MOVIE >scene150> - A Dorm. A Delinquent. A Girl.

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What a lovely person you are. To be this patient with me. <3

"Hey. You okay?" Jessie walked into the dorm, two cups of coffee in his hands.

Fayth was sitting on his bed, staring at a paper he had hanged on the wall, reading it to pass time.

He handed her a cup. She looked at it and nodded, a faint smile on her lips. "Yeah, I'm fine."

He sat on the chair in front of her, his long legs opened enough so her small ones were in the middle. He knelt in. His face close to hers, he asked. "It's the weekend. Do you want to do something? Maybe go out camping or whatever it is that you want to do?"

She quickly shook her head. Her heart was pounding noticeably at the closeness in-between them. "No, it's fine. I'd rather just stay in. Bubbles, she has something she needs to do for her pre-school later on anyways, and I have to go with her."

He sighed, his eyes soft with sadness. "Rihanna, you're not the you I remember anymore."

"I'm okay." She faked a smile and looked up. "I just don't feel like doing things like before. I get sick in the stomach if I try."

Jessie placed his hand on her cheek, and Fayth leaned into his touch, immediately falling into serenity.

What is it about you that makes me feel this way...

"Lexis is still not showing up?" She asked, closing her eyes.


"Where do you think he went?"

"He has a beach house about eight hours away that he lives in with Dawn during the summer. He could be staying there right now."

"Do you think he'll stop coming to school?"

Jessie stayed quiet for a long time. "He doesn't need the Academy." He finally said. "He's a college student."

Fayth opened her eyes and straightened up, losing her touch with Jessie's hand. "But why–"

"Anthony." Jessie pursed his lips. "So he and Anthony can live and spend more time together. During the times that Anthony would go to see their father, Lexis would attend his university classes."


"He's studying to be a doctor. He thought he could beat time and find a cure for Anthony with his own brain, but Anthony didn't fight as long as Lexis thought he would."

Fayth nodded. Having a harder time to keep the fake smile on her face, she looked back at her coffee.

Jessie sighed, wondering what he could possibly do for her. His heart hurt every time she hurt. He could almost feel the emptiness in her thoughts. She woke up in the morning, went to the F.A.I.T.H. wing, came back after the last period, and sat in their dorm until she fell asleep. Jessie would put aside more and more activities that he had to do and instead, he would come and spend time with her. It didn't seem like she wanted any of her female friends around her. She didn't want anyone else other than Jessie. She'd relax at the sight of him. She'd smile, even though he knew well it wasn't wholeheartedly, but it was a good thing to see either way. On the weekends...she'd disappear. She'd leave the Academy and come back Sunday night, exhausted.

He'd help her take off her jacket, her shoes, her socks, then get her into bed. She'd usually refuse to change into a pajama, wishing to just go to sleep already, and he would lay beside her on the bed until she fell asleep.

The nightmares would come sometime after midnight. Jessie by then would have gone back to his bed, but would be wide awake until he had gotten up, walked over to her, and held her again until the nightmare was gone. He would only go back to his bed and fall asleep afterwards.

He'd wonder about her more and more. Why she is the way she is. Why she lied about being poor, and why she changes her appearance drastically to cover the person she used to be. He'd wonder who the girl in the pictures is. If she's different from the Rihanna he's looking at right now. He'd wonder what kind of person she used to be. What her character conveyed. What her interest were.

He understood Lexis' ambition.

And he wondered about her...more and more these days.

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