MOVIE >scene17> - A Dorm. A Delinquent. A Girl.

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Rihanna approached the circle of students that had formed in the middle of the hall. A commotion was taking place and loud voices were everywhere. As she walked closer to the opening of the circle, she caught a glimpse of the person in the spot light.

He was blonde. Shorter than everyone that stood around, about two inches shorter than Rihanna herself. He wore the Academy's uniform, however it was tattered from what looked like a fight he was involved in.

"Do you think Joshua will survive this time?" A person near her said.


His brown eyes were wet. His lips were bleeding. His nose was bleeding. And his hair was a mess. He stared at someone across from him with so much hatred, with so much fear, with so much disgust, that Rihanna took a step closer and peeked around the person in front of her to see who it was. And froze.

It was him..

He stood there with his back rested against the opposite wall. Legs crossed, arms crossed. And his face... there was never a more darker and manipulative expression.

"Why do you think he's so hung up on Joshua?" A girl near Rihanna said.

"I heard a rumor that its because he's the one who started abusing Jessie, for taking his girlfriend from him or something." The guy next to her answered.

Rihanna's feet became itchy as her body considered turning around and taking a run for it while she can. This is insane. Its the last thing I need.

Her eyes flew open with shock as Joshua was suddenly punched by two of the guys standing in front of Lexis.

"I told you to leave." Lexis said, his voice unlike anything Rihanna had ever heard. It was dead. Yet cunning. A voice that knows it will be heard even if it was mute.

Joshua shivered and whimpered as blood slowly escaped his mouth. "I can't. It's not my choice."

Lexis slowly walked toward Joshua. Rihanna's heart pounded faster as she feared the worst for the poor pitiful person. She wanted to stop him, stop Lexis from getting any closer, but as she took an impulsive step forward, she realized what a stupid move it was.

Lexis felt her presence. Her eyes staring at him. He can feel her terror even, and as he looked over, he can see the fear swallowing Rihanna's eyes completely. He gave her a hard glare, making her stop in her tracks. He could see a lump form and leave from her neck, and he smirked at the fright she received so well from him.

It was the most terrifying thing Rihanna had ever seen. She shivered back the step she took. A sick feeling had erupted through her stomach, a feeling similar to food poisoning, and she had the instant urge to vomit. He was that terrifying.

Lexis took Joshua's shirt in his fist, and with a single push, Joshua tumbled and was lying on the ground, wincing as his wrist took full impact.

Lexis walked slowly closer to him. You could see Joshua's fear as clear as the sky in his eyes. He was terrified of Lexis as much as he absolutely loathed him.

"Make it your choice." Lexis said, ever so calmly. As if a bleeding person wasn't squirming in front of him. "Get rid of yourself if you have to. I don't want to see you here anymore."

Why? What could Joshua possibly have done to be mistreated like this? Is being poor a crime? Or are the rumors true?

He bent down so his deadly eyes could pour into Joshua's. "Do you want me to help you with that. I could, so easily, if you'd like."

Rihanna's heart started ticking, like a bomb that was about to explode. His words held so much truth that she felt, saw.

However, she needed to do something for Joshua. She had to. No one else was. Everyone just stood around doing nothing. As if the most they could do is be glad it wasn't them.

Joshua wiped the blood and saliva drooling from his swollen mouth and tried to stand up, with an expression of disgust directed at Lexis. "You monster."

Lexis straightened up and slammed the heel of his dress shoes against Joshua's chest. "I'll give you time to figure out what you really want."

Joshua squirmed in pain. The pain he felt showed clearly through his expression. Rihanna looked around for an adult, anyone that can righteously stop Lexis. But no one trusting was around.

She looked back at Joshua, more tears fell from his eyes.


Lexis dug his shoes further into Joshua's chest. Joshua growled in pain.


Rihanna shook her head, feeling the pain he was going through. "Somebody do something." She whispered.

She took a step forward.

Joshua looked at her.

Begging. He was begging. She understood him. Somehow he knew that she did. And he wanted her to do something about it. To end it.

She closed her eyes, her heart beating furiously. To end it.

She opened her eyes.

End it.

Her fingers curled into tight fists. She took a deep breath in. And took three steps forward. She wasn't sure what she was going to do, or how she was going to handle it. She wasn't sure of anything, but she was sure as hell she was going to help Joshua.

Almost instantly someone pulled her back, so quick that she came crashing against a body. His cologne was one she was familiar with. She smelled it in her dorm's bathroom quite often. Jessie. He held her head against his chest, where she can hear, feel, his pounding heart.

"Don't ever get involved with Lexis. Not today. Not tomorrow. Not ever."

She looked up at him.

His eyes were apologetic as he looked over at Joshua.

They held a story that he shared with Lexis. One that no one else knew about. 

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