MOVIE >scene29> - A Dorm. A Delinquent. A Girl.

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Summer paced in the Ellis wing, biting on her thumb nail, a bad habit that automatically takes over when she's nervous.

She's been waiting for Lexis to show up for about an hour now, and when he finally came in from the door, she rushed over to him.

"Where were you?"

"Not here apparently. Is there something you need?"

She threw her arms up and rolled her eyes. "I need to know who told the press that I was going to be there. Did you talk about the date in front of anyone?"

"Why would I?" The lazy smile forming on his lips. "I'm the one who called the press."

Summer froze. For a long moment, she just stared at Lexis' face to see if he was joking.

"No way, you wouldn't–"

She tried to put together what happened.

First, he tells her Rihanna's statement was fake, though he couldn't care less about the new arrival, he took it upon himself to reveal that she was fake.

Then, he makes a bet. He tells her to go on a date with him, and goes on to dare her to bring her boyfriend, which of course, she ends up doing. She even fell for his little ring remark, which she hadn't seen as little at all.

"Why?" She breathed.

"You see, your mother wasn't keen about my behavior, so she hinted to my father that she plans to break the engagement. But my idiot of a father was going to persuade her with materialistic things, which your mother so willingly falls for all the time. Either way, she was faltering. I had to take this golden chance into my own hands. So I simply... staged you. And it worked out so well." His smile was alluring, unlike the current situation at all. "My father was stunned by the unending news of you being secretly engaged to an Australian model. He thought it would hurt the company's image, and simply gave in to your mother's request."

Tears were already falling from Summer's eyes. She stared at Lexis with so much hate, you could almost hear the words she was going to say before she said them. "I hate you! I hate you so much!" She screamed, her voice echoing across the large walls.

He reached over to the box of tissues and grabbed one from there, then offered it to her. She snatched it out of his hand.

"You didn't consider what it could have done to my career? My relationship with my parents? With my fans? Whether I'd become a volleyball in the hands of the press? Are you that vulgar?" She dabbed at her tears with the tissue.

"So you'd rather marry me instead?"

She stumbled on her own anger. "N-no."

"Or did you really fall for me?"

"Of course not."

"Then why are you angry? We're two people who dislike one another. Our parents were going to force us into marriage. I broke it off using any possible way I could think of." He shrugged. "I thought we'd be celebrating."

"It isn't that I'm not glad that it happened. It just shouldn't have been on my expense."

"There is nothing I haven't done on my part either."

Summer didn't know what was happening to her. She fell for Lexis. She hated him, and yet she fell for him. And right now, it was confirmed; she will never share it with him. Her sudden new emotions.

What's worse? She had thought somehow he felt for her too. The past few days surely pointed at all the right signs. Little did she know it was all leading to a master plan. From his very first words until he got what he wanted.

The only thing that comforted her right now was the fact that he will never find love in anyone or anything else.

"Fine." She turned around and made her way to the door.

"Oh and Summer?"

She stopped walking, but didn't, couldn't, turn around.

"I'm not good for you."

She huffed. "You're not good for anyone, Lexis." She pulled the door open and exited, tears falling from her eyes. Something that rarely happens by Summer Harrison.

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