picture and went through all the photos again, in case he had missed something.

His eyes began to widen as he realized that he was merely misunderstanding what he was seeing. The moment he looked outside the box, shock was all there was left for him to feel.

"Oh my god..."

Across the massive building, outside door 'C', Fayth stood with Katerina, confused.

"I'm guessing you don't know who her father is, huh?"

"Daddy!" Bubbles exclaimed, looking behind Fayth with a huge grin on her face.

Fayth turned around slowly, her heart beating in thrashes as she came face to face with Bubbles father.

Bubbles climbed down from Fayth's arms, and as she left them, she realized that she might never be able to hold the little sweet thing again. She watched Bubbles run to her dad, as if she couldn't be any happier, as if she couldn't be anymore excited, with no more possible love given to a single human being... as she ran into her father's arms. Lexis' arms.

"No." She breathed, looking at Bubbles' father with shock. "No way. There is no possible way."

Like a rock to a mirror, the compassionate image Fayth drew in her head for a father was crushed.

It can't be.

The man that Bubbles had been so lovingly describing, the amazing role model, the loving human being – it can't be him. It just can't. The man whom Fayth felt jealous for, the man she held a certain fondness–even a bond–to for being such a great father to Bubbles, it definitely, definitely can't be him. Lexis.

"I guess you didn't know." Katerina remarked, studying Fayth's hurt expression. "It is true though. Lexis is Dawn's father."

Dawn? Dawn? Her name's Dawn? Is that why she was afraid to tell me her name? Because she didn't want me to know she was from the Ellis family?

Fayth suddenly remembered the time she was at Bubbles house, the familiar voice was her grandfather's voice. It was John's voice, Lexis' father.

"She's going to inherit the school as soon as she turns eighteen. She was named after it, or in other words, her sixth generation grandmother, Dawn Ellis."

"But–but, I mean, how can it be? She's so sweet. He's–nothing but a monster." Tears fell down Fayth's eyes, shock and disbelief faulting her perfect image of Bubble's father, a person that gave her hope in a fatherhood's humanity. However, now it all shattered. Shattered into tiny pieces that can never be put back together again.

"Not to her, he's not. That girl is his world."

Fayth clenched her fingers as she stared at Bubbles taking ahold of Lexis' hand and ushering him to meet Fayth. "Come on daddy. Come meet her."

Fayth quickly wiped her tears and looked away, disgusted.

"Here he is!" Bubbles exclaimed, pulling Lexis over. "This is my dad. I told you all about him!"

Fayth kept quiet. She couldn't do as much as face him.

He, too, was silent. Perplexed.

"Faith...?" Bubbles said, suddenly worried and confused.

Angry, hurt, and mentally exhausted, Fayth looked over and with a rougher voice than she intended, said, "I have to go." looking at Lexis, she coldly added. "It was nice meeting you."

Bubbles quickly took ahold of Fayth's skirt and looked up at her with round worried eyes. "Did I do something wrong?"

Fayth realized that Bubbles had no clue about her father and Fayth. And right then, she had treated Bubbles in the most horrible and ignorant way possible. She had been so excited for her dad and Fayth to meet, and right now Fayth was simply destroying every little vision of Bubbles expectations.

Fayth knelt down on her knees and took ahold of her two little hands. "No, of course not! You didn't do anything wrong." Fayth tried to smile through her migraine, "I'm just a little tired. I'll feel better after I go and lay down. You enjoy your time with Lex–your dad, okay?"

Bubbles took her little hands away from Fayth's. Fayth's heart dropped, realizing the damage she had done was much too severe at this point to mend. But then Bubbles wrapped her arms around Fayth's neck and hugged her tightly.

With her dad near them, Fayth couldn't bring herself to hug her back, at least, not before Bubbles had already unwrapped her arms and stepped back.

Fayth stood up, and the moment she did, Lexis leaned in and into her ear, he said, "Stop feeding my daughter's head with nonsense. You're broken. She's three."

Katerina tried to break the tension.

"Hi Dawn!" She exclaimed, smiling.

Dawn threw her a disgusted glance and turned towards her father.

The manners on this girl... Katerina sighed. No one can get through to Dawn. She was just like her dad.

Katerina took ahold of Fayth's arm and pulled her away. "Let's go make cupcakes." She told Fayth, challenging Dawn. "Yummy delicious cupcakes."

Like happy curious dandelions, the rest of F.A.I.T.H. members popped their heads out with interest, as they always do when they hear Katerina was going to cook.

Katerina pulled Fayth with her to the kitchen, and nearly everyone followed.

Fayth looked behind her. Bubbles took ahold of Lexis' cheeks with her tiny hands, and puckering her lips, she kissed him. While it was happening, Lexis glanced towards Fayth, his eyes not leaving hers until she had turned back around.

This can't be true... I don't want it to be true...

Where am I the rest of the day? Usually twitter @joprbooks  

or instagram @joprbooks

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