MOVIE >scene100> - A Dorm. A Delinquent. A Girl.

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The headmistress' secretary came out of her office. She looked at the boy with the glasses in front of her and immediately recognized him.

"Taylor, what are you doing here?"

Taylor was one of the Academy's most prized students. His incredible ability to understand things beyond anyone normal was overwhelming most of the time. The boy, however, was still a child. He could only become a threat to the Academy a few years from now.

He raised the papers he had in his hand and evenly said, "I have important things I'd like to discuss with the headmistress."

The secretary nodded and opened the door for him to enter. Inside the room, Dr. Dormer stood by the window with a cup in her hand. The aroma of the coffee filled the room. She turned and looked at him, surprised by his presence.

"Can I help you?" She asked.

Taylor stopped by the desk and seated himself. "If you don't mind, I'd like to have a word with you concerning a student in this school. Rihanna Gessner."

At once the headmistress was fully alert. This specific matter had been drilling through her head for weeks and weeks, but she constantly hit dead ends. Nothing led her to confirm her suspicions, until, she had a settled feeling, now.

She took a seat in her leather chair and placed her hands on the table. "Go ahead."

"If you remember this or not, I was enrolled into F.A.I.T.H. as the fourth member, and I had quite the habit of searching everything about those who I will be socially engaged with. That'd include those who enroll afterwards into F.A.I.T.H. I searched the backgrounds of the members throughly, one by one, and found out quite a few things about them. Every single factor they did and didn't know about. I was even able to uncover some things that this entire Academy didn't know yet. Like for instance, the fact that Jessie is you son."

Dr. Dormer was not able to keep a calm expression when Taylor had mentioned this. "What are you–"

"Of course, no one would guess since both of your last names are different. That was quite easy to figure out though. While you kept your maiden name, you let Jessie adopt his ex-step father's last name from your second marriage and keep it. It would be impossible for anyone to know this of course, but for me it was merely a little internet browsing before I figured it out.

"However, that isn't what I'm here for, you being Jessie's mother is quite old news for me. I'm not the least bit moved by yet, but Rihanna Gessner?" He smirked. "She quite a mystery. An equation that kept me awake night after night for hours as I tried to figure this person out. From day one, her identity was a complete tangled web of questions. And as soon as I find an answer to one, another question falters that answer. I admit for the first time in my life this girl had nearly driven me to the edge of hysterics.

"Everyday, I waited for her to say a word that would help me figure out at least what her personalty is. A mere interest that would lead me to where she was before enrolling into this school, but absolutely nothing came up. She was a homeschooled poor girl her whole life until she had a scholarship from a loaded connection to come here. That was it. It was all there was to this girl. Nothing too special, nothing outstanding. But then, why would someone so plain be so mysterious? Why isn't there a follow up on her parents and her? It was driving me crazy.

"Up until a week ago, Violet, a girl who had a missing ear and a member of F.A.I.T.H, suddenly had an opportunity to get a surgery worth thousands of dollars. How is it that only days after she tells Rihanna she gets a leave out of the school, attend a cosmetic hospital that was offering a free ear surgery, and come back without having to pay a single penny. We all eventually knew her parents didn't know about her imperfection. We all knew there was no way they'd be the one's to have paid for it.

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