MOVIE >scene131> - A Dorm. A Delinquent. A Girl.

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She paused what she was doing and looked up at him, her breath caught in her throat. She broke into a smile that made him smile back with how wonderful it looked on her.

"You know, when I grew up despising the fact that I didn't have a sibling, especially a sister since I never had that type of bond with anyone here, I would wish that I'd wake up one day and my mother would surprise me that I was going to become a big brother. It feels like all those wishes had come to life, in your form."

Something strung Fayth's chest at what he said. She was stuck in the medium of being happy at the feeling he felt towards her, and less than content with the idea of him having a plain type of love for her. That it wasn't an ignited, passionate, romantic one.

He went back to his table, where Lexis stood staring at her with disappointment. She didn't understand what it meant, but didn't care either. Instead, she went back to work halfheartedly.

When she was done, a large amount the food they cooked was gone, and Alvin said he definitely had nothing to do with it.

"What about the international food marks on your shirt?" Mandy insisted, hands on her hips and her nose flaring with anger.

"Someone's trying to frame me!" Alvin demanded, disbelief coursed through his face at being unfairly judged.

Mandy sighed loudly, her shoulders slumped with exhaustion. "And what's in your hand right now?"

Everyone looked to see him holding two of Fayth's cupcakes in each hand.

He looked at them with shock. "How did that get there?!"

Someone knocked on the door. Mandy sighed and left to see who it was. When she came back, she was frantic with worry. "Everyone, please be on your best behavior. Mr. Ellis has arrived to check on all of you and on the competition."

It took what she said at least ten seconds for it to process inside Fayth's head. And when it did, her heart almost split in half.

Mr. Ellis? As in John? As in Lexis' father?! No! No possible way!

Fayth watched as Mandy straightened her back with her hands entwined in front of her, and with great effort to control her high strung voice, she said. "Please come in Mr. Ellis."

And there he was.

Mr. Ellis, John, Lexis' father, entered the kitchen.

On cue, with the upmost automatic response, Fayth dropped to the ground, and scurried to hide under the table. Her heart was beating in her ears now, frightened on its own.

This can't be happening. This can't be happening. This can't be happening.

She closed her eyes shut and listened as footsteps walked into the huge kitchen.

"What are you doing?!" Katerina whisper angrily at Fayth.

Fayth smiled nervously. "I dropped something." She responded, mutely.

"Hello everyone." Mr. Ellis' thick and authoritative voice filled the room. The familiarity of it made goosebumps travel down Fayth's body.

Everyone from F.A.I.T.H. politely replied in hellos.

"I sincerely appreciate your work for this program as well as the charity the senior home will receive from our Academy. I'm sure it'll be greatly appreciated by those who will enjoy your delicious well made meals."

"It's an honor to have you here with us today." Mandy nervously said "Please do check the students meals and let us know if there should be any adjusting made to your liking."

Fayth could hear the fear she had for John. In fact, everyone in the class seemed to be on their toes in his presence, as if they stood before the president no less.

Mr. Ellis made his way around each table, tasting and complimenting everyone's food. When he reached Fayth's table is when it became very discomforting and mind haunting. She crouched closer into the corner under the table, hoping with all of her heart he would just keep going and not realize someone's missing.

"Isn't there a newly enrolled student in the program? The one who had enrolled right before Ms. Crane." He asked. "Her name was..."

"Rihanna, sir." Mandy answered.

"Yes, Rihanna. Rihanna Gessner I believe. Where is she? I'd like to meet her."

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