MOVIE >scene69> - A Dorm. A Delinquent. A Girl.

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Rihanna woke up from her magnified feelings at Violet's sight. Quickly she pushed Lexis away and began running after Violet as she reopened the classroom door and rushed out.

"Violet!" Rihanna yelled as she tried to follow her through the hallways and down the staircase. "Violet, please! It's not what you think!"

It's absolutely not what she thinks. How could she even consider it as something to get hurt over! Rihanna doesn't even speak to Lexis. At all. She doesn't look at him for god sake. How could she have come to a conclusion that Lexis and her were in a intimate moment? Didn't she notice his–Rihanna's expression?! He was looking at Rihanna with complete hatred. She was looking at him with shake-worthy fear.

Rihanna ran down the stairs as fast as she could, and even though Violet had a head start, Rihanna was still able to get closer to her. She grunted under her breath as the crowds of students started piling out of everywhere in front of her. Quickly, before she had the chance to catch Violet between her hands, Violet disappeared between the sudden commotion.

Rihanna stopped running and looked around hopelessly. She began feeling down as she realized she may as well have made an enemy for no real reason at all. And she wouldn't have minded it any other time, but Violet, unfortunately, was a member of F.A.I.T.H. and Rihanna desperately wanted them to like her. She wanted that more than anything in the world.

"Rihanna Gessner." Summer's voice sent shivers down Rihanna's back. It was the last thing she wanted to hear. She turned around and saw Summer's devilish smirk.

"Dawn Academy's entire population had been searching for you. Can you imagine how hot rumors about you right now are?" She looked Rihanna up and down, smirking at her uniforms condition. "I see you couldn't afford a new uniform. I'd apologize..."

"Thanks." Rihanna said. She turned around and made her way down to the main lobby. She began to search for Violet there, but as the room emptied, there was still no sign of her.

"You don't seem to care that I busted out your cover." Summer said, following her.

Rihanna stopped walking and turned around. This time, Summer had company with her.

"Listen, can't you just leave me alone? I have a lot on my plate as it is. I don't need you to make it any harder."

"Do you want to know who so willingly uncovered your fake bank statement?" She smirked. "Lexis Ellis, a person to be feared if lied to."

Rihanna's face showed the sudden fear she felt. Lexis? Lexis? Why would he... Rihanna's heart pounded faster and faster as she realized her life in the Academy was only becoming worse to bear. If Lexis had interest in trying to meddle with her personal life, that means...

"They say curiosity killed a cat. And I've already murdered the bastard."

Is that what he meant? He was already digging? Rihanna released an inner moan of anger. She couldn't believe she was able to muster anymore hate for him. Fear, hate, and inner rage that come in to play the moment she see'd him made Rihanna that much closer to giving up on the life she dreamed of in Dawn Academy. She really wanted to be civil with everyone. Treat everyone with kindness and respect. And hopefully get the same in return. But how could you give someone those traits when their character is void of them? How could you give anyone those traits when he's around.

That aside, Rihanna needed to find Violet. She needed to clear up the misunderstanding before it could get any bigger.

"I can see that he has some sort of affect on you." Summer squinted her eyes and smiled discreetly. "You don't fear Lexis... do you now? I hadn't the slightest clue that you even knew him." A flash back of Rihanna leaving the kitchen Lexis had been sitting inside of clouded Summer's vision.

What was that about...

Rihanna dropped her gaze to the floor. There was no way in hell she was going to admit that. Not to Summer at the very least. So what if she was scared of a trouble maker? He was enrolled in F.A.I.T.H. for heaven's sake. Of course she's going to fear him. She wasn't the only one.

The reason why Joshua was beat up, and eventually chased out of Dawn Academy, it was him. Lexis. If anything, its only normal to be afraid of him.

However, to Rihanna, that normal fear that a person would feel around Lexis, centupled in her heart, veins, mind, body. Her everything. She would instantly become a panicked mess. A building on a string, on the verge of being consumed by gravity, a force known as Lexis in her new life here.

Summer closed up on her. Her two girl friends and one guy friend doing the same. "Apart from that. I still can't comprehend how you had the nerve to deceive me in such a way. Were you that desperate, or are you that dense?"

"You painted me with glue."

"Yes." Summer said, ever so simply. "I did, but it's nothing, underline nothing to what I'm going to do to you from now on. I don't like to express my feelings through words." She smiled a toe curling smile. "I like to convey them every so vibrantly with actions. I learned that from Lexis."

Rihanna wiped her sweaty palms on her skirt. Summer's threat was loud and clear, and it evidently rolled its affect on Rihanna in the same way.

"You see that door behind you?"

Rihanna glanced back, and realized she was feet away from the Academy's main doors.

"They open from the inside, but don't from the outside. If somehow you end up on the other side, you would have broken the Academy's number one rule." She smiled her model worthy smile. "Tony."

Tony advanced on Rihanna, who already knew what Summer was planning. It all happened so fast. First, she was standing upright on the floor, and a moment later she was hauled up on the big guy's shoulder. With a few steps, he made his way to the door, cracked it open, and with ease, pushed Rihanna out to the main street's entrance. Then the door slammed shut.

Violet. I need to get to Violet.

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