MOVIE >scene79> - A Dorm. A Delinquent. A Girl.

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"The lab tests have come back." Doctor Palandro said.

Lexis had made it to Anthony's appointment, and he now stood with his father outside Anthony's room, listening to what the world renown doctor had to say.

He could feel it, Lexis, he could feel the bad news coming. His body tensed at doctor Palandro's expression.

He can feel it. And he never felt more agonizing distress.

"I'm very sorry."

"What's that supposed to mean?!" Lexis breathed, trying to keep himself calm. His heart was pounding rapidly. Fear, so much fear took him down under where oxygen barely existed.

The doctor stared into Lexis' eyes. He never had a patient who he felt more compelled to explain and feel remorse towards the brother more than the parent.

Lexis clenched his fists and breathed in and out calmly. Please, if anything. if anything, don't let it be what I think it is. Please.

"Do continue." John said, eyeing Lexis and looking back at doctor Palandro.

"He's..." The doctor cleared his throat.

Its not life threatening. It won't be life threatening. Doctor Palandro have been fixing him for two years now. He can keep doing it. He will keep doing it.

"I'm afraid to say that he's in the last stage of his leukemia."

He can fix it again. He'll fix it again.

Lexis felt his breath freeze in his chest.

"It has taken over his entire body and..." He cleared his throat again. "I know you said you wanted to keep it away from him before, but he's going to be coming back here two sometimes three times a week for his transfusions."

"You, as far as I know, are one of the best doctors the planet had ever seen. You told us not to worry." Lexis said, trying to control his anger.

Doctor Palandro kept quiet for a moment, staring at Lexis' face. He knew exactly how big of a pain this will cause Lexis. The love he had for his little brother is unconditional. He never missed a visit. Not once in the past two years. They're glued together no matter what, and it killed him to say this to Lexis, but he knew there was no way around the truth.

"His body is already accepting its fate, you should too. Your brother is going to need you the following weeks. Each day could very much be his last now."

Lexis stared back at Doctor Palandro. Lost for words. His heavy heart pulling him down with despair.

He stood there and he didn't know what to say. He can see it, feel it. There was no way the doctor was going to change what he said.

"It can't be." Lexis breathed, he tried to release the knot in his throat. "He's–He's too healthy–"

"Lexis, please." The doctor finalized, he shook his head, erasing all hope from Lexis' heart.

Lexis let out a long exhale from his lips.

The air felt dense.

Breathing was the hardest thing he could do. He couldn't breathe.

And his knees became insultingly weak.

What is life, when you don't have the things you love in it? What is life, when the things that matter most to you, the things that keep you alive and breathing everyday, are slipping right from in-between your fingers?

He had never been more betrayed by anything before, then the loss of the things that loved him most.

Feeling like he could fall to pieces any moment, he turned around, gasping for air, and walked down the hall. When he found the first vacant space, a refreshment room in the halls corner, he walked into it and locked the door behind him. His body heaved, his eyes stung, and anger engulfed his emotions like a splitting knife.

Why? Why can't I love anything without losing it? Its not fair.

He shut his eyes. A scream as loud as thunder escaped his lips. The pain he felt in his heart more tormenting than anything he'd ever felt. Another piercing scream escaped his lips.

And another.

His anger was soon turned to the items in the room, throwing, punching and shoving anything he could, in order to release the anger he felt.

Another scream escaped him, and this time he dropped to the ground against the wall, holding his head between his hands.

Anthony... my world.

Tears sprawled down his face, the warmness of them stinging his cheek.

Anthony... I'm so sorry. 


I sort of, kind of, really really hate this chapter too. 

P.S. To those of you who read this story before, and to those of you who read this chapter now, please do not put sad emoji's, hinting hurt comments on previous chapters. Please treat previous chapters, with whatever mysteries there is in them, as you would if you were reading it for the first time. I know you want to respond with emotion toward 'certain' things, but just don't. It'll only confuse, and sometimes spoil, later events for new readers. 

Ex: comments like "Anthony *cry face emoji*" "I miss him, this is too soon" etc...

I mean, you didn't obviously straight out say everything, but these comments are obvious enough. 

And remember:

This is the most beautiful and strongest fucking family on wattpad. You guys are the moon I sleep to at night, and the sunrise I woke up to in the morning. You make me complete. <3

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