MOVIE >scene9> - A Dorm. A Delinquent. A Girl.

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"Hey, its you!"

Rihanna glanced behind her, and there he was. Connor. The big sturdy muscular guy was the last thing she needed right now.

She diverted her attention to looking at other places, as if she couldn't see him or at the very least recognize him, then she turned back around and quickened her pace toward basically nowhere.

Five seconds later, Connor stood in front of her.

"Yaa." Rihanna's gave out a little scream and froze in mid-step. She looked at him with her hand on top of her beating heart.

"You didn't know that I was talking to you this time either?"

"I have to go to the bathroom." Rihanna quickly blurted.

"And I'm a horse. What was your name again?"


"Do you have a boyfriend?"

He waited for her to answer. She stared at his face, constantly blinking. "Uh... is that a trick question?"

"Do you have boyfriend?" This time Connor said it slower.

"No. I told you, I don't date."

"How old are you?"


"Why did you answer like it's a question?"


"Why did you answer like it's a question?"

"I'm really confused."

"Why do you color your hair like that?"

"I like rainbows?"

"Why did you answer that like its a question?"

Rihanna kept her silence this time.

"Did you know that I'm a world famous athlete?" The question had its answer, however it was more shocking to Connor that she didn't know him. Usually those who aren't interested in sports wouldn't know who he was, but everyone in the upperclass did, and since she enrolled into this school, he expected her to.

"I'm not really into sports."

"You are into sports."

She faked a laugh. "Not really... It was nice see you again. I'm going to go–"

He grabbed her by the arm and dragged her away with him. When they were inside the gym room, he finally let her go and crossed his arms.

Rihanna looked around at the enormous high walled brightly lit space. The full sports room supported nearly every physical activity there is.

She stood on top of orange mats, set in a big square in the far right corner of the gymnasium. "Exactly what am I doing here?"

Connor studied her with his sky blue eyes. His bald head shined slightly against the lights above. With his arms crossed against his chest, his muscles flexed, on purpose as he tried to show them off. He stood in front of her so still... that he almost caught Rihanna off guard when he threw a punch at her.

She caught it, her eyes opening wide with surprise. Connor, however, did not stop. This time with quick speed, he spun around and threw his leg in the air, where it almost connected with Rihanna's face.

However, again, Rihanna was able to block the move.

Connor kept going. Kick after kick, punch after punch. And Rihanna continuously blocked each one. At the beginning his goal was to see if his suspicions about Rihanna were true. However, now it became a real game. He really wanted to beat her. He really wanted to throw her down on her back.

It took great effort from him, but finally he was able to flip her across his shoulder and slam her back first against the mat.

He didn't let go of her arm. He stared at her smiling face. He was breathless. She was not. She was completely still under him, as if she hadn't moved a single finger this whole time. Because of that, to him, it felt like she had won.

Rihanna stared at Connor. Indeed he was a pretty good athlete. and this athlete was pressing her too hard against the ground. She pushed his arm away and stood up. "You're impressive."

He shrugged, grabbing a towel and wiping his sweat. "You know, its pretty shocking seeing a girl do what you did. You do realize you're the only female who can fight in the Academy, don't you?"

She cleared her throat. Gazing at him from under her lashes, she said. "Do you mind not mentioning it to anyone?"

He smiled, feeling empowered by this powerful women. "On one condition."

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