MOVIE >scene124> - A Dorm. A Delinquent. A Girl.

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Fayth ran around the Academy, trying to find any escape route. Regardless of how much her ankle was killing her, she had to get as far away as she could from whoever it was that was running behind her.

Finally, door 'B' came into view. She ran up the stairs to it, and realized that the person running after her was closer than she had expected. He reached the steps only a moment after she did, with the two of them being hardly ten steps apart.

She finished the small distance left to the door, and jumped for the knob right away. She tried the handle, but it wouldn't budge. It was locked.

It's locked.

Her heart started beating faster. She couldn't believe what was happening. She was trapped.

She began turning around slowly. Now that they were near a doorway, it was clear who it was from the high voltage strong light that beat down above their heads.

It was Lexis.

Why–why is he following me? What does he want from a girl he doesn't know? This isn't like him.

Breathless, he said, "Door 'B' is for professors only. But only new students of the Academy are unaware of this. Perhaps, you're new?"

He stood by the edge of the staircase, looking at Fayth with a mocking smirk.

"Why did you run away? You helped a person. Usually any girl would have stayed around Jessie for a thank you from him, and possibly even a kiss?"

Does he–did he figure out who I am? No. No that's impossible. He couldn't. The hair color, the mask, it's too much of a difference between Rihanna and Fayth. They look absolutely nothing alike right now.

Even is she was new to the Academy, there were many new freshmen's that had entered this year too. A month before her, but still not that big of a difference.

He doesn't know who I am. He can't.

"As you so abruptly ran away from me, you were limping from an uncomfortable ankle." He said, taking a step closer. "Your right ankle to be exact. Could it be that you're someone I know?"

Warmer...he's getting warmer.

She was sure that he was suspicious of her now, Rihanna Gessner. He was getting closer to revealing her identity before the mask was off.

She couldn't open her mouth, or else, he would recognize her voice right away. She couldn't move either, otherwise that would give him permission to react and expose her. So instead she stood still, staring at him.

"Also," He added, taking two more steps with a knowing smile on his face. "I couldn't help but notice that you just ran about a quarter of a mile, and you are standing before me not the least bit breathless."

Her eyes flew wide open with shock. She couldn't believe she had forgotten about that. She couldn't believe she had let it pass by her knowing fully well she should be breathing as hard as he was when the chase was over. Even more since she was a girl. But she wasn't thinking. She was too terrified of being caught that she had let it pass her without a single consideration.

Lexis smiled his lazy smile, his feelings frenzied as he looked at the girl in front of him. Apart of him knew, and the other was too much in denial to believe. How could it possibly be? Why? The hair color, the designer dress. Everything. It was much more than he could handle. If the girl behind the mask was indeed Rihanna, then he could only be deafened, bashed, put under the suffer of even more questions.

He took ahold of her mask, and she quietly gasped.

By then, she wasn't sure what she should do. She was standing incredibly close to this ridiculously clever person. The person whom she had despised the moment she laid eyes on. And had been equally terrified of every time she came across.

Right now, he was going to reveal who she really was. A person she tried her best to keep buried in the past as she lived on in the Academy.

And she couldn't let that happen. Not now. Not ever. Not to him especially. So she used the only method she knew she could. A method her uncle once taught her in his Judo center.

She used the element of surprise.

It was all a blur. Her thoughts came and left. Her consciousness died. Fayth caught ahold of Lexis' hand that was about to take off her mask, still staring into his eyes, and held it firmly in place. Her heart was beating fast and hard. She wasn't thinking anymore. She didn't want to think. She wanted to be as inconsiderate of herself as possible. She wanted to be her old self. She wanted to be someone who will use any method, anything, to get out of a bad situation that she was put in.

He wasn't sure who she was. Even if he guessed that behind this mask was Rihanna, it was still only a guess. He hadn't confirmed it. And in any case, he won't be able to after tonight. The hair color, the question mark face. So what if she wasn't breathless? She couldn't be the only one, and so what if she didn't know the Academy by heart yet, Charles and Vivian didn't either. And so what if she was limping, he can later think it through and guess it may have been an after effect of the fight with the senior. There were too many flaws to his accusations. No matter what he will do or say later on, he will never get a chance to come back to this moment and find out who she was.

Because insensitively, Fayth grabbed ahold of Lexis' collar, her eyes pouring into his, her heart thumping in her chest like it was about to burst out into the night, and for the very first time, she firmly pressed her lips against someone's lips, catching him completely off guard.

Not wanting to get stuck in the shock of it all too, she pushed him away, where his back was slammed against the doors, and she ran off again.

This time, successfully getting away.

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