MOVIE >scene101> - A Dorm. A Delinquent. A Girl.

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Recap: "Lexis wants to destroy Dawn Academy. It's his mission. But now he has a distraction that is becoming his thoughts, his objectives, his curiosity. A puzzle that's making him walk in place, blindfolded, in the dark. By the name of, no, not Rihanna Gessner, the made up poor girl persona she played everyone with, but Fayth Armstrong, world's richest heir. For how long will her secret stay hidden from him?"


She had run out of the pool area, made her way to her dorm, and changed her clothes. After swallowing four tabs of her candy, she shoved the bottle inside her pocket, and quickly climbed out of the window.

She finally understood Lexis' strategy. It was an enormous pine tree that spread one of its huge branches right to the window. She used it to climb across and down the tree trunk to the grass. Thankfully, there was no one around. As quickly as she could, she ran, stomped against the surrounding wall of the Academy, and jumped, taking ahold of the wall's edge and lifting herself up and over to the other side.

Sometimes, she'd randomly think, the gymnastic classes weren't a waste after all.

Five miles cruising from the school, Fayth asked the driver to stop and she exited out of the taxi, making the rest of the way on foot.

She had no plans of going anywhere specific. She simply enjoyed roaming far away from the prestigious school–away from all the rich and powerful. That world was suffocatingly disturbing and filled with greed.

This was the only way. If bad things happen, Fayth won't be held accountable. She'd be gone already, nowhere to be found. If everything goes well, no one would call Vincent. It was a situation that put her under two choices: run away and act like Dawn Academy never happened, or come back and continue.

A maine coon cat walked over to her out of nowhere, meowing and rubbing its fur against Fayth's leg. After it was done, it began walking down the sidewalk, and Fayth followed it with her hands in her pockets, trotting behind it while it made its way to basically no where in particular.

The screech of tires against the asphalt right next to Fayth had her pause with fright. She glanced back at the black car, wondering who had found her first. Her mind was in a fight or flight stance, waiting to see who she had to deal with.

Its him. For sure its him. He's not going to leave me alone. Not after...

However, instead of Lexis, a little came out of the car. She walked over to the cat and excitedly called out her name. "Lilly!"

Lilly responded by jumping into her owner's lap.

"Where did you go? I told you not to leave anywhere without my permission!"

Lilly meowed.

The little girl stood up, hugging her cat close to her chest into a cuddle. "I can hug you all day."

A sweet smile. What a sweet, sweet smile.

Fayth, surprised, found herself smiling.

In it is all there is and what could be to be a child.

A sad feeling devoured her heart, and Fayth suddenly had this disturbed feeling while wishing she had a little sister like her. However, the moment the thought seeped into her mind, depression downed her mental stamina, and she looked away as her eyes began to sting.

The girl noticed her for the first time and looked up. Their eyes locked. And for a long moment, they both thought about something–the same something. The little girl looked down at the asphalt, her eyebrows furrowed as she tried to remember something, then at once, she looked up.

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