MOVIE >scene123> - A Dorm. A Delinquent. A Girl.

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Did I mention how you can't even drop hints in the inline comments about a certain paragraph. Like for instance, a comment like "Oooh, that's what you think." Its not a straight-out spoiler, but come on. You and I both know we can guess something out of it. OR "I wish I can spoil this so bad" <- this specifically pisses me off, because it'll be on a paragraph that seems completely normal to a first time reader, but then they read the comment and their mind goes like: "Opp, there it is. I bet you her name is not Rihanna. She must be undercover." And I'm just sitting here reading the comments with my jaw on the ground, thinking to myself why wattpad doesn't give the writer the power to turn off inline comments from our side. Please, Just don't. 

Fayth ended up outside again. It's been three months since she had enrolled into the Academy and she was still unsure of her way around the massive building. Her entering F.A.I.T.H. and being stuck in one room all day didn't help either.

She paused when she thought of an idea. She felt like an idiot for not thinking of it the moment Vincent dropped her off. All she needed to do was climb the tree that Lexis used to get into her dorm. Fortunately, the tree was in a remotely hidden place that no one uses.

She felt a jolt of hope and reassurance. This is going to work. I'll be in my own bed, resting this damn ankle and filtering out today's events before anyone knows it.

Before she made it around the building, she paused mid-step. At first, she could only stand there and try to comprehend if what she was seeing in front of her was real. If it was okay. If it was possible.

The horror of it washed over her in a single second. Jessie, the most harmless person to ever walk this earth, was being held by the collar, pushed against the wall, with blood dripping out of his mouth.

By who?

A senior who had his fist pulled back, ready to throw another punch.

"I didn't touch your girlfriend." Jessie stated, as if everything he was being accused of was absurd.

"Why?! What's wrong with my girlfriend? Huh? Why won't you touch her? You know something about her that I don't?"

"N–no! That's not it!" Jessie looked at the guy baffled, absolutely lost for words.

"What is it then?!" The guy exclaimed in a deafening tone. He was so angry, Fayth expected Jessie to lie and say he did get together with his girlfriend just to settle the matter.

But that wasn't it. It never was. He couldn't, wouldn't. Jessie cared about his position as grade president more than anything.

Is this what he goes through? Was the abuse nonstop like this before?

"Why aren't you answering, huh? You think you're too good to answer you spoiled piece of–"


The guy punched Jessie so hard, Fayth almost fell off her two feet.

Jessie grunted in pain, but did not fight back. He gradually straightened back up, opening his eyes slowly. His breathing was heavy as more blood came out of his cut lip. The pain he felt was visible by just looking at his face.

He nearly punched Jessie again, but Fayth advanced on him and took ahold of his arm before it reached, then she cracked it behind his back. As he hollered in pain, she turned him and pushed him away from Jessie, then dug her shoe heel across his face.

He was persistent. Even after she had socked him hard on the nose with her fist, he took a punch at her, one that she was able to dodge. She dodged the three after that too, hoping he'd get tired of her and leave.

But he didn't.

Getting sick of his stubbornness, she whacked him across the face, twice, and kicked him hard in the stomach.

Wrong foot.

She flinched as her ankle grew hot with pain.

The guy took advantage of her pained expression, mumbled a few swear words, and advanced on her again.

But then another person interfered and the fight was over.

Lexis took ahold of the guys arm and twisted it behind his back, then threw him to the ground with ease. He turned him over, and with the most disturbing empty expression, Lexis sprung his arm back, and hammered punches into the guys face.

"That's it Lexis, you can stop now." Jessie said.

Lexis didn't stop.

Jessie took ahold of Lexis' arm and pulled him up before he was able to let the guy go.

The guy got up on his knees and crawled as far away as he could from them before he stood up and ran off to the doors.

"Thank you." Jessie said.

Fayth turned around and looked at him.

"What's your name?"

That's when she realized exactly who she was in the situation she had put herself in. It was definitely not Rihanna. In fact, it was someone who she never wanted exposed. Especially to Jessie.

She turned around, fear licking her back, and ran. Ran as fast as a person could with a limp. She ran with her heart jumping in her throat. She was so terrified, she felt like could cry right there and then. Because she knew well that if one of them had caught her, if Lexis had used force to remove her mask, she would have most likely never gotten to see another day in this Academy.

Feeling a bit more reassured about the distance she had put in between them, she glanced back. Her eyes opened wide at the sight of someone running after her. She couldn't tell who it was, whether it was Jessie or Lexis, but couldn't care. Either of them were a threat.

Why? Why is he–whoever it is–running after me?

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