MOVIE >scene102> - A Dorm. A Delinquent. A Girl.

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Summer walked into the Ellis wing, her heels clicking on the tiled floor as she made her way up the short steps and into the living room where Lexis was laying on the sofa, arm under his head.

She sat on the recliner across from him and crossed her legs. She had just gotten them done and they looked as flawless as ever. As she briefly looked them over now, she was proud to show them off.

"So the great Lexis couldn't go against his father this time around?"

Lexis looked over at her.

"I thought you could do just about anything you want. I guess you failed this time, huh?"

There was a moment of silence, of him simply staring at her, making her feel as light as air. He was the definition of what could be the most mysterious being on Earth, without a single person to ever really know what he's thinking. He was looking at her now with that look, that 'I know something you don't' look.

And smiled.

"Your legs look nice."

Summer flushed, feeling exposed. She quickly undid her crossed legs and pulled her dress down.


She closed her eyes for a moment and realized her reaction was a stupid insecure one. Pissed, she again wondered how he out of all the people in the world could make her feel this way. She gets complimented all the time, yet one simple backhanded compliment from him makes her uneasy.

He looked back at the ceiling. "I still will not marry her. You don't have to worry just yet."

"Who said I'm worrying?" Summer quickly retorted.

It was quiet for awhile in the room. With a twitch of his head, Lexis glanced at her and asked. "How is it going with you and your boyfriend?"

"You mean with the relationship you tried to sabotage? We're doing well. We took a break away from each other for now." An angry fire lit inside of her. "I still blame it on that wench Rihanna. She was the reason behind me taking a stance in this bet in the first place. No matter what I do it'll never be enough."

"Give that a break too."

Summer squinted her eyes at Lexis with wonder. "Ever since the incident at the pool, you've been thinking way too much." Usually, Lexis doesn't need to think as hard as he does nowadays. He just knew things. "Is it because of her? What happened in the pool anyway? I heard things were intense."

Rihanna... His eyes shut tight as his chest compressed at the thought of her. A few tattoos flickered through his thoughts. The way she looked at him. The way her sudden familiar eyes pulled the memories that now threw him under more questions, more confusion, more frustration.

He reopened his eyes but kept quiet. For no particular sane reason, every time he thinks of her now he'd get this instant urge to see her. If he was out of his mind, if he didn't have a single brain cell in his head, he would have mistaken that urge, that feeling, as if he'd... missed her.

She was such a mystery.

Barely outspoken.

Eyes so lost, yet shone with intelligence that displayed her strategic mind.

And yet, beyond it all, beyond the display she put forth, he saw something hidden... behind a long unsaid story.

Damn her. Damn her to the pit of hell.

"She's mine to question. I've already told you this before." Lexis tilted his head toward Summer, his eyes committing murder with the anger he felt behind them. "Keep your hands off of her–if you know what's good for you."

A lump of fear made its way in Summer's throat. Lexis, at some points, could become terrifying even for Summer, who had known him for eight years now. It was exactly these times that she'd feel small and undecided on their relationship. It was exactly because of these times that she hated him.

"No. I'm going to rip her apart. She–"

Lexis glanced at her. "Should I repeat myself?"

Repeating himself. That's a very bad thing. Lexis should never have to repeat himself. The last time he had to repeat himself, he ruined an entire company of his father's. Summer definitely didn't want to know what he could do to her. She was always on his good side, even with the hate spiraling between them.

"If I didn't know better, I'd assume you liked her."

If he didn't know better, he would of thought the same.

"But I understand why she's a nuisance for you right now. Especially with her strange bond with Charles. Who would have thought someone so low class would get Charles riled up like this." She almost wanted to laugh at his idiocy.

Lexis, however, didn't find it funny. In fact, out of place and very annoying to think about.

Where had she gone? Even the Piano room, the place she had so underhandedly taken from him, is empty. She's nowhere around. The only thing she could've done is...

The blind spot.  

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