MOVIE >scene42> - A Dorm. A Delinquent. A Girl.

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On the way to the headmistress's office, Rihanna tried to organize the feelings she had in her heart. Now that the whole night had passed well and Lexis' temperature was down to normal, she wondered why she didn't feel the least bit of annoyance for having to put up with it all.

Instead, She was actually happy. Since Lexis was an inconvenient and terrifying person to her, being able to endure helping him all the way until the very end, seemed to be a million times more of something to be proud of than to help a friend who would already be expecting your help.

She didn't understand it, the feeling, but it didn't change the fact that Lexis exists. It might have made it a little less frightening to be around him now–or at the very least being with him in the same room–but it still didn't change it as much as she would've liked.

When they reached the headmistress' office, Mrs. Caravelle stopped by the door and ushered Rihanna to go in by herself. This was Rihanna's first time coming here. Moreover, this would be her first time seeing the headmistress too.

She opened the door and walked into the spacious room. Red carpet and golden walls welcomed her in. The room was tinted into a more homey auburn light then what is usually seen in bright neon offices. It was different. It almost felt as if it wasn't a place for work, but a home to live in instead.

Two more doors were inside, each one larger in size then the one Rihanna had entered from. And she momentarily wondered where they lead to.

She walked across the long wide room to where a grand wooden desk was placed. The headmistress, whose name Rihanna had yet to memorize, stood near the window behind it, staring out into the morning sky.

"Hi, I'm Rihanna Gessner." Rihanna said, stopping near a small table and four chairs behind the grand desk.

The headmistress turned around and looked at Rihanna. And Rihanna was instantly surprised at the sight of her. At first, she expected an old white haired lady dressed in a long skirt, leggings and an off white blouse, but instead, a middle aged beautiful woman stood before her. Complete with satin almond hair, a small face and a height of a model. Her dress clothes, slim gray pants, and gray jacket over a white blouse, hugged her perfectly.

The headmistress smiled at Rihanna, but her smile wasn't one you'd see when an adult looks with at a child, it was a smile you would see when your enemy finally finds something to use against you.

As Dr. Dormer studied the girl in front of her, she was suddenly content with her arrangements. Someone who looks so dysfunctional shouldn't have enrolled into the Academy in general. Who was behind her enrollment? It had become evident from the news Summer Harrison is currently passing around that Rihanna is from nowhere near a well off family. Instead, she somehow made amends with a connection so strong, that even the board had shut the headmistress out in releasing more information on who it was.

And because of their incoherent behavior, the headmistress is left with one decision until she, herself, puts things in correct order.

"I'm not a person to beat around the bush. So I will be straightforward. Reviewing your school papers, I have unsettling suspicions on your enrollment into the Academy."

Rihanna's stood there, staring at the headmistress with a web of emotions weaved together into distortion. Her heart thumped and thrashed, longed and bashed, fought and lingered, defeated and swollen.

And at the same time, her expression held onto a confused look for its dear life.

Su–suspicions? So is this what it felt like to be suspected of something, when in the back of your mind, you know fully well that you have every right to be accused?

"I'm sorry, what?" Rihanna asked, her heart pounding endlessly.

Dr. Dormer frowned at Rihanna's expression, seeming uncertain about some things yet sure about others. She expected a caught off guard guilty one, but received nothing but confusion.

"I refuse to discuss this subject any further. At the meantime, I am still investigating the matter. I called you here to inform you that your schedule will change into a more fitting one until further action is taken or my suspicion is denied. If what I suspect is only a delusion, only then you will be able to return to taking regular classes again. At the time being, you will be transferring into a more suitable program. You will continue to attend your business lectures, no changes were made regarding that."

"What–why? What's going on here?!" Rihanna's heart kept on pounding, afraid of the answer that'll most likely change everything for her. "Where–where am I going?"

She had never known what it was like to have a sudden heart attack, until the headmistress said her next word.


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