MOVIE >scene83> - A Dorm. A Delinquent. A Girl.

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"What?" One of the girls asked, confused.

Rihanna clenched her fists, her hard gaze digging into the ground. Her eyes stung as she buried her nails deep into the skin of her palms. She can feel Dawn's Angels' eyes wide open with shock.

"I don't owe you anything." Rihanna breathed, almost in anger.

Charles shrugged. "If it weren't for me, you'd be a complete wreck by now. I granted you the chance to do something with your life."

"You're not the reason I'm in this school." Rihanna shut her eyes, her anger rising.

"My father is, but it's my family's money and connection so its technically me."

Rihanna felt her body grow warm from how upset she had become.

Why did he have to be here? He's going to ruin everything for her.

"And since I basically own your ass here now, I would rather no one touches her." He turned his attention to the girls around. "She belongs to me. So I'll be the only one telling her what to do. I am paying for her tuition after all."

Summer looked at Charles with disgust. "Charles! How could you stoop so low? Are you blind? She's a raccoon eyed low class excuse of a human. She faked a bank statement. She played desperate Cinderella for weeks. I should have known from her signature look what kind of trash I was dealing with. We should have her taken out of the Academy for good this time. There is no way someone like her should attend here. If she had enrolled any earlier, I would have been sure she's the Academy's thief."

"That is my decision. I own her." Charles said, this time with anger. "Now, make way for her to leave. She can't be too late for the event. She needs to pour me champagne and feed me expensive chocolates after all."

The girls made way for Rihanna and she stormed out, not a sense left in her to deal with anyone. Before she made it up the stairs, Charles took ahold of her hand and pulled her close to him. In her ear he said, "I do expect things out of you from now on. Especially since I'll be joining your Academy soon. It seems like I underestimated exactly how much fun I might have in this hell hole."

Rihanna ripped her arm away from his grab and quickly made her way to her dorm, where she drowned four candies into her blood stream.


"Did you hear? A new student joined. Charles Walton."

"Did you also hear who he helped get into this Academy? That white trash, her father is a low-life money thief. I should have known. She belongs in the dumps."

"But do you think we'll have to like her now? Because she's Charles property."

"Not really, but I wonder why Lexis Ellis didn't do anything about her yet."

"He will sooner or later. He might still be registering what happened. If it wasn't for the D Triple A event we would have never found out about that girl, and would have been deceived by her over and over again. Imagine how many years could have passed?"

"Especially since the school doesn't ask for addresses. Since all students here have global residencies."

"What do you think happens now?"

"One word. Hell."

I'm sorry for the delay. A lot of shit is going on over here. 

Honestly guys, I feel like I should bring the votes and comments goals back just so that I'm more determined to type the chapters up faster (it's a lot of typing, 500,000+ words in this darn book-that's like the combination of nearly two to three harry potter books). 

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